Lost In The Woods (Beronica)

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Veronica's POV

I was doing what I loved doing every morning. I would put in my earbuds and go for a run down the trail. I loved getting lost in the scenery and tress in the woods. It made me feel alone and that's what I needed sometimes. It was a cold autumn morning and I could see every breath that I took which made me excited for halloween and Thanksgiving which were my two favourite holidays. I loved taking a break and walking through it all just trying to take it in

This particular time, I was walking for a bit when I got this weird feeling that someone was following me. I had always felt safe and comfortable on the trail but it was different this time. I took out my headphones and looked around before hearing a noise from a bush

I walked over and was shocked to what I found. I found a girl who was bleeding out and had a newborn tucked into her chest. It looked like she had given birth right there and was barely holding on to life. Veronica- "o-oh my god"

I immediately ran and supported her head as she was drifting in and out of consciousness. Veronica- "hey, hey it's okay" ??- (softly) "please, h-help" I nodded and immediately called 911. I stayed with her until the ambulance arrived but then they asked me if I wanted to ride with her to the hospital. I didn't know what to say so I just nodded my head. I stepped into the ambulance and the girl immediately grabbed my hand

I was shocked but held onto it as the pandemics checked her and her baby gir

We got to the hospital and they told me to wait in the waiting room area for any updates. I could've just left but something in me was preventing me to do so. I waited for what felt like days but it was only an hour before they came to tell me anything.

Doctor- "mother and baby are doing fine. Her name is Betty Cooper and she wants to talk to the girl who saved her and her baby girl" Veronica- "thank you, which room are they in?" Doctor- "104, it's just down the hall" I nodded and followed his directions until I found her in a hospital bed holding her daughter who was wrapped in a small blanket

I knocked softly as she looked up and wiped a tear away and motioned for me to come in

Betty- (softly sniffles) "h-hi" Veronica- (softly) "hey, h-how are you?" Betty- "they said I'm okay, but it could've been a lot worse" Veronica- "h-how did you end up there? O-On the trail?" Betty- (sighs) "I was trying to get well here, I got lost in the woods trying to escape my kidnapper" Veronica- "oh my god. I'm so sorry" Betty- (sniffles) "it's okay, he kept me for almost a year, he hurt me in more ways than one"

she said looking down at her daughter. Veronica- "that must've been awful, wasn't anyone looking for you?" Betty- "I don't think so, I was so alone when he grabbed me. I guess no one cared enough" I hesitantly put my hand on her shoulder as she smiled. Betty- (in tears) "thank you, for saving me and my girl" Veronica- "of course, I wasn't just going to leave you there"

I felt bad because I probably smelt terrible, I was still in my running clothes and was covered in sweat but she didn't seem to mind. She just looked at me as I smiled. Betty- "you know my name, but I don't know yours" Veronica- "I'm Veronica Lodge" Betty- "well it's nice to meet you Veronica, is there anything I can do to thank you? Really?" Veronica- (smiles) "just take care of this cutie"

I put my finger near the baby's hand as she grabbed it. Veronica- "does she have a name?" Betty- "well, I was kind of hoping I could name her after our saviour"

I was shocked but I tried not to show it. I just smiled and nodded. Betty- "you're okay with that" Veronica- "Betty, I'd be honoured" Betty- "Veronica Alice Cooper" Veronica- "you could even call her Roni for short" Betty- "I love it, thank you" Veronica- "you don't have to keep thanking me, I was just doing what every good person would do"

She sighed and took my last available hand. Betty- "you don't get it Veronica. I watched so many people pass me. I was there for almost twelve hours and no one else stopped for me.. but you did" she looked up at me with a smile which made me realize how much my actions meant to this girl. I smiled back at her as she carefully moved over and invited me to sit with her

I hesitated for a second but then happily obliged. I sat next to her in the hospital bed as she handed Roni over to me. Veronica- "she's beautiful Betty, really" Betty- (softly) "thank you" she put her head on my shoulder and put her hand on her daughter.

Veronica- "Betty? D-Do you even have a place to stay?" She sighed and shook her head as she stared crying again. Veronica- "hey, it's okay" I paused for a second before continuing. Veronica- "you're gonna stay with me" she looked at me with hope and tears in her eyes. Betty- (in tears) "r-really? Veronica you've already done so much for us. We can find somewhere else to go"

Veronica- "no, you're staying with me. I'm kind of invested now" she giggled as I kissed the top of her head. She closed her eyes as I looked at both her and Roni. I carefully got up after Betty was asleep. I held Roni until a nurse came in and took her for a couple tests. I let her know that if Betty woke up while I was gone was that I was just going to my place but I'd be back  as soon as I could

I ran home and just sat down on the couch with my head in my hands. I couldn't believe what happened but I could sit there for long because I had to get the guest room ready. It took me a few hours to set up the crib I knew was in the basement of the Pembroke but I finally finished and got in the shower. By the time I was done, I realized that I could get back to the hospital and sleep there with Betty and Roni, I got dressed and packed a bag for Betty since I knew she didn't have anything. I left as soon as I could and I smiled the whole way back to them

Betty- "Veronica? You're back?" Veronica- (smiles) "surprised?" Betty- "a little. I-I just thought you'd be done with us" Veronica- "not at all, in fact I was actually getting your room ready for you. It had a crib and everything that this cutie needs" I went over to the clear bassinet that held Roni as Betty spoke. Betty- "really? That's amazing Ve! Thank you" I went over to Betty and hugged her. Betty- "you're my Guardian, angel, really"

I smiled as Roni started fussing a little. I picked her up and handed her to Betty before I set the bag down I had. Veronica- "when did they say you get to leave?" Betty- "tomorrow afternoon, and you're sure you're okay with us moving in?" Veronica- "of course, that's why I got your room ready. I'm excited to have you Betty, I promise Betty"

I rubbed Roni's back as Betty smiled at me but there was some sort of sadness in her eyes that I couldn't see past. Veronica- "something on your mind Be?" Betty- "Be? That's new. And no, I'm okay" she still looked upset but I didn't want to push. I did really want to help out with whatever was wrong so I did ask again

I knelt down and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Veronica- (softly) "are you sure? You can tell me anything" she looked down at her daughter before looking back at me with a tear in her eye.

She looked between my eyes and my lips and I knew exactly what was wrong. I smiled and brought her lips closer to mine. Veronica- (whispered) "I know" She took the final step and leaned up and kissed me. It was just a quick peck but we both felt love in it. Betty- (sniffles) "I-It won't change anything" Veronica- (smiles) "not at all, hell I think it makes it better" she smiled as I pressed my forehead up against hers for a face cuddle

A few months later Betty and I were a very happy couple and Roni was a very happy baby. She loved being with us and was very clingy but we didn't mind. I even started going for my runs again and Betty Joined me with Roni in a stroller.   One time we finally decided to run on the trail where we had first met. It scared her a little but I held her hand tightly until we reached the spot. Veronica- "you okay?" Betty- (smiles) "yeah, I'm actually really happy. I have an amazing daughter and the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. I'm definitely okay"

I took Roni out of the stroller as we found a bench nearby. Veronica- "this is kind of the beginning of our story huh" Betty- (giggles) "in the middle of the woods? I mean I guess that's where a lot of fairytales start.. so I'm okay with it"

She sat down beside us and laid her head on my shoulder. Betty- "I'm glad you found me" Veronica- (smiles) "me too" I kissed the top of her head as she smiled. We just sat there for awhile taking in the scenery and enjoying each other's company

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