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Humanity, while not at world peace, was calm and even thriving with no wars at the time of 2035. A group of scientists, however, changed all that when testing a chemical compound called 'White Mist' or WM on animals. The changes the scientists have done were the greatest and most drastic decisions they've ever made.
Firstly, the animals became humanoid and started developing a consciousness similar to that of humans.
Secondly, these 'Anthros,' as they were classified as, started building intelligence faster than the scientists predicted.
And lastly, these Anthros has much higher physical abilities then humans, such as better strength, agility, and endurance.

The Anthros developed a silent hatred towards humans as a whole due to the unethical tests the scientists ran on them. One day, the Anthros broke free from the scientists control and killed everyone at the facility they were tested on. The Anthros took whatever was left of the WM and somehow made it to the North Pole.

The Russians at the time were illegally building a rocket for some odd reason at the North Pole, and just as they finished all the tests, the Anthros surprise attacked them and killed them out of hatred. They loaded with the rest of the WM, about ten cargo containers worth, before setting a bomb they built that would destroy the rocket just as it reach the highest atmospheric point before closing everything, reaching a safe distance, and when they did, they launched the rocket into orbit.

The rocket exploded, and as it did, the compound then spread throughout the planet, turning most animals on earth into Anthros. The only species of animals unaffected by White Mist was every insectoid species and most aquatic species, with the exception of sharks. The lab tested Anthros then started spreading a message throughout the world to tell their fellow brethren to fight back against the 'lesser species,' humans.

While a minority of Anthros didn't want to hurt anybody, the majority started killing all humans on sight.
It became known as 'Gaia's Rage' when they started worldwide domination. Men, Women, Children, no human was safe against these angry Anthros, and when world governments started to fight back, they underestimate the Anthros ability to learn. The Anthros annihilated every world army and turned their rage onto large population centers, such as cities and towns. There was almost nothing stopping these creatures from using humanities weapons against civilians. Roughly 40% of the human population was killed before the major world leaders finally got their stuff together and started fighting back.

This wouldn't last long however, as the Eastern continents were so desperate at keeping the Anthros from getting their own intelligence, they blew themselves up with nuclear weapons. Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe are nothing more than ruins of a nuclear disaster wasteland. Only North America, South America, and Antarctica are the only continents left considered habitable. As such, Anthros managed to 'kick' humanity out of both of the American continents, however, humanity took complete control of the Hawaiian islands and use all of them as their armies main base of operations.

Humanity has several factions that their 7.6 million remaining humans are apart of, but the most significant are The Forlorn Republic, Cerberus, and The Black Hawks.

The Forlorn Republic are by far the most powerful military with over 1.7 million members and only slowly decreasing, their members know that they are always the first into battle and the last to leave, as such, they excel in just about all forms of physical combat and easily have high reaction times for long periods of time, however, only a decent minority can become officers. The leader of this faction is a man named Hale Alexander, who was 37, America's general at the time and saved the President, who is a man named David Oyler, from an impossible to escape from situation, as such, The Forlorn Republic was founded with the Presidents permission by Hale, and he has led it for the past 50 years and counting.

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