Road Trip (Choni)

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Cheryl's POV

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Cheryl's POV

I was so excited when Toni asked me to go on a road trip, but I was also a little nervous. It was scary because it had only been a couple months since she rescued me from the sisters and we still hadn't gotten that close

She came to me with the idea and at first I was a little sceptical but she somehow convinced me

Toni- "c'mon Cher, I promise it'll be fun" Cheryl- "Toni, I want to but I don't know about the motorcycle part" Toni- "I promise it's safe, trust me"

I sighed before looking at the bikes, Toni already showed me how to ride but it was still terrifying but I couldn't admit that to her

Toni- "my grandpa took me on the drive a couple years ago before he kicked me out Cher, I know where I'm going and it'll be a fun adventure" I looked over at her and smiled before nodding my head

Toni- "yay! I just need to pick up our fakes then we can hit the road" Cheryl- "wait, fakes?" Toni- "yea, I had Fangs and Sweet Pea make us some fake Ids" Cheryl- "o-oh" Toni- "was that not okay Cher?" Cheryl- "yeah I guess, I've just never used a fake Id before" Toni- "that's okay, I've been using them since I was like twelve" I looked at her puzzled as smiled and shrugged. Toni- "what can I say, my boobs came in early" I laughed as she came over and wrapped her arms around my waist

Toni- "Cher. This is going to be the best summer you've ever had" Cheryl- "I sure hope so Toni, I really want this to work" Toni- "you don't think it'll work?" Cheryl- "Thats not what I meant Toni, I just.. am a little new to the girlfriend thing" Toni- "I know babe, but everything is going to be okay because we have each other"

I smiled and leaned down to kiss her. I was happy to be with her and I couldn't wait for our adventure

Toni- "remember, pack light because we're only taking the bikes" Cheryl- "oh god, I didn't even think about that part" Toni- "can I make a suggestion?" Cheryl- "sure?"

Toni- (smirks) "don't forget to pack the red lipstick"

I blushed super hard as Toni just laughed. I kissed her one more time before I headed back to thistle house. When I got home, I saw my sociopathic mother standing in the doorway.

Cheryl- "what are you doing here mother? I thought I told you to stay far far away" Penelope- "you did, I am just here to collect my things" Cheryl- "well do it quickly then get the hell out of my sight"

I pushed passed her and went upstairs to my room to pack. I didn't know what to take so I just packed the essentials, and of course my iconic red lipstick. I went to bed with a huge smile on my face and I couldn't wait for the next day.

I woke up with the exact same smile and It was finally time for Toni and I to be alone. I grabbed my small bag and put on my serpent Jacket before I locket up the house. I left as quickly as I could and ran over to the south side of town.

Toni- "hey baby" she stood on her tippy toes and kissed me quickly. Toni- "you're here early" Cheryl- "I'm Excited to hit the road!" Toni- (chuckles) "I'm glad. I picked up your bike from F.p and I grabbed our Ids. Here" she handed me my card as I looked at it and smiled awkwardly. Toni- "don't worry Cher, I'll help you every step of the way"

I looked up and kissed her again. Cheryl- "can we go now? This is gonna take us all summer anyway" Toni- (laughs) "sure can, that sounds good to me"

She kissed my cheek before grabbing my hand and leading me to the motorcycles that were parked outside the trailer park

Toni- "just follow me, and you'll be perfectly fine" she handed me my helmet as I put it under my arm and used my finger under her chin. Cheryl- "I know I'm in good hands" I kissed her one more time before we got on our bikes and started riding

We rode all day and a little at night before we met and decided to stop in a small town in Ohio.

We walked into the motel and I was scared shitless that we weren't going to be able to get a room because we were underage

Toni- "babe, relax it's gonna be okay" Cheryl- "I know. I've just never done this before" Toni- "just let me do the talking, and everything is fine" I nodded as she took my hand and led me insde. Just like she said everything was fine and we quickly got checked into our first hotel of the trip and I was so happy for the first time in so long

Toni- "Cher, do you know why I wanted to go on this trip?" Cheryl- "because you wanted to hang out with  your girlfriend?" Toni- "well, yes but also because I felt bad not being with you when Betty's dad attacked you. Or that I didn't check in with you that entire night" Cheryl- "aw Toni, we talked about that. You were busy with fangs, I completely understood and I can hold my own"

Toni- (smiles) "yeah, I know it's whats making me fall in love with you" she turned around and put her head on her hand that was resting on my chest and grinned wider. Cheryl- (smiles) "I'm falling in love with you too, Toni. So much"

She leaned up and kissed me as we fell asleep in each other's arms. We repeated that every night for the next three months and just like she said it was the best summer I had ever had, because I was with the girl I was quick falling in love with

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