(Prologue 1)/ Siege of Quito

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(This prologue will follow Zero just before and after he falls through the Wormhole, remember, he is 18 in this first part.)

Third person POV:
June 9th, 2024, 15:38
Brookings, Oregon

A beautiful sunny day, with clear blue skies and calm oceans in the Coastal town of Brookings. Today is a very special day, as a majority of businesses are currently closed, yet it is only midday on a Sunday, what could be causing it?
Moving towards a school, we can see the majority of townsfolk sitting in large bleachers with a few highschool students, former highschool students, wearing blue robes and academic caps. Today is this fair town's day for graduation, with rewards being handed out and speeches bring held with the band playing music in the background. After everything was finished, an old, bald man with an olive skin colour steps up to the podium, and says with pride in him,
???: "And now, please stand and celebrate for the graduating class of 2024!"
The crowd erupts with screams of joy and loud applause as the graduates throw their caps in the air, picking them up after a bit from the ground. A young Caucasian man picks his cap up and inspects it, his face showing a mix of gratitude and anxiety. As this man thinks, he fails to see someone behind him until they slap him on the back. Turning around, the figure turns out to be another man, but of dark skin, tall, muscular, buzz cut style brown hair, green eyes, and clean shaven face laughing at him until he says,
???: "Ya know Zero, your pretty blind for someone of your athletic prowess."

The man, Zero, just shrugged and said with smile,
Zero: "What can I say Greg, I'm a legal adult now, which means I gotta start finding a way to live."

Greg: "Zero, Zero, relax man, (wraps a shoulder around Zero) me and the gang are just gonna be chillin at the local pizza joint, ya know, hitting the arcade games before we start worrying about responsibility."

Zero: "I wish I had some of your mentality Greg."

Before either of them could say anything else, an older woman, followed by a man and a boy slightly younger than Zero, walked up to Zero before embracing him in a hug. She released the hug before saying,

Zero's mom: "I hope you know I'm proud of you Zero, but you understand the responsibility on you now, correct?"

Zero: "I understand mom, I just about managed to get a job interview all set up."

The older gentleman stood by Greg's side and asked,

Zero's dad: "Well Greg, now that you and Zero are out of your teenage years, what are your plans for adulthood?"

Greg:(Shrugging) "I don't know sir, I'm still trying to get going with the flow."

Zero's POV:

Zero's mom: "I'm proud you managed to do that, I remember the time you still needed me to take care of setting up interviews."

Zero: (Chuckling) "Well mom, I am learning how to be a responsible adult for the future."

Without a shadow of a doubt, I am incredibly nervous about meeting this man I'll be working with. It also doesn't help that he runs the biggest world-wide tech firm in the world, Amazon. Thankfully, while I don't have any experience, I managed to earn a scholarship with SOU for Track, making learning business and technology easier for me. Feeling the tapping on my shoulders breaks me out of my thoughts as I turn and see my brother. As I look at him, he stops tapping my shoulder and asks,

Zero's brother: "You heard what we said, right?"

They said something? I must've been overthinking my future, again. I shake my head as I look at him and say,

Zero: "No, sorry."

Zero's brother: "mhm, anyways, we were talking about going home so you can get dressed for the high school party."

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