(Chapter 14)/Finding the Hidden Truth

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(A/N: Big warning, this chapter goes really heavy on violence, child murder, gore, and light on the suicide mentions. I apologize if some of these do end up triggering any of you, but this is going to explain how Anthro's took over, and will fill some gaps of logic,

Also, just for reference, the Darkness, the leader of the Shadow Legion, has his armor in the shape of a Space Marine from Warhammer 40k, stands at 9 feet tall, and carries a sword on his back,

Also, long chapter ahead, about 16k words,

Now back to the story.)

Sophia Greymore's POV:
July 7th, 2092, 07:30:
Virginia, Washington DC:

The day was cloudy over Virginia, the wind heavy, and the crowd surrounding the Whitehouse gates larger than 3 days ago. For the past 3 days, I've has attempted to explain that humans shouldn't go extinct, that peace between humanity and Anthro civilization was possible. Many of the Anthro leaders and politicians, however, disagreed harshly.

They believed humanity was getting what they deserved, suggesting that they're lucky to be alive. I knew better than that, especially since humans have lived on the planet longer than we've have had a conscience. I felt nearly alone in the room, feeling like a kitten trying to take a stick from a raging full-grown dog. It is only because of the President's support and help that I has even bothered to stay.

The next meeting with the politicians wouldn't be for until 12 o'clock, so I had some time before hand. I have nearly explored every part of the Whitehouse, even the hidden entrances the Darkness showed me. But there was one location I have yet to explore, one that has given me curiosity in this place, one that even the President is restricted from. That room was guarded in a near 24/7 span by guards, and the only ones I've seen allowed into the room was lab grown Anthro's, which piqued my curiosity.

I've been studying the guard's rotation time, and was planning on sneaking into the room, trying to find out what's inside it. I hid behind the edge of the hallway before peeking out, seeing two felines guarding the wooden door. Since I learned that the guards rotate every 4 hours, with a minute of an open window, that would be plenty of time for me to get in the room and find out what's inside. I watched as the one on the left checked his watch before turning to the other guy and nodded, beginning to walk down a separate hall.

I started sneaking to the door quickly, peeking down the hall the felines went down, finding them around 30 feet away. Then, I walked to the door before standing in front of it. This was it, I was in front of the door to the room that I was restricted from, going inside would be Insubordination for me. But then again, I haven't exactly been treated fairly by the leaders and politicians, so I could hardly care less.

Opening the door, I saw another door just 5 feet away from this one, metal instead of wood. I stepped into the pre-room, closing the wooden door before opening the metal one. Light filled my eyes as the room behind that door was fairly large. Inside was a large screen at the other side, a long, thin table expanding within a 50-foot line in the middle of the room, filled with all sorts of stuff ranging from computers to files, and a vault-like door on the very right wall.

Walking inside, I began to walk around the table, looking at the nameplates on certain parts of the tables. I soon realized that these were the names of the lab grown Anthro's, each given fair space on the table. Looking at the nameplates carefully, I saw that the names were in alphabetical order. Following along that, I walked around the table before finding the nameplate with my last name on it. On that part of the table was a computer and multiple files, each consisting of dates going all the way back to 2040.

Before exploring this table, I looked around and wondered why no one was in the room. More importantly, why couldn't I be trusted with what was in this room, especially since I knew my parents were allowed in. I then looked back at the files and picked up the earliest one, 2040. Inside was multiple papers and documents, and at the very front was the earliest, January 7th, 2040. It was a paper with handwriting I recognized as my mothers, and on it wrote,

War for ChangeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ