(Chapter 29)/A Disgraced Return

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Zero's POV:
August 29th, 2092, 07:00:
An Alliance FOB outside of the state of Maine:


Uh, damn, alright, time to get ready. Getting up from this bed, I look around, finding myself in a makeshift room that could qualify for a closet. Then again, I'm not staying here for long, same with the rest of Alpha Team. It's been like that for over a week, we get to a state, help clear a major city, and Bam, the Alliance takes care of the rest, then it's off to the next one. Well, at least this is the last US state, then it's off to Canada and the Islands.

Getting out of bed, I stretch a bit, popping my back before going to my armor and putting it on. After that, I start checking my weapons before holstering and shouldering them. Taking a look at my grapplers, I start walking to the door, which was a slider, before pushing it aside. Behind it was the hallway of closet rooms, which were hundreds.

Maybe the others are awake? Then again, it is around 7, so the twins might be oversleeping. As I began walking down the hallways, I began to wonder what we were doing next. Capture, assault, convoy hit, there was a just only a few to choose from now. Then again, we'll still need to take Canada and the Island's, so this last state isn't going to be the last place we attack.

Walking down the hallways, there wasn't anyone else besides me so far, which seemed weird. What kind of horror knock-off is going to happen this time? Ha, but seriously, is no one else awake? As I turned another left, I finally saw two guards by a door, a male human and a female reptilian Anthro.

As I walked over to them, the human guard looked at me, raised his off hand for me to stop, and said,

Male human Alliance soldier: "I'm sorry Zero, Alliance command is having a meeting, only high clearance can get you entry."

Zero (nods): "Alright, fair enough, I just wanted to see if there was anyone else alive in the hallways."

Male human Alliance soldier: "Heh, well if you must know, everyone else is at the yard at the moment, including the rest of Alpha Team."

Wait, what? What is everyone else doing that I didn't hear about? Wait, is it a surprise? Eh, won't know until I go there.

Looking at the guards, I waved at them before walking away while saying,

Zero: "Alright, take care you two."

Female reptilian Alliance soldier: "You as well, Zero."

Alright, if I remember correctly the yard should be to the left. Going that way, I saw a lot of people outside the few windows of the wall gathered around something. After a minute or two of walking, I opened the doors and was immediately bombarded by shouting. A lot of the people out here were sitting down, so it didn't take long before I saw the two people fighting in a makeshift ring.

Both Via and Rena were going at it, and judging by Chloe's stance, this seemed like another training thing. Huh, I guess Spartan training can have a moral effect on the soldiers. I began walking around the crowd while also watching the fight, seeing Rena deliver a vicious right hook to Via's face. Eventually, I stood beside Chloe's right, watching the fight while asking,

Zero: "How long have they been going at it?"

Chloe: "About three minutes, it should take around fifteen, given both of their skill sets."

Looking back at the ring, both Rena and Via were locked into direct combat, throwing punches and kicks from left to right. A lot of people seemed to be giving money to a black dragon, placing it in a fedora. Jeez, there's definitely going to be a lot of unhappy betters. As I watch the fight, Chloe said,

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