Summer Camp (Barchie)

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Betty's POV

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Betty's POV

I was so excited to finally be able to get away from Riverdale for the summer. I was going to work at a camp and I was so happy but also scared

I was packing my bag on my bed when my mom walked in holding my three year old son Myles

Betty- "hey baby boy, thank you so much for looking after him for me mom" I went over and picked him up from her as he giggled. Alice- "no problem honey, but we'll both miss you"

I had Myles at fifteen after a new years eve party, I was so mad at my mom so I snuck out of the house and went to Cheryl Blossom's party. I got black out drunk and slept with someone, but I was so wasted that I don't even know who is father really is. I looked for a little while but no one seemed to know who I went off with. I decided to switch to school online and raise him which my parents supported much to my relief. This was going to be the first time I ever left him for a long period of time so I was still a little nervous about it

Myles- "mommy, I come too?" Betty- "sorry buddy, you're gonna stay here with Grandma and Grandpa" Myles- (in tears) "why?" He held onto me super tightly and buried his head in my shoulder. Betty- "Awe, it's okay Myles. I'll only be gone a couple weeks and you are going to have so much fun here"

I didn't stop crying so I just sat down and rocked him in my arms. Betty- "I know it's gonna be hard, but I will FaceTime you every night before you go to bed and I will text grandma every second that I can. Deal?" He nodded his head before looking at me with the saddest look on his face. Betty- "I love you stinker" Myles- (giggles) "love you too mommy"

I set him on my bed and he tried to help me but it slowed things down. Once I finally finished I grabbed both of my bags and took them downstairs with the sound of small feet following me

Hal- "ready for the morning kiddo?" Betty- "I guess dad, excited but a little nervous" Alice- "that's to be expected, but he's in good hands" Betty- "I know, I trust you guys"

It was late so I picked Myles up as my mom rubbed his back. Alice- "why don't you take him upstairs and have one more night before you leave" Betty- "I will, thank you guys for everything you've done for us. I can't say it enough" Hal- "we're your parents Betty, we love you"

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