(Chapter 6)/Insurance

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Helena POV:
July 16th, 2092, 05:00:
Armistice base, State of Amazonas:


Getting up out of bed, I stretch myself before taking a shower and changing from my night clothes to my military uniform. After some time adjusting my berret, I look into the mirror and see the same old face I've always had. I sighed silently to myself before leaving my room, entering into my office. As soon as I sat on my desk and turned on my computer, I immediately began receiving a call from general Greymore. Curious, I accepted it and stood up just as a window popped up on my computer, showing the general. J saluted as I said to her,

Helena: "Ma'am, Colonel Helena reporting for duty "

Sophia Greymore: "At ease Colonel, I wanted to check up on how operations against Cerberus are going."

Helena: "Slow but steady ma'am, were making progress for our mission."

Sophia Greymore: "Good, good...."

Looking at the screen, I saw the general start getting nervous, like she's afraid to say something. Hopefully, she doesn't get mad as I asked,

Helena: "Is everything alright ma'am."

Sophia Greymore(sighs in discontent): "Remember Shepherd, the one you and Zero revealed as a part of the human slave trade?"

Helena: "Yeah, is something wrong."

Sophia Greymore: "Turns out that whole thing is bigger than we thought. After his supply distributors learned of his discharge, they kidnapped one of my brothers and threatened to kill him if they can't continue with their operation as normal."

The Greymore family was among the first of the initial Anthros that fought back against the humans when we were experiments. As such, they've been given both high privileges and expectations to the army. To know one has been kidnapped is unheard of, so I asked,

Helena: "Is there anything I can do to help, the army?"

Sophia Greymore: "No, I have a feeling Shepherd wasn't the only one corrupt in the army. My brother was on a secret mission in Chile, very few people knew about it, so the only way they could've found out is because their getting insider information. No one in the army can help me, but there could be a way to save him."

Helena: "How so?"

Sophia Greymore: "Zero."

Wait, she wants to leave the fate of her brother's life at the hands of Zero? I knew she was taking a risk for this mission alone, but to allow Zero, a human, to go outside military jurisdiction and help was not only a risk, but a threat to the mission of word got out. I looked back at her and asked,

Helena: "Ma'am, I don't see how he can help, could you clarify?"

Sophia Greymore: "Just because I assigned him to Alpha Team doesn't mean he's a part of the A.A., so technically he's still a Captain of the Forlorn Republic. I not going to order you, because this type of mission goes outside military jurisdiction, but I ask for your help in saving my brother."

Helena: "I'd be more than happy to help ma'am, but I don't know how Zero can."

Sophia Greymore: "I'll file a mission for the rest of Alpha Team to be on a mission for the A.A., after they leave, call me back when you two are alone, and I'll explain it along the way."

The call then ended, leaving me confused on how I could help her. She may be trying to hide it, but from her expressions and the way she says sentences shows that she cares for her family, and it hurts her that her brother is in danger. I decided to prepare my part in whatever she needed as I waited for the file to come.

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