Lost Love (Hiram and Hermione)

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Teen Hermione's POV

I was walking home from school with Sierra McCoy and Fred Andrews. We weren't always the best of friends but we were assigned to do a project together.

We weren't really talking of course which is why it surprised all of us when a car pulled up beside us. The window rolled down and I saw Hiram Lodge. Our parents were trying to get us to be closer but I thought we both agreed that we weren't right for each other

Hermione- "Hiram? What are you doing here" Hiram- "I thought I could give you a ride, hop in" Hermione- "Hiram, I can't. We talked about this" Hiram- "have we?" He smirked which made me feel weak at the knees. I blushed super hard before I turned to face Sierra and Fred

Sierra- "if you're not going, I glady will" Fred and I both laughed at her before I turned back to Hiram. Hermione- "you'll drive slow?" Hiram- "maybe, maybe not. You'll have to take that risk"

I bit my lip before reaching for the car door handle. Fred- "we'll meet you at Pop's later" they waved us off. We drove out of town as he put his arm around me.

We pulled into a little spot that overlooked the river. He was cute but we couldn't let our parents win. Hermione- "why did you pick me up Hiram? Why me?" Hiram- "I like a challenge, and you mi amor are the best one yet"

He rubbed my chin with his thumb as I blushed harder then I did before. Hermione- "but I thought you didn't want to because our parents were trying to set us up" Hiram- "no you wanted that, I didn't tell you what I wanted"

He tapped my nose before I laid my head down on his shoulder. Hermione- "but what if we don't work? What then" Hiram- "don't be a buzzkill, we'll just keep it chill" He was so cheesy but I loved it. I was already falling for him and I was excited to see where this was going to go

Present day

Any spark we had was almost completely was gone. We had dated all of high school and most of college. We got married and had a daughter but we were very quickly falling out of love. We tried to keep it together for Veronica but It was clear there was no longer a connection.

We lived in the upper west side of Manhattan but we decided that it was time to go back to Riverdale. I was nervous to be going back to towm but our friends, the St. Claires were helping us which we really appreciated.

We were moving into my old property which definitely felt weird and Veronica definitely wasn't happy to leave New York but we were getting death threats from strangers about our work and we just wanted to keep our daughter safe

As we were moving boxes it was clear to everyone that the only reason we were still living together was because of our daughter. All I wanted to do was keep Veronica safe

Once we finished, I went to Veronica's room and saw her laying on her bed and texting her best friend Katy. Hermione- "hey Mija, what do you think we should do for dinner" Veronica- "I don't care, you or dad can pick" I pushed her legs to the side as she sat up. Hermione- "I know this is hard on you, I'm trying my best to make you happy" Veronica- "then let me go live with Katy and Jorge, they have an extra room. They're even looking for another roommate"

Hermione- "sweetie, you know we can't let you go" Veronica- "yes, because you and daddy are monsters who hate everyone and everyone hates you" she took her attention back to her phone. I sighed before taking it as she crossed her arms. Hermione- "I said you could have it for the drive. But you're still grounded for going to that party"

I stood up and started walking towards the door before she sighe. Veronica- "okay, you win. We can talk" I smirked before turning around and walking back over to her

She crossed her legs as I sat down. Hermione- "we did this to protect you, you know that right" Veronica- (softly) "yeah, I know, but I just wish I could still be with my friends. They help me take my mind off of you and dad" Hermione- "you don't need to worry about that, your dad and I are fine" Veronica- "but you're not, you both hate each other and I'm sick of it"

I hated seeing her upset like that. She was my little girl and I just wanted everything to be perfect for her. Hermione- "I promise we're working on it" Veronica- (in tears) "You've been working on it for years! I just want us to be happy, to be a family like we used to be"

Hermione- "well I'm sorry my marriage isn't perfect, but we try really hard to keep you out of it"  Veronica- (sniffles) "But I'm your only daughter, I can't not hear the things you say to each other"

And then she just got up and left. I sighed before standing up and calling after her. Hermione- "where are you going Mija?" Veronica- "for a walk, I wouldn't try and stop me" she grabbed her coat and slammed the front door as I sat down at the kitchen table. I rested my cheek on my palm before just let a tear roll down my face

This is definitely not how I thought my life was going to turn out. I felt guilty about not wanting it but it was also torture to live. I sat there for a couple minutes before I decided to start making dinner. I noticed Hiram came into the kitchen to watch me for a minute before leaving and going back to his office

After I finished cooking, I made myself a plate and ate alone. It was normal for me since Hiram would be working and Veronica would be hanging out with her friends, but after awhile I started to get worried. Even when Veronica was mad at me she was always back by seven, eight at the latest but she was never gone pass nine.

I was starting to get really worried about her. After another hour I finally decided to tell Hiram. This definitely wasn't like Veronica and I could help but blame myself. I was the one who took her phone and the one who was arguing with her. I felt terrible and I couldn't help but break down while telling him

Hiram- "she's a strong girl, she'll be okay" he came over to me and hugged me. It was surprising but it was actually comforting. He just held me and I didn't want to let go.

We stayed up all night waiting for her to walk through the door but she never did. We finally took it to the sheriffs station and they did everything they could.

It was just hours of waiting and we were both exhausted. We hadn't sleep a wink the day before because of the move and now we couldn't sleep because our only daughter was missing. It was painful not knowing where she was or if she was okay. It was horrible and every parents worst nightmare. Even though we hadn't been in a good place for awhile, Hiram and I never left each other's side. It made us realize that our daughter was the thing that connected us together

It was day four of trying to find her and I couldn't believe she had been gone for so long. I was barely alive at this point, but Hiram helped pick me back up. I could tell this was hard on him too and I didn't care about our dumb fights anymore and neither did he, we just wanted our daughter to come back to us.

I was laying in bed when Hiram came in and started rubbing my back. Hiram- (softly) "Do you want anything Mi amor?" I loved it when he called me that, it left like we never fought

Hermione- (softly) "I'm fine" he leaned down and kissed my cheek before leaving the bedroom. I didn't mean to fall asleep but I did and I woke up to Hiram shaking me up

Hiram- "Hermione, they found her" That made my eyes pop open" Hermione- "w-what? Where was she?" Hiram- "Nick took her, apparently she rejected him and he came on to her and wanted revenge" Hermione- "I am going to kill that boy" Hiram- "let's just go see if our daughters okay first"

I smiled as he took my hand. My hair was a mess and I was in the same clothes that I had been wearing all week but I didn't care. We ran to the police station and saw Veronica sitting in a chair with a blanket and knees tucked up to her chest.

Hiram- "Mija!" She looked up at us before getting up and running into both of our arms.

Veronica- (cries) "I want to go home" Hermione- "I know baby, we'll be there soon" I held her in my arms as Hiram argued with the sheriff and after about ten minutes we were aloud to take her home.

I could tell she was hurt, and Hiram and I knew what Nick had done to her. We were so careful with her and did everything we could to help her. It made us even closer, and We could see that it was even helping Veronica

We had been through so many rough patches but in the end we were family and we had found our Lost love

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