Our Little Match Maker (Bughead)

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Jughead's POV

I was driving quickly with my screaming son in the back seat. I had no idea what to do, my ex girlfriend dropped him off a couple days ago for good and I was completely lost. He wouldn't calm down to matter what I did so I had to look for help.

Betty- "Jughead? W-What are you doing here?"
She had her five year old daughter on her hip as she helped us inside. Jughead- "I'm sorry, I-I need help. He won't stop no matter what I do" She put her daughter down and took my four month old son in her arms. Betty- "hey Liam, it's okay buddy"

he started to calm down and I let out a sigh of relief. Jughead- "thank you, you're the best" Betty- "of course, I'm glad I could help" Sasha- "Juggie!" Jughead- "hey Sash, I missed you kiddo" I picked her up as she giggled. Jughead- "thank you again Betty, I don't know how you do it"

Betty- (laughs) "practice I guess, I do miss this stage though. He's so cute" Sasha- "hey!" Betty- "you're cute too sweetheart" she kissed her Cheek  as she giggled. Betty- "do you guys want to stay for a bit?" Sasha- "yeah! Stay!" Jughead- "sorry kiddo, but we should probably go" Betty- "are you sure Jug? You can totally stay for dinner"

I looked at Sasha who had her pleading eyes and I could never say no to her. Jughead- (chuckles) "I guess we could" Sasha- "yay!" I put her down and took Liam back from Betty

Betty- "well I was thinking maybe we could head to Pop's" Jughead- "sure, my treat though. It's the least I could do for you calming Liam down"  Betty- "are you sure Jug? There's two of us and only one of you" Jughead- "Betts, I'm good. Remember I sold my book" she smiled and shook her head. Betty- "only if you're positive" Jughead- "I am, come on"

I put Liam back in his car seat and held onto Sasha's hand. Sasha- "yeah! Come on mommy!" Betty- (laughs) "I'm coming babydoll" she grabbed her other hand as she pulled both of us out the door

Sasha- "hurry! I'm hungry!" Betty- "you always are Sash" she smiled at her daughter as I watched. I loved seeing Betty live out her childhood dreams of being a mom but I wish the situation was different

She was raped a few years ago and was left with Sasha. She never really wanted anyone else and was going through a hard time. I tried to keep my distance but after a couple years we became close friends again and of course I had feelings for her but I didn't want to screw up the good thing she finally had going

We got to Pop's and found a booth in the back. Betty took Liam as I sat next to Sasha

Sasha- "Juggie" Jughead- "yeah Sasha?" Sasha- "why don't you stay with us more?" Jughead- "well I-I've been busy with Liam and haven't really had time" Sasha- "but Mommy can help you! You could move in!" I looked at Betty as we both awkwardly laughed.m

Betty- "baby that's not really what our friendship is" Jughead- "yeah, your mom was just helping me out" Sasha- "but why?" Betty- "that's grown up stuff honey, why don't you think about what you want okay?" She nodded as Betty and I made eye contact

Betty- (mouths) "sorry" Jughead- (mouths) "Don't worry about it" she blushed. I always thought she was adorable when she was embarrassed or nervous

We looked at each other for a second before Sasha brought my attention back to her. We ordered our food and ate before I dropped the girls off at Elm Street

Betty- "bye Jug" she hugged me but Sasha refused to let go of my legs. Betty- "come on Sash, they have to go home now" Sasha- (cries) "no Juggie!" Jughead- "what if I make you a deal Sasha?" She stopped and looked at me as I bent down to her level. Jughead- "why don't Liam and I come over again tomorrow?" She looked at Betty who shrugged

Sasha- (sniffles) "p-promise?" Jughead- (smiles) "I pinky swear" we locked pinky's before a gave her a hug. Sasha- "bye Juggie!" Jughead- (chuckles) "bye Sash, I'll see you tomorrow!"

I picked up Liam who was sound asleep in his car seat. I took him home and couldn't stop thinking about Betty and Sasha. I loved hanging out with them so much and My feelings started coming back to me. I tried to push them down but I couldn't sleep and knew I had to tell Betty

The next day I woke up to Liam screaming his lungs out. I tried everything again but finally just got us both dressed and walked to Betty's house.

Betty- "again? I'm sorry Jug" she picked Liam up and quieted him down as I heard little footsteps coming down the stairs

Sasha- "Juggie!!" Jughead- "Sasha!" She ran over to me and jumped into my arms as I kissed the top of her head. Sasha- "I missed you!" Jughead- "I missed you too munchkin, and you were good for your mommy right?" Sasha- "uh huh! I was very good right momma?" Betty- "oh definitely, she even got in bed without asking to stay up for another five minutes"

Jughead- "oh? well I think that deserves an Ice cream, what do you think Betty?" Betty- (giggles) "I think that's a great Idea!" Sasha- "but it's morning?!" Jughead- "so?"

Her eyes lit up as Betty laughed again. Sasha- "c'mon Juggie! Let's go!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen as Betty followed us. Betty- "you're getting me some too right?" Sasha- "of course mama!"'

We ate our ice cream and hung out for a little while before Sasha fell asleep in my lap. Betty- "sorry Jug, she missed her nap and woke up early this morning" Jughead- "it's all good Betts, I'll just go put her down in her bed" I went upstairs and quickly put Sasha in bed before running back down the stairs

Betty- "thanks Juggie" Jughead- "no problem, I guess playing all morning wore her out" she smiled and laughed before we both looked around awkwardly. Jughead- "um, s-so there's actually something I wanted to talk to you about" Betty- "oh yeah? And what's that?"

I scratched the back of my neck and she giggled and came closer to me. Betty- "I-I Think I know what you're going to say"

She cupped me cheek and looked into my eyes. Betty- (smiles) "I'm ready too"

She leaned in and kissed me. I couldn't believe it, it wasn't a long kiss but it was perfect for our first. Betty- (smiles) "was I right" I nodded like an idiot as she laughed. Betty- "I'm glad"

She snuggled into my arms as we both closed our eyes. Sasha- "about time!" We immediately turned our attention over to the small girl smiling on the bottom step of the stairs holding a stuffed bear. Betty- "I thought  you were asleep" she ran over and sat on my lap as Betty stroked her chin

Sasha- "I was pretending! I wanted you to be together" Betty- "oh is that so?" She nodded with a smile. Sasha- "so can Juggie move in?! And baby Liam?!" I looked at Betty who was staring at me

Betty- "well baby we might wait a little bit but maybe eventually" I smiled at the comment and Sasha's smile got even bigger which I didn't think was possible. Sasha- "so you're together?! Really?!" Betty- (giggles) "I think so baby, what do you think Juggie?" Jughead- "I'd definitely say so, all thanks to you our little match maker"

She hugged me tightly and like we said a couple months later Liam and I moved in with them. To our surprise about another couple months passed and Betty told me she was pregnant. I was shocked of course but was supportive of her decision. We welcomed our baby girl and we named her Rose, we were married a month after her arrival

I loved my family and I wouldn't trade it for the world

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