Responsible (Beronica)

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Veronica's POV

I loved my family, Betty and I got married right after high school and moved to New York City. We had trouble conceiving at first but after about a year of using a couple of different donors, we finally welcomed our baby boy who we named Chase. He was diagnosed with ADHD a little after he turned four so it was hard for Betty and I at first

She would stayed at home with him until he started school and then we'd both go to work. I had to admit to myself that I didn't like my son. He would always embarrass us in stores or at restaurants and he never listened to us.

I looked at my son and didn't feel very much love between us and it hurt me. I wanted to love him like I was supposed but I didn't know how.

Betty- "What are we going to do? One more time and he's expelled" Veronica- "we could go see Dr March for different medication" Betty- "it doesn't seem to work, I just don't know what else to do"

We were sitting at the dinner table trying to figure out what we were going to do. Chase was a good kid but he just couldn't control himself. Betty- (sighs) "maybe we should just worry about him for awile, and not having another baby" Veronica- "are you sure? I know how much you wanted a big family" Betty- "our son needs our attention right now, and that's what matters" I nodded and took her hand.

Betty- "I should go talk to him, see what happened" Veronica- "y-you always do, let me handle this one" Betty- "are you sure?" Veronica- "yeah, and then we can figure out what we'll do for dinner"

I smiled at her before standing up and walking upstairs. I knocked on Chase's door and slowly opened it to see him sitting on the floor playing with his dinosaur toys

Veronica- "hey buddy, can we talk" he looked at me with sadness in his eyes before he nodded. He stood up as I sat on the bed before he sat next to me. Veronica- "what happened today buddy? You were doing so well" Chase- "well, Shelby was being mean" Veronica- "that doesn't mean you should've punched her, you should've told a teacher" Chase- "but she said that I would be a snitch if I told" Veronica- "there's a difference between snitching and telling an adult when someone's bullying you" Chase- "o-oh, I'm sorry mommy. She just made me really mad"

Veronica- "what was she saying to you?" Chase- (sighs) "she was saying that I was a robot, because I was made in a lab and didn't have a really daddy" Veronica- "oh Chase, I'm so sorry that she said that to you but you should've told someone instead" Chase- "I promise I will next time, I'm sorry"

He wrapped his arms around me which caught be by surprise but I hugged him back. I looked up and saw Betty smiling in the doorway

Veronica- "if you have another problem please come to mama an I first okay?" He nodded before sitting back down and playing again. I rubbed his head and got up to talk to Betty

Betty- "so what happened?" Veronica- (sighs) "the girl was picking on him because of us" Betty- "because we're together!? That's ridiculous" Veronica- "I know, what should we do?" Betty- "I'll call the school tomorrow, but it still his behaviour wasn't right" Veronica- "I know, maybe later we can sit him down again and see if he thinks there's anything we can d0"

Veronica- (sighs) "okay" I hugged her for a second but then we felt little arms wrap around our legs. She picked Chase up and he had started crying which worried us. Betty- "are you okay buddy?" Chase- (sniffles) "I-I'm sorry mama's, I want to be good I promise. I just have a hard time"

Our hearts broke in half after hearing him say that. Veronica- "it's okay Chase, we know you're trying. Mommy and I are here if you need anything okay?" He nodded as we both kissed his cheeks. She put him down before the two of us headed downstairs

Betty- "okay, now I feel bad" Veronica- "me too, I just wish we could help him more. I mean we're his mothers and I feel like we're letting him down" Betty- "we'll be okay right? He'll be okay?" Veronica- "I hope so, I just don't wany to make our kid society's problem" Betty- "don't say that Ve, we'll work with him"

I nodded before looking through the stairs and seeing my son play with his toys.

Just like we had promised, we took Chase to a new doctor and he was prescribed with some new medication that the doctor thought would help.. and it really did. He started behaving better at school and at home which was a relief for Betty and I.

Chase- "Mommy come see!" I heard Betty laughing as I walked into the entrance way. Betty had just picked him from school and he was super excited to see me. Chase- "Look! Ms. Harries gave me a gold star!" He ran into my arms as I lifted him up and kissed his cheek.

Veronica- "wow buddy! That's amazing!" Chase- "she said I did such a good job helping to clean the classroom and that I was so well behaved" Veronica- "I'm so proud of you"

He hugged me so tightly and I really felt like I loved him. He was my son and yes things were going to be hard sometimes but we would always make it through those rough times

Betty- "I think we should celebrate, maybe a special treat?" Chase- "Fiona's!" That was a cute like cafe that was about a five minute walk from our place. Veronica- "I think that sounds like a great plan, Be?" Betty- (smiles) "me too" I quickly put on my shoes while still holding Chase. We started our walk and let him pick out whatever he wanted which made his little eyes light up

Betty- "you know mommy and I are very proud of you, you've been such a good boy and we love you so much" Chase- "I know" Veronica- "we also wanted to ask if.. um you would be okay with maybe getting a baby brother or sister" Chase- "really!?" Betty- "well it's not official but we were definitely thinking about it" Chase that would be so fun! I want a baby sister!" I looked over at Betty who had a giant smile on her face

Betty- "I think you're right Chase, it's time to expand the family. I smiled back at Betty before I kissed Chase's cheek.

After two months of trying, Betty finally showed me the little white stick but it didn't feel how I thought I would. I was worried that when it became real that I would feel the same way I did about Chase, but it the was the complete opposite. I pulled Betty into a hug as quickly as I could amd kissed her. We werre having another baby I couldn't be happier

One day after we foun out about the baby, we went to the doctors and found out we were having twins which was not what we were expectng. It was scary but we knew we would figure it out pretty quickly. We welcomed our two baby girls and named them Kelsea and Madelyn.

Chase loved them and it even made him more responsible which made our love even stronger.

I loved my family even though It wasn't perfect and that's okay.

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