(Chapter 18)/Assault, Heat, and a Skeleton Crew

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Zero's POV:
July 22nd, 2092, 06:00:
Armistice Base, State of Amazonas:


Aaaawwww, alright, the alarm clock woke me up and I didn't have a weird dream this time. Today seems to already be a good day, or will it start fucking up the second I walk out that door? Only one way to find out, I guess.

Getting out of bed, I start walking to the table before grabbing my cleaned uniform and walking to the bathroom. I then begin taking a shower, recounting the amount of Cerberus facilities, bases, and important operations we've managed to take out so far. If I'm counting right, 12 of the 45 of those are destroyed, which was good, but not as close as we needed it to be.

After showering, I cleaned myself before putting my uniform on, walking back to the table and beginning to put on my armor. After some time doing that, I inspect each of my weapons and gear, remembering I left my DMR for Douglas to mess with after getting him more parts for Angel. I then walked to the door, wondering what today would bring.

As soon as I open it, I see Douglas, surprisingly awake at this time, locking each of the other team's doors from the outside with a large metal pole. I walk up to him and ask as he locks Chloe's door,

Zero: "Something going on?"

Douglas (looks at him as though he's crazy): "You're joking, right?"

I just crossed my arms and stared at him, wanting answers. Then, to my surprise, he slowly backed away from the locked door while saying,

Douglas: "Fuck, you really don't know."

Zero (confused): "Know what?"

Douglas (just wanting to get this over with): "You do know that Anthro women go through heat cycles, right?"

Zero: "Yeah, but I thought they had random dates when that happens, kind of like human women during periods."

Douglas (nods his head): "That's true, but there's a week all females, from sixteen and up, develop a primal need for pleasure."

Zero: "Could you be more specific?"

Douglas (sighs): "Basically, from the 22nd to the 29th of July, they lose their sense of reasoning in exchange for a need of pleasure. It's something that we have yet to fix, and right now, I'm afraid of even looking at my sister during this week."

Despite him wearing a helmet, I could tell he was serious about this. Huh, I knew they had times of heat, but I had no idea about this. Wait, how much of a problem is this going to be? I looked at him and asked,

Zero: "How bad could it get?"

Douglas: "Normally, back in the U.S., this kind of day is heaven, and we Anthro men usually take advantage of it. Here, it's a literal nightmare, each Anthro woman is required during this time to lock themselves in their rooms. We still feed them and get them what they need, but if they get out..."

Ok, I get the jest of it, basically, they're under their biological need to breed. I looked at him and asked, completely curious about how shorthanded we are,

Zero: "So, what would you say is the male/female population rate for this base?"

Douglas: "Thirty/Seventy, so we're completely fucked during this week if we get attacked, hopefully figuratively."

Damn, that would be bad, but if the worst does come to show, I can thankfully work with these numbers. I just looked at him and patted his shoulder, saying as I walked by him,

Zero: "I'll be by Brian's workshop if you need me."

Douglas (grunt's): "I doubt it."

I then left the Alpha quarters, entering the large corridor. I saw large poles on the other doors, does that mean they're also going to be preoccupied? I just sighed as I walked down the hall, seeing some more doors blocked off. Entering the elevator, I start making my way down, hearing the same music again.

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