Still Wasn't Her (Beronica)

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Veronica's POV

I loved walking down the streets of manhattan with my favourite girl.  She was the love of my life and I never wanted to let her go. The problem was.. she didn't live in New York. She was from a small town, north of there. Every once in awhile she took a train and met with me but it wasn't enough.

Veronica- "do you have to go?" Betty- (nods) "but I wish I didn't. I want to stay here with you" I hugged her tightly and a let a few tears roll down my cheeks

Betty- "please don't cry Ve, I'll be back as soon as I can" she cupped my cheek and smiled before using her thumb to wipe my tears away. Betty- "it's not that far and I'll call you every night. Okay?" I nodded as she kissed me quick and got on her train

I watched it pull away as I sighed. I already missed her and didn't really feel like doing anything. I just went home and crashed in my bed and scrolled through the pictures Betty and I took while she was here

Hermione- "you miss her?" I looked up and saw my mom leaning against my doorframe. Veronica- (nods) "why can't she live closer?" Hermione- "I know it's hard, but you'll stay together. This is just temporary" Veronica- "I hope so, it's not that I don't trust her but I get worried" Hermione- "That's normal mija, I know you feel guilty but I bet you she's feeling the same"

I nodded again as she came over and rubbed my shoulder. Veronica- (in tears) "it's just so hard mom, I'm just always missing her. It's not fair" she pulled me into her arms as I cried. It comforted me but It still wasn't Betty.

Betty's POV

I sat on the train with a pit in my stomach. I really didn't want to leave her but I had to. I hated being at home mainly because of my parents. They always pestered me about the friend in New York I was always trying to go see. Every time I went was because I was able to make up the money for my ticket. They hated that I would go and they were very judgemental about Cheryl and Toni's relationship so I wouldn't dare tell them that I was dating a girl

Once I got off the train in Riverdale and headed straight to Cheryl and Toni's. I loved being with them because they didn't hide who they were and I loved that. I was also aloud to talk about Veronica which was something I couldn't do with anyone else.

I knocked on the door and was immediately met with hugs and questions.

Cheryl- "oh my god! Betty! When did you get back?!" Betty- (giggles) "just a couple minutes ago, but I really didn't want to go to home. I can't face my parents. Plus I didn't tell them when I was coming back so I was hoping...?" Cheryl- "sleepover!" She pulled me inside as Toni and I laughed. We got comfortable in their room as they kept asking me questions about her and I tried to answer them without feeling sad but I missed her so much

Cheryl- "so Be, when do you think you'll see her again?" That's when I broke. Betty- (in tears) "I-I don't know, It's getting really expensive to go see her a-and I just can't tell my parents" Cheryl- "aw Be" she pulled me in for a hug as Toni rubbed my back, but it still wasn't Veronica.

Toni- "it's okay Be, just think about it. In less then two years, you'll be with her almost all the time" Betty- (sniffles) "I know, but I still worry. New York is so big and she's bound to meet someone better then me"

Cheryl- "Betty, she loves you. We haven't even met her and we know that's the case" Toni- "yeah, and remember how you guys met?" I let out a small smile. Betty- "how could I forget"


I was fully lost on a trip to New York with my family. I got separated from them and accidentally ran into a girl carrying three coffees in a tray

Betty- "o-oh my gosh, I-I am so sorry" the girl chuckled as she picked up the cup she dropped. Veronica- "it's all good, no harm done. They're lukewarm anyway"' Betty- "but still, coffee stains are impossible to get out" Veronica- "not impossible, coffee stains are nearly childs play my friend"

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