(Chapter 21)/Beginning of the Endgame (part 2)

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(A/N: Remember, this happens during the events of Chapter 20, now back to the story.)

Rex's POV:
August 7th, 2092, 10:00:
Lanai, Hawiian Islands:

Standing at the Naha pier of the island, I was walking alongside the General of the Forlorn Republic. Today was the day, we were going to the Gathering center to discuss the war. The gathering center was considered a sacred place by all humans, where the original creators of the human armies banded together, set aside any and all differences, and discussed ways to fight against the Anthro forces. Normally, only the most reputable would call a summit of every leader to join, but today was different.

Normally, there are usually only two summits a year, three at most to discuss the war and how to improve upon it. It was mainly so one army leader would understand the operation of another, but we also pass ideas around and vote. Most of the time, these votes are passed automatically because of the deadliness it produced. This one, however, is far more different than ever before.

Normally, neither the Illusive Man or the Darkness ever show up physically for any summits, nor call any. This year, however, the Darkness called the summit, which was a part of the second phase of the Endgame. Curiosity will cause every leader to appear, as the Shadow Legion has never called a summit.

General Hale: "May I ask you a question, Rex?"

Turning to the general, I said,

Rex: "Of course sir, what's on your mind?"

General Hale (takes a deep breath): "With the reports we've received of humans that'll most likely join us during the Endgame, how well do you think our chances are of pulling it off? Be completely honest."

I looked down and began thinking of the brothers and sisters I've both fought and work with as I thought of the reports. It was better than I hoped, and worse than I feared. Over 70% of what's left of humanity has expressed their interest in giving Anthro's a second chance, in private of course. However, Sophia was a part of the 25% who were still in want of destroying Anthro's, and Kagiso and Igor were a part of the 5% who were unaffiliated.

Huh, even with humanity leaning towards extinction, we still find ways to put politics into everything. I turned to the General and said honestly,

Rex: "We're going to lose a lot of good people, but I believe we have a better shot at this than before."

General Hale: "I see, how's your arm?"

Looking at my arm, it still amazes me that this limb was back in shape. I assumed that I would have to be sitting in the sidelines after that Spartan broke my arm, but luck seemed to be on my side. I turned back to the general and gave him a thumbs up.

He then nodded before looking forward, which I did as well. In front of us was the Gathering Center, officers and soldiers of various armies were here in front of the door. A general of an army was allowed to bring a single other person in the chamber itself, to act as a bodyguard. In reality though, it was just a way to express the kind of people they put themselves with, and as such, weapons are not allowed in the chamber.

The general chose me to be his bodyguard, and I was very surprised. I haven't spoken nor heard from the Darkness since we got back from Armistice Base, making me curious of what he was doing this entire time. As we got closer to the door, I looked around and saw Kagiso and Igor standing by the door we were about to enter through. Kagiso, in his armor, white and red with a grenade launcher on his right shoulder, raised his head and waved while saying,

Kagiso: "Rex, it's good to see you, how have you been?"

Rex (waves back): "Good Kagiso, it's nice to see both of you as well."

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