(Chapter 25)/Not One, But Two

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Mariana's POV:
August 16th, 2092, 09:00:
Armistice Base, State of Amazonas:

Standing in the command center, we were getting new orders, along with some good news. Hitting that facility completely removed the last remnants of the Anthro Army in South America, leaving it to the Alliance. Hm, Zero really has changed a lot of Anthro's viewpoints on humans, and vis versa. I'm actually quite glad this turn of events happen, otherwise our government would've had us Spartans kill more innocent humans.

Looking at him, he was still somewhat gloomy, even if he didn't show it. He didn't speak with anyone after that incident yesterday, heading straight to his room the second we got back to base. I feel bad for him, he took a stabbing from a human he considered family before she told him she believed he wasn't human. I was slightly upset that I couldn't do anything about that, especially since Chloe ordered me to do nothing.

I then paid back attention to Helena as she said,

Helena: "Now that praise is out of the way, it's time to discuss your next mission."

The holo-globe started turning and zoomed in on Central America. We've never been there before, so my interest was caught. The map zoomed further in, at a place called Mexico City. Helena turned back to us and said,

Helena: "Your orders are to assist the Alliance in clearing out Mexico City. The Anthro Army have been using it as a garrison for potential human raids in Central America. Reports have stated unnatural damage have been seen throughout the city, from infrastructure to defense systems. The Alliance forces there have captured a few enemy soldiers, and in their interrogation reports, the prisoners stated the sky turning dark before lightning began striking everywhere."

She looked specifically at Zero as she said that last part, almost as if asking him if he had something to do with it. Zero shrugged in response, unsure if he actually did it. Helena only narrowed her eyes as she continued,

Helena: "Besides that, we've nearly have taken full control over Central America. All that's needed is one final push against Mexico City and we'll have that area within two days. You have your mission Alpha Team, your expected to leave within an hour, good luck."

We all then saluted before we all walked back into the elevator. After half a minute of waiting, the elevator doors opened again, showing the hallway we always use to get to our room. Getting out of the elevator, I noticed only Zero and Chloe got out as well. Looking back, I saw the rest of the team remain in the elevator as the doors closed.

Huh, guess their spending their time before leaving on other things. Turning back around, I followed Chloe and Zero back to our room, entering as Zero held the door open for us to enter. Walking past the short hallway, I made my way straight to the kitchen, hopefully finding a decent meal before leaving. As I opened the fridge and began looking into my drawer, I heard Zero ask,

Zero: "Chloe, can I talk to you about something?"

I raised my eyebrow as I leaned back and saw Chloe in front of the hallway to our quarters and Zero by the couches. Chloe immediately turned around before sitting on one of the couches, Zero following in turn. I grabbed another MRE, 'Pork,' as it reads, before grabbing a bottle of water and closing the drawer, followed with the fridge door. As I began the process of preparing my meal, I eavesdropped on their conversation as Zero said,

Zero: "I think it's best if we clear this issue now before we leave."

Chloe: "What issue."

Zero: "Your powers."

I stopped what I was doing as I heard what he said. Chloe, powers? Is he jok-

Chloe: "I agree, you have the most experience with these abilities, what issue is it that your worried about?"

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