(Chapter 8)/Mechanical Adventures: Just some Scrap

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Helena's POV:
June 25th, 2092, 07:00:
Armistice Base, State of Amazonas:

Sitting on the chair by my desk, I was beginning to deal with all sorts of orders and messages. Most of the stuff on here was hardly worth any effort, so I easily passed through it in a breeze. Alpha Team was set on shore leave today, so I wasn't even thinking on missions for them. I was nearly finished with all the emails as I opened the last one, and strangely, it was a request from Brian.

Brian doesn't usually make requests via email, most of the time finding me when I'm not in my office. I clicked on it and read,

'Colonel, ma'am
I'm requesting if I may got to the Scrapyard today to collect materials and parts for requests and my personal project. As for security, I'm requesting if I may ask Zero to accompany me for this trip, the smaller, the better, right?

Please respond as soon as possible.
-Mechanical officer Brian'

Hmm, the Scrapyard, the dumping ground for seemingly useless Anthro technologies. The dumping ground is only 100 miles east of here, but the thing is that no Anthro guards the dump, so it's practically open to all forms of danger. I decided to reply to him, that I would not be ordering Zero to do anything, if he managed to convince Zero to come, he would just need to let me know. After sending the message, I looked out the window and began thinking on what was happening back home.

Zero's POV:
One hour later:

Sitting in the workshop, I was fixing my propulsion system since it was the three-monthly time to clean the propulsion devices. Taking out a propulsion device from one of the heat dispensers, I shook it a bit before wiping it with a wet wipe and placing it back into the dispenser, covering it back up, and moving on to the next one. After some time, I managed to clean each of the twelve propulsion devices and began calibration on my two grapplers. A knock on the door caught my attention as I stood up, still calibrating my grapplers, and walked by the living room to the door. Opening it, I saw Brian standing there looking like he was about to give a sale's pitch.

Brian: "Cero, it's good to see you again, how's the grappler working?"

Zero: "Working just fine, thanks to you."

Brian: "I'm glad it could work, however, I have a request to make, if you don't mind."

Zero(raises eyebrow): "I'll hear you out."

Brian: "Well, I'm running low on parts and the budget given to us mechanics from the Colonel isn't helping, so I need to go to the Scrapyard. Mechanics of each base are allowed to go there, but they are required to have security guarding them, and I was wondering if you could be that security?"

Zero: "What's the Scrapyard?"

Brian: "It's every Anthro mechanics Dreamland, filled with so much parts that no one wants and where no one will judge us should we jump into it and look for something useful."

Ok, that just sounded personal on so many levels. Ignoring that, why would security be needed if it's an Anthro dumping ground? I looked back at him and asked,

Zero: "Well, why is security needed, doesn't the Anthro Army or your government do anything for the scrapyard?"

Brian: "Our military was mainly used to fight your kind and our government officials are just absolutely horrible when making decisions. Those pendejos wouldn't know anything about security even if it bit them in the ass. Which is why it's completely unguarded and open to pretty much anyone that finds it."

Huh, ok, now it makes sense why he would need security. I raised my finger as I said,

Zero: "Let me just do something real quick and I'll get back to you."

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