Our Little Girl (Beronica)

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Veronica's POV

Betty always wanted to be a mom. It was her life long dream and I couldn't make that happen. I knew that and she knew that obviously when we started dating and got married but it was really hitting hard

We were walking down the street holding holding each other hands talking about it after our date night at Pop's and I felt terrible about it

Veronica- "I'm really sorry Be, I wish I could give you a baby" Betty- (smiles) "it's okay Veronica, I would much rather be with you then have a kid with someone I don't like" She pecked my cheek and put her head down on my shoulder

Betty- "we'll figure something out, but right now I have you and that's enough" Veronica- "are you sure? We can start thinking about our options soon" Betty- "I know, but we're still young Ve. We have plenty of time" Veronica- "I guess, but I just think having a little you would be so cute" Betty- (giggles) "is this more about you then me?" Veronica- "maybe just a little?" She laughed as we walked farther

When we got a little over halfway through our walk, we heard a small noise coming from behind a bench. Betty stopped dead in her tracks as I listened for it again. She went over to look behind the bench and was horrified by what she saw. A little girl covered in her own filth with knotted hair and bruises and cuts all over her body. She was barely breathing but was still crying.

She looked about five years old but who knew how old she actually was. Betty- "oh my god, Ve" she carefully picked up the girl and it seemed like she had barely any motor skills. She was so small and I worried about her health

Veronica- "we should take her to the hospital, she looks horrible" Betty nodded as a few tears came to her eyes. She was the most caring person on the planet and she hated seeing people hurt, especially kids.

We rushed the girl to the hospital and watched as she was pulled into the back. We didn't even know her but we were so worried about her.

Betty- (sniffles) "how could someone do something like that to a girl so young?" Veronica- "I don't know Be, but we'll help her"

We waited for about two hours before the doctor came back out too see us. Doctor Patel- "from the little that we do know she is very underdeveloped. She doesn't act her age and that could either be from neglect or trauma" Betty- "how old is she?" Doctor Patel- "she's around nine years old" That shocked Betty and I, she was so little and we didn't know how to react" Doctor Patel- "this is one of the worst cases of child abuse in years, she isn't potty trained and she can't eat solid food. She's a nine year old girl who looks like a three year old and behaves like a eighteen month old baby" Veronica- "does she have a name?"

Doctor Patel- "we did a DNA sample and her name is Mia Koral"

Betty- "can we take care of her, d-do we need to talk to someone?" Doctor Patel- "I'll get Mrs Weiss for you, she can help" Veronica- "thank you, can we see her in the meantime?" Doctor Patel- "of course, she's in room two"

Betty and I nodded before he walked away from us. We quickly made our way into the room that Mia was in. She looked so small on her bed and I just couldn't believe that she was actually nine years old. Betty careful went over to the small girl as she opened her eyes

Betty- (softly) "h-hi there Mia" the girl looked concerned but then quickly smiled and let out a cute little giggle. She reached her arms up for Betty as she carefully picked her up and rocked her in her arms. I walked up to them and took Mia's hand. Mia- "Mama!" She was so precious and happy despite everything that she was going through.

We talked to Mrs Weiss and she told us that after Mia was released from the hospital, we could take care of her. That made both Betty and I extremely happy to hear, and we were never going to let anyone hurt that little girl again.

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