Family (Barchie)

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Betty's POV

We were walking around target when we passed the baby section. Betty- "oh my gosh Archie look!" I picked up almost everything in sight as he chuckled. Archie- "is this you maybe hinting at something?" Betty- "I want babies Arch!" Archie- (chuckles) "okay, why don't we talk at home" I nodded with a giant smile on my face

I of course bought at least one onesie. Archie was laughing at me but I've always wanted to be a mom. Once we got home and put everything away that we got, he sat me down on the couch.

Archie- "so.. a baby?" Betty- "I get it if you don't want kids Arch, but I've dreamed of being a mom and I think the time is right" Archie- "Sweetheart, of course I want kids with you and I know how much you've wanted to be a mom so.. I'm in" Betty- "really? Just like that?" Archie- (smiles) "just like that"

I smiled and kissed him. Betty- "you're going to be the best dad" Archie- "and you're going to be the best mom"

A year later

Archie- "negative" I started crying again. I felt like I was letting him down but he quickly wrapped his arms around me. Archie- "I'm sorry Betty, the doctor said it would be difficult" Betty-  (cries) "I just feel like I'm not good enough for you" Archie- "what? Betty that would never be the case. I love you and you're going to be a mother some day I promise"

Betty- (cries) "h-how? I can't get pregnant" Archie- "we can get help, we could get a surrogate or adopt bur you're going to be a mom" Betty- (sniffles) "I love you" Archie- "I love you too" he held me close to him as we made our way over to the bed.

Betty- "I'm sorry I can't do it"

Archie- "you have nothing to apologize for, I'd rather you be healthy" Betty- "I'm fine. I just want to carry our child, I want to be able to give you a baby" he kissed my forehead and stroked my cheek. Archie- "I want you to be happy"

We laid in bed and discussed our options. We mainly talked about adoption and realized that that was the right fit for us. I wanted to be a mom and at this point, I wanted a family and didn't care how it was made. The next day we sent in an application and waited for the call

Betty- "Archie!" He came running upstairs and found me with my phone pressed up to my heart. Archie- "what's up Babe?" Betty- (in tears) "there's a little girl. Her names Gwen and she's about three years old" Archie- "what do you think" Betty- (cries and smiles) "Let's do it!" He smiled and kissed me before I answered the lady on the phone.

Betty- (sniffles) "it's happening" Archie- "you're okay?" Betty- (smiles) "I've never been better"

We waited a couple of days until the day came when we would meet our foster daughter.

Betty- "and you're sure her room's ready?" I was running around making sure everything was perfect when Archie grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to him. Archie- "everything's perfect, she's going to love you" Betty- "I hope so"

A couple minutes later the doorbell rang and I tenced up, but Archie grabbed my hand as we made our way to the door

We opened it to see a woman standing there holding the hand of a little girl. She had blonde hair and big blue eyes. Natasha- "alright Gwen, these are the nice people we talked about. This is Archie and Betty Andrews and they're going to look after you"

Gwen hid behind her legs as she bent down to her level. Natasha- "you're going to be fine okay? They're really nice" I smiled as Natasha handed me her bag. Betty- "hi Gwen, do you maybe wanna come see your room?" She looked at Natasha then back at me before slowly nodding.

Betty- (smiles) "awesome, come on" I reached my hand out for her as she hesitantly took it. Archie talked to Natasha while I walked Gwen over to the stairs

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