(Chapter 13)/Training with the Alpha

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(A/N: There will be mentions of blood and gore in this chapter, along with torture and abuse, so here's your warning.)

Zero's POV:
July 5th, 2092, 08:00:
Armistice Base, State of Amazonas:

Leaving the entrance of the base, I looked up and saw the sun pouring down some good-old Vitamin D. I was walking to Brian's workshop to get my guns he borrowed to upgrade after bringing him that Cerberus mech. Turns out, human tech is in demand to the Anthro government, so I was just barely able to procure the one I did. After bringing him it, or rather, a bunch of helicopters doing that, he told me to leave all three guns with him and that they should be ready with a good upgrade by tomorrow morning, last night.

Walking around the courtyard, I started hearing conversations about what happened yesterday from many people. Most involved how we could've been ambushed, and a lot has involved me. Not surprising there, but what was, however, was others defending me from those accusations. That astounded me to places I didn't think were possible of reaching.

Eventually, I reached Brian's workshop and took out the key card he gave me. After the whole security shabam, the door unlocked, allowing me to enter. After opening the door to his workshop, I saw him lift my DMR up to a target 10 ft away from him, firing and hitting a headshot. As I walked over to him, I asked,

Zero: "So, how's target practice going for you?"

Brian (laughs): "Oh its significantly more deadly than that, here, look at where the X is."

I chuckled as I walked over and was having trouble finding an X. Then, looking at where he shot, I just barely find the X indent corners around the bullet hole. I wasn't sure at what this meant, so I turned to him and asked,

Zero: "What exactly does this mean?"

Brian (extends DMR): "Here, it's the scope."

Taking the DMR, I aim it at the dummy and began testing some stuff on it as he said,

Brian: "I've managed to increase the total range of your scope to a 5x zoom, and for a fun touch, I added thermal vision to it, so you should have an easier time finding targets."

Damn, Brian is truly a weapons smith, I'll give him that. Testing out the range and thermal vision so I can quickly get suited to it for future ops. I then deactivated the thermal vision and shouldered it. I then turned back to Brian and asked,

Zero: "Thanks, but what about my pistols?"

Brian: "Ah, Muerte y mortal."

He then walked over to a table and grabbed both of them, raising them up in the air. Looking at both of them, I saw both of the barrels seemed different. As he gave them to me, he said while I was inspecting,

Brian: "For those two, I shortened the range the bullets could be heard down to ten feet, if I had schematics for them, I could probably shorten it even further."

Damn, now that's handy, but will it work with my strange round? I loaded them with fresh ammunition, took aim at the target, and fired both pistols twice simultaneously. The guns were definitely a lot quieter than before, and by the looks of it, the rounds I produced didn't damage either of the barrels. I flicked the safety on both before placing them in my holster, amazed at the results. I turned to Brian and said,

Zero: "Gracias Brian."

Brian (waves his hand): "It's the least I could do, but if you don't mind, what are you planning on today?"

Zero: "Well, I'm sure you heard about the ambush."

Brian (sarcastically): "Who hasn't?"

Zero (folds his arms): "Chloe wants to start what she calls 'Alpha training,' whatever that is."

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