Your Arms Are My Safety (Beronica)

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Veronica's POV

I was standing in the school changing room, fixing my hair. I tried very hard to look my best but I actually didn't care what people thought of me. I wore what I liked and that was enough for me. I was looking in the mirror when I saw the door open behind me. I saw Betty Cooper walking in which surprised me cause she almost never came in the locker room.

Veronica- "well well well, Betty Cooper" Betty- (smiles) "hey Ve, I was looking for you" Veronica- "congratulations, you found me. What's up?" Betty- "I just wanted to see if you wanted to come over to look over the English homework?" Veronica- "sounds great Be, I'll meet you outside at the end of the day" Betty- "perfect"she looked at me quickly before looking down. Veronica- (chuckles) "Be, there's no one here" she laughed before grabbing my face with both hands and kissing me

I smiled into it before she let go and we both laughed. Betty- "so, tonight?" Veronica- "definitely"

She turned back around and had her hand resting on the handle of the door when we heard it. It was huge bang. She turned around and looked at me as we heard it again. She flinched the second time we heard it before she ran over to me.

Betty- "V-Ve?" Veronica- "come on" I grabbed her hand as I pulled her into one of the shower stalls. We sat on the bench with our feet out. I could feel her shaking as we kept hearing screams. We both started crying almost immediately and Betty pulled herself as close to me as could.

Betty- (whispered cries) "Ve, I'm scared" I nodded and pulled her head close to my chest while covering her ear. I stroked her hair as we both cried silent tears. We flinched with every shot and we just payed that no one would come in the locker room

I could feel Betty was breathing heavily and her heart was racing so I pulled her fulling into my lap

Veronica- (sniffle whispered) "Just follow my breathing, okay?" She nodded and closed her eyes. I was trying to be strong for Betty but on the inside I was freaking out. My head was spinning and all I could think was that someone could walk in and kill both of us in a split second

We were there for over ten minutes but then we heard the door open with footsteps. Both Betty and I started crying harder and clutched each other tighter. We saw the shower curtain move and all I could do was bury my head into Betty shoulder

Cheryl- (sobs) "V-Veronica, Betty" I looked up and saw Cheryl coming over to us. She put her feet up and that's when I noticed the blood on her hands. Cheryl- (sobs softly) "I-I can't find Toni, she's not picking up her phone" I grabbed her hands and tried to comfort her as best as I could.

Betty was tucked in between my legs and was holding onto me. Cheryl was still trying to text Toni, but wasn't having any luck. I felt so bad for her and I couldn't imagine someone I love being lost. Especially my girlfriend, No one knew we were together but that didn't matter at that moment

We were there for what felt like hours. I texted my parents as Betty did the same. It was the most terrifying experience of my life and I just wanted it to be over. We stopped hearing the shots but we knew it wasn't over completely yet.

We didn't talk or move for another few hours. I kept checking my phone to see the time and it had a been two hours since the last shot rang out but we were better safe than sorry

Betty- (whispered cries) "W-When will they come get us?" Veronica- (softly) "soon baby, soon" I kissed the top of her head as Cheryl called Toni again. Cheryl- (sobs) "where is she?" Veronica- (sniffles) "she probably just can't get to her phone, she'll be okay"

We stayed another half hour before we heard a knock on the door. We didn't move but then we heard Mr Weatherbee's voice. We all let out a sigh of relief and it was finally over but there was still a lot of pain left. We slowly walked out of the change room and was lead by police outside. There were cop cars and students everywhere. Everyone was emotional and all I could do was keep Betty and Cheryl close to me

Cheryl- (cries) "I have to find Toni" Veronica-(softly) "do you want us to come with you?" She nodded as Betty pulled herself closer to me. She clearly didn't want anyone else near hear so I did my best to protect her. Betty- (cries) "Ve, c-can we stay together tonight?" Veronica- "of course Be, I won't leave you" I kissed the top of her head before we helped Cheryl search for Toni. We looked for twenty minutes straight before we were asked to leave the school grounds. Cheryl tried everything she could to stay but we weren't allowed

Cheryl- (cries) "where is she?" Veronica- "I'm sure she's here somewhere, we just have to keep looking" I hugged her quickly before Betty latched back onto my arm.

We sat on a bench at the police station as Cheryl buried her head in her hands. Betty rested her head on my shoulder as I rubbed Cheryl's back. We sat like that for almost an hour before I looked up and knew Cheryl was about to be relieved.

Toni- (softly) "babe, it's okay" Cheryl popped her head up before hugging Toni immediately. Cheryl- (sobs) "Oh T-T, I thought I lost you" Toni- (softly) "that is never going to happen"

They left together as Betty just sighed. Betty- (sniffles) "what now Ve? What do we do?" Veronica- (softly) "I-I guess we just go home, o-or find our parents? I don't really know"

We stood up and walked outside to find Betty's mom and dad standing with my parents. Alice- "oh thank goodness" Alice ran over to us and hugged Betty. That made Betty let go of arm but I could tell she didn't want to. Hermione- "Mija, are you okay?" Veronica- "yes I'm fine" she hugged me tightly as my dad held my hand. It made me realize that they really did care about me

Betty- (sniffles) "can Ve and I stay together tonight?" Alice- "I'm okay with that, as long as the Lodge's are" Hiram- "of course, whatever you girls want to do"

Betty came back over to me as I pulled her back into my arms. Alice- "Veronica can stay with us tonight" Hermione- "is that what you want Veronica?" I looked at Betty who was still trembling in my arms as I nodded. Hermione- "okay, but please call and text us" Veronica- "of course"

I hugged me parents one more time before the Cooper's took us back to their place. Betty and I weren't very hungry and we didn't want to do anything but be with each other so we just went to her room and laid in her bed

Betty- (softly) "Ve... who do you think is gone?" Veronica- (sighs softly) "I don't know, but let's not think about that" Betty- (cries) "but it's all I can think of, every time I close my eyes I'm back in the locker room hearing everything again"

I pulled her back into my lap and rocked her slowly. Veronica- (softly) "I know, I get it"

I stroked her hair as she cried and it broke my heart to hear. I wish I could've made all of her pain go away, convinced her to stay home with me this morning or anything. I just wish we weren't there

Veronica- (in tears) "I am so sorry that you had to be there, I wish I could've gotten you out of there sooner" Betty- (sniffles) "Ve, it's not your fault" she wrapped her arms around my neck as she held me. It was her turn to comfort me and I was so grateful to have her. Betty- (softly) "Ve, you have been so strong all day. You're human it's okay"

she was right, I was trying to be strong for her and Cheryl but it was time for me to let go. I was so scared that something was going to happen to Betty and I just couldn't hold it in anymore

Veronica- (cries) "I was so scared Betty, I t-tried to hide it but I-I can't anymore" Betty- (softly) "oh Ve" she put her hand on the back of my head as I sobbed into her shoulder. She rubbed my back in circles as I just really let myself cry.

Betty- (softly) "I love you so much Ve, thank you for everything you did for me today. Your arms are my safety"

She stroked my hair as I calmed down after a while. I sat up and cupped both of her cheeks with my hands. Veronica- (sniffles) "I love you too Be"

I kissed her before we both laid down in each other's arms. It was an awful day but we finally felt safe because we were in each others arms.

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