Roses (Choni)

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Cheryl's POV

I couldn't believe it, I was packing up my old big city apartment and leaving my home. I felt so weird packing up the place I had grown so close to in the past couple of years. I had to move out of my small town about three years ago because my parents were ashamed about my sexuality. I like girls and they couldn't get over that so they sent me to live on my own at seventeen

The other part is that I have a eighteen month old daughter. I was raped a couple years ago and it was really hard to make the decision to keep her but once I saw her I knew I made the right choice

Now I was twenty and it was time for me to go home and see everyone. I was packing up the apartment when I heard my daughter crying from her crib in the other room. I stopped immediately and went into see her

Cheryl- "hey Cutie, what's wrong" Rosie- (sniffles) "mama" I smiled and picked her up. She put her head on my shoulder as I kissed the top of it. Cheryl- "do you wanna help mama pack?" She nodded even though I know she didn't know what I was talking about.

I took her out to the main room and I put her in her travel playpen that I still had out. I finished packing up the main room and noticed that Rosie had fallen asleep again. I picked her up and kissed her forehead to wake her up. Cheryl (whispered) - "hey babydoll"

She opened her eyes and smiled at me. Rosie- "Mama!" Cheryl- (giggles) "good morning sleepy head" Rosie- "milky?" Cheryl- "sure, just let me finish putting these boxes by the front door" I moved the boxes before sitting down and feeding my daughter. Once she was finished, I put her down on her play mat and started working on the bedroom

By the end of the day, I had packed almost everything and we were ready to leave the next day. We didn't have a lot so I just packed the car the next morning and we started driving

Rosie was really clingy and hated being away from me so we stopped a lot. We only ever stopped for a couple minutes but it always made her feel better. We reached the town just before sundown and immediately went to another mansion that my parents had in town, thistle house

My parents had been arrested for drug dealing and would finally leave me and my daughter alone. I grabbed most of the boxes but I noticed about halfway through unpacking, I nothing that Rosie was bored and hungry so I decided to take her to Pop's

We had been in the car all day so I decided we should walk. Rosie- "mama, where?" Cheryl- "we're going to get some dinner at one of my favourite places in town" she just nodded and put her head on my shoulder as I continued walking.

We got to Pop's and I was shocked by the girl working the counter inside of Pop. Tabitha- "oh my god, you must be Cheryl Blossom, Right?" Cheryl- "um yeah, that's me" Tabitha- "sorry, you're just kinda a celebrity around here" Cheryl- "I wouldn't be surprised, my parents weren't the best people on earth"

??- "Cheryl?"

I turned around and saw her standing there. My old girlfriend Toni Topaz. Cheryl- T-T?"

She ran over to me before she hugged me. Toni- "oh my god?! Where have you been?" Cheryl- (in tears) "M-My parents sent me to New York, I'm so sorry" Toni- (sniffles) "no, you do not need to apologize. I shouldn't have stopped looking"

Rosie- (whines) "mama. Hungry!" Toni- "w-who's this?" Cheryl- "t-this is my daughter Rosie, Rosie this is Toni" Toni's jaw dropped as Rosie gave a little wave. Toni- "you mean like-" Cheryl- "how you left roses in my locker every day until I finally figured out it was you" She smiled Toni- "and I gave you one every day after" Rosie then looked at both of us. She then reached over to Toni which surprised both of us.

Rosie- (whines) "T-T" she took her in her arms as I smiled. Cheryl- "wow, she's never really wanted anyone but me" Toni- "maybe she knows we're supposed to be together" I blushed as Rosie laid her head down on Toni's shoulder. Toni- "she's adorable Cheryl" Cheryl- (smiles) "thank you Toni, wanna come over for a bit?" Toni- "I-I would love too, are you sure?"

I looked at Rosie then back at Toni before I smiled. Cheryl- "of course Toni, I've missed you" she smiled before I ordered some food for Rosie and I then we left with Toni carrying her

Toni and I talked the whole way back to the house, Rosie had fallen asleep after being in Toni's arms for a second. When we finally reached the front step, we went inside and sat down in the living room. I rubbed Rosie's back trying to wake her back up. Cheryl- (softly) "hey babydoll"

She opened her eyes but kept holding on to Toni. Rosie- "mama?" Cheryl- "do you want something to eat?" She nodded but when I tried to take her  she just started crying. Rosie- (sniffles) "T-T." Cheryl- (sighs) "do you mind Toni?" Toni- "not at all, I've got her" Cheryl- "thank you"

She sat her down on her lap and grabbed a fry. Rosie happily took it. Toni- "so, Cheryl we've talked about me. What have you been up to?" Cheryl- "mainly just raising this one" I gestured to Rosie who was already on her third french fry. Cheryl- "and trying not to screw it up" Toni- "you're doing amazing, she's actually the perfect child"

She smiled and kissed Rosie's cheek. Cheryl- "she's really comfortable with you, normal she only wants me" Toni- "what can I say, I'm irresistible" we both laughed but then Rosie started fussing. Toni- "hey sweetheart, it's okay"

Toni started soothing her as she laid her head down on her shoulder. She rubbed her back and gently bounced her as I sat there in amazement. Once she was calmed down Toni looked at me but my jaw was wide open. Toni- "s-sorry, I should've made sure it was okay before-" Cheryl- "oh my gosh Toni, please don't apologize. I wish I could do that"

She smiled as we heard a tiny snore coming from Toni's shoulder. Cheryl- (giggles) "I guess she's had a long day" Toni- "I can put her in bed if you want, then we could have a chance to talk" I felt a lump enter my throat, I knew it was too good to be true. She had moved on and was going to tell me that this was only a one time thing.

She put Rosie down in her crib in the other room before coming back out. She sat next to and took my hand. Cheryl- "Toni I know what you're going to-" Toni- "can I show you something?" I stopped and looked at her. She had a soft smile on her face. I was a little confused but nodded

She reached into the bag she had been carrying around and pulled out a small box. She opened it to reveal a few dead rose petals. Cheryl- (softly) "Toni..?" Toni- "this was the rose I was going to give you the day you leftx, well what's left of it"

She handed me the case as a tear rolled down my cheek. Cheryl- (in tears) "you- you kept it?" Toni- (in tears) "it reminded to be strong, knowing that I would give it to you someday kept me going Cher" I smiled as she put her hand on my cheek. Toni- (sniffles) "so, can we have a do over?" I smiled widely and wrapped my arms around her Cheryl- (sniffles) "I would want nothing more"

She leaned in and kissed me. I missed her so much and I couldn't believe we were finally back together

She moved in with us and Rosie was thrilled to have a second mom. A couple years later she proposed to me and I immediately said yes. It wasn't big but it was perfect. I finally got to walk down the aisle to the woman I love, holding a beautiful bouquet of roses.

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