Best Friends Cousin (Beronica)

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Betty's POV

I loved my best friend. I wasn't in love with him but we were always super close. We grew up together so everything just felt natural, he was the first person I told when I realized I really likes girls and he supported me

It was our senior year and it was my last exam before the holiday break, I couldn't wait to be done school especially because once Jughead and I were both done I was going on a trip to Florida with his family

I walked out of the school and waited for Jughead to finish his. It started snowing that morning and now there was a couple inches of snow which meant I was freezing but I promised to wait for him. After I waited for about fifteen minutes, he finally came out to meet me

Jughead- "sorry Betts, Mr Glassco talked for like twenty minutes before he gave us our papers" Betty- "thats okay Jug, but now I need to get home and pack" we started walking towards my house and I could tell that Jughead was acting a little weird. Jughead- "by the way, um.. my cousins coming too"

I froze in my tracks as he sighed and scratched the back of his neck. Betty- "what?! When did you find this out?" Jughead- "just this morning, I'm sorry"

I hated Jughead's cousin, even though we hadn't seen each other in years. She was just so spoiled and thought that she was going to ruin our entire vacation.

Betty- "well there goes our fun" Jughead- "maybe not, she's changed Betts" Betty- "I highly doubt that Jug, she could never change. She still some bratty rich bitch from New York"

He dropped me off at home where my mom was sitting. Betty- "hey mom, I just have to pack then I'll head over to Jughead's" Alice- "sure sweetie, do you need anything?" Betty- "no I should be okay, but thanks"

I ran upstairs and got all of my shorts and bathing suits out but I didn't know which ones I should take. I had started to get more open minded about my body and felt more confident but I didn't want anyone to make comments about how I looked in a bikini so I packed two of each.

I rounded up everything else I needed and went downstairs to say goodbye to my mom.

Alice- "you promise to call on the twenty fifth?" Betty- "I promise, and Polly's coming back so we can celebrate all together in January" Alice- "be good. And have fun" Betty- (smiles) "I will, love you mom" Alice- "I love you too sweetheart"

He hugged me and stroked my hair for a minute before I pulled away. Alice- "here, let me give you a ride" Betty- "really? Thanks mom"

She drove me to the Jones' house before hugging me again and leaving me

Betty- "so, when's her highness getting here?"  Jughead- "she, my aunt and parents are already there, we're meeting them in Daytona" Jughead checked his watch before we got in the car

It was just the two of us and it was very comforting. Our flight was in a couple hours but the security line was so long that we almost missed it. It was only like an hour and forty five minute flight which I was very thankful for. We landed in Florida and I was so happy to feel the warm sun on my face.

It was supposed to be warmer then normal and that was music to our ears. Mr Jones picked us up and we drove immediately to the beach house.

Jughead- "ready Betts?" Betty- (sighs) "I guess, I just don't want her to bug me" F.p- "relax Betty, she seems to be a lot better" Betty- "I'll believe it when I see it"

F.p chuckled as he parked the car and helped us grab our bags out of the trunk. Betty- "wow, this is huge" F.P- "yeah, well you have Hermione to thank for that" I grumbled at hearing the name of the woman who created the girl who was about to ruin my beach vacation. Jughead- "oh come on Betts, lighten up. At least we're not freezing our butts off in Riverdale"

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