Help Me (Beronica)

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Betty's POV

I hated seeing Veronica with Archie, I really did. I knew he wasn't right for her and I knew there was something going on underneath the surface. Veronica would wear sunglasses every day and she became more quiet and sheltered. She was almost like a different person and I hated seeing her like that

The only time she actually acted like herself was when we were alone together. She still wouldn't take off her glasses but she smiled and laughed which made me feel better

I wish that she would've trusted me more so I could help her but she didn't so I tried not to ask or push her. After awhile though I realized that it was getting worse, sometimes I wouldn't see either of them at school and it left a pit in my stomach.

One of the days that they didn't show up I had finally had enough and decided to go to Veronica's apartment. I knocked on the door and waited a second before Hermione came and opened the door

Hermione- "Betty? Sorry Veronica isn't here" Betty- "I-I figured, can I talk to you?" She nodded and opened the door completely so I could step in. Betty- "I'm sorry for intruding Mrs. Lodge but-" Hermione- "please call me Hermione" Betty- "Hermione, I'm really worried about Ve. I don't think the relationship she has with Archie is healthy for her" I watched her sigh as we sat down on the chairs in the living room

Hermione- "I've been trying to get her out of it but she always says she can't leave him" Betty- (in tears) "I j-just don't know what to do" I put my head in my hands before I felt Hermione hug me. We were both so scared for her and we didn't know what we could do to help. Hermione- "I've tried everything I can, you should give it a shot Betty" Betty- (sniffles) "me? What can I do?" Hermione- "you're her best friend and I know you feel more feelings for her"

I blushed as she said it and she chuckled softly. Hermione- "I know you'll find away to save her, because you always do" I smiled as she wiped the last tear off my cheek. Hermione- "please save her" I nodded and hugged her one last time before running out the door and heading back to my house

I paced my room thinking about what I could do to help when I heard a noise coming from Archie's window. I looked over and watched him push her onto the bed as she cried. I immediately covered my mouth before running downstairs. I felt myself starting crying but I knew I had I had to be strong. I ran over to the house and thank god the door was unlocked. I ran up the stairs and pushed Archie off of Veronica

He was not happy and tried to pull me back from her but I wasn't moving. I finally got him away from me by pushing him into his closet door where he hit his head and passed out. Betty- (pants) "V-Ve?" She was still fully clothed so I ran over and held her as she sobbed into my shoulder.

Betty- (whispered) "I've got you Ve, and I'm not letting you go"

After I held her for a couple minutes, I called the police and they showed up very quickly. We explained every to sheriff Keller and he immediately arrested Archie. I felt Veronica become less tence while she was in my arms, but I knew the hardest part wasn't even close to being over. Mary was a lawyer and she would do anything she could to defend her son to keep him out of prison

As for Veronica and I, we didn't leave each other's side for the next couple days. We stayed with Hiram and Hermione and they always made sure both of us were comfortable.

Betty- (softly) "Ve, maybe you should go see a doctor" Veronica- (sniffles) "I can Be, I just can't" Betty- "you're sick Veronica, please" Veronica- (cries) "what if there's something wrong?" Betty- "then we need to know, you have to be healthy"

We were cuddled up together in her bed as I was stroking her hair. She was a little skittish at first but after a couple days she never wanted to leave my arms. Veronica- (sniffles) "w-will you come with me?" Betty- "of course Ve, I love you and I want you to be as comfortable as possible" Veronica- "I love you too"

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