Destined To Be (Chetty)

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Betty's POV

I was adopted by the Coopers when I was eight, I was left at the sisters of quiet mercy when I was a baby. I grew up at the sisters and didn't know how to live without them. The only thing that helped me through was Cheryl

She helped me dress cooler and become popular. Apparently The Blossoms and Coopers are related but I didn't care. I fell for Cheryl even through I shouldn't have. We weren't actually related and Coopers barely treated me as their daughter

The only one in that family that mare me feel like I mattered was Polly. She cared and always made sure I had things I needed.

It was the summer right before junior year and I was supposed to hang out with Cheryl but Alice wouldn't let me

Alice- "You need to stay here Elizabeth, it's not good for a girl your age to go out at the time" Betty- "but Alice, it's just Cheryl" Alice- "exactly, you spend too much time with that.. redheaded psycho" Betty- "but she's not a psycho! She cares about me!" Alice- (scoffs) "you think she's your friend? You think she really cares about you?" Betty- (in tears) "she cares more then you do!"

I put my hand over my mouth and couldn't believe what I had just said. I had never spoken to Alice or Hal like that but I had finally had enough. Alice- "go! Get out of this house!" I just scoffed and ran out the door. I didn't stop until I got to Pop's and found Cheryl sitting in a booth

Cheryl- "oh my god Betty!" She ran and hugged me as I sobbed into her shoulder. Cheryl- (softly) "c'mon, let's go to my place. My parents aren't home and it can be just the two of us" I nodded as she helped me out of the diner

We walked to Thornhill and she never let me go. My arms were crossed but she held on to my shoulders and comforted me the entire way. Once we got there, she gave me a blanket and washed my face with a washcloth. Cheryl- (softly)  "there there Betty, a pretty girl like you shouldn't be this sad all the time" she wiped a tear away with her thumb. Betty- (sniffles) "sorry Cher, I just don't know what else to do" Cheryl- (giggles) "you don't have to apologize Betty, it's okay now let's see that smile"

She used the washcloth to wipe under my eyes as I let out a small smile. Cheryl- "there it is" she grabbed my chin for a second before standing up. Cheryl- "now, why don't you go have a nice hot bath and I'll make us some dinner" I nodded and got up to go to the bathroom. One I finished my bath I saw she laid out some clothes that were actually nice and not the rags Alice and Hal gave me.

I got dressed and went out to see Cheryl standing over a pot on the stove. Betty- "h-hey?" Cheryl- "oh hey Betty, I see you got the clothes I left you" Betty- "yes and thank you Cher, you really didn't have to do this" Cheryl- "who else is going to take care of you? I hate seeing the way the Cooper's treat you"

She sat down at the table as I joined her. Cheryl- "you don't deserve it, you know that right?" Betty- (sighs) "I don't think so, I didn't do anything" Cheryl- "exactly" she took my hand and kissed it. It made me feel happy. I knew right then and there that I would talk to her about how I felt. Once we finished eating, I pulled her into the living room and sat her down

Cheryl- "you okay Betty?" Betty- (sighs) "I need to talk to you about something but it's really big, like change our friendship big" Cheryl- (smiles) "Betty, you can always tell me anything" I took and deep breath before I actually started

Betty- "so.. I like you Cheryl. I know that w-were related by adoption and you're probably straight and I should be straight but I can't help it. You're the only person who actually cares and I just-" Cheryl- (smiles) "woah Betty, slow down. I like you too" I stopped as she laughed and cupped me cheek. Cheryl- "you're amazing and funny. I was worried that being at the sister meant that you were straight and that's why I didn't say anything"

I smiled before we both leaned in for a kiss. Betty- "w-wow" Cheryl- (chuckles) "that's it? Wow? Betty- (giggles) "sorry? I've just never kissed anyone before" Cheryl- "could've fooled me"

I blushed again as she stroked my cheek with her thumb. Cheryl- "god I can't wait to take you away from this town" I smiled before we leaned in and kissed again

A couple years later, we moved into a small New York apartment and were actually happy

Cheryl- "hey baby" she leaned down and kissed me with her hand behind her back. Betty- "hey Cher-Bear, what do you have?" Cheryl- "it's a surprise for later tonight" Betty- "oo you know I love surprises" Cheryl- "and I think you're really going to like this one" she kissed me again before she headed back to our room.

I was definitely curious about what she had plan and I didn't have to wait long. About an hour she came back to find me and handed me a baby pink cocktail dress. Betty- "what's this for?" Cheryl- "your surprise, no go get ready" she winked at me as I just scrunched my eyebrows

I got ready quickly and came out to find her in a skintight red dress and black heels. Cheryl- "ready?" I could feel the drool running down my mouth as she giggled and walked over to me. She wiped my mouth with her thumb and tucked a curl behind my ear. Cheryl- "c'mon, let's go"

She took me to a fancy dinner and surprised me with an engagement ring. I was shocked but I of course said yes. The next couple of months we spent planning our wedding, we didn't tell anyone and one day while we were eating breakfast I had an idea

Betty- "Cher?" Cheryl- "yeah baby?" Betty- "what if.. we just eloped?" She dropped her fork as I looked up at her. Cheryl- "what?" Betty- "well.. I was just thinking that we have cute white summer dresses and we don't really care how we do it. Maybe it would be nice just the two of us" Cheryl- "Betty! That's an amazing idea! Then we don't have to worry about Alice and Hal or my parents" Betty- (smiles) "really?" Cheryl- "definitely"

She smiled at me before taking my hand from across the table. A couple days later we were laying in bed together in the morning and were both full of smiles. Betty- (giggles) "so, Mrs. Blossom. What would you like to do?" Cheryl- "I don't know Mrs. Blossom, what do you want to do?" Betty- (gasps) "can we talk about baby names?" Cheryl- (chuckles) "oh my god! We got married less then twenty four hours and you're already thinking about kids?" Betty- "Cher-bear, I've been thinking about kids since I met you"

She laughed before pulling me in for a kiss. Betty- "I love you" Cheryl- "I love you too, and I believe we were meant to find each other" Betty- (giggles) "oh yeah?" Cheryl- "yeah"

I wrapped my arms around her and we stayed in bed for the rest of the day which it where we wished we could be for the rest of our lives.

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