The Nerd (Beronica)

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Veronica's POV

I loved my high school experience, mainly because everyone feared me. I was the queen bee and It was incredible. My best friend Cheryl and I were on top of the world and we couldn't have been happier. We were a little mean but we did everything we could to stay on top of the social pyramid.

Cheryl- "so Ve, when are you going to get another boyfriend? I mean Toni and I want to go on double dates" Veronica- "I don't know Cheryl, I just broke up with Archie and I don't think I'm ready yet" Cheryl- "come on, it's been like two months. It's time" Veronica- "I'll let you know when it's time, besides there's no one here I want" Cheryl- "fine then, but I hope you know I'm gonna keep bugging you about it" Veronica- (mumbles) "oh I know"

She linked our arms as we walked to class together. I didn't not care about Cheryl but I also didn't care what she did. I knew that she was going to bug me about being single but I was waiting for the right person.

It was still the first couple weeks of school and we were still sorting out classes. I was bored in half of mine because they were way too easy. So against Cheryl's wishes, I moved into a harder science. I sat down on my first day and felt a little out of place but I knew it was for the better. I was the only popular kid in the class and I was surrounded by nerds who Cheryl made fun of all the time

I was happy to be challenged but It was definitely difficult. Riverdale high wasn't huge but I still didn't know every person so when the teacher said we would be working in pairs all year I was a little worried

We picked our own partners but since I was kinda a bitch. I was left with the only other person who also didn't have anyone. Betty Cooper. She was the smartest girl in riverdale and had a huge future ahead of her but that also means that she was bullied a lot.. mainly by Cheryl

Betty- (sighs) "Veronica" Veronica- "hi Betty" she was your typical nerd. High ponytail, braces and glasses. She definitely looked the part but I could already tell something was off with her. Betty- "so, we're partners all year then" Veronica- "I guess so, and I promise I'm not gonna bother you like Cheryl does" Betty- "why are you friends with her then?" Veronica- "I-I don't know" she nodded  and went back to her math work as I just pulled my phone out

We spent the rest of the class ignoring each other which I actually hated. I don't know why, but I had this weird burning sensation that I wanted this girl to like me. I had never really cared about anyone actually liking me as a person but Betty felt way different. It was like if she didn't like me, I would actually explode

One day a couple weeks into the semester, the teacher told us that we had to work together over the weekend on an assignment. I looked at Betty who just had her headphones in and was copying the notes on the board. After the bell rang she took them out and started packing up her stuff

Veronica- "wait Betty, where are we going to work?" Betty- "oh, um I just thought I would do it alone. Okay?" Veronica- "no, I wanna help. Tell me where we should meet?" Betty- "fine, wanna go to my place?" Veronica- "like right now?" Betty- "yeah" Veronica- "oh, um sure. Let's go"

She threw her bag over her shoulder as we walked out of the classroom. We walked by Cheryl talking to Josie and her reaction to me following Betty Cooper was not a good one. She glared at me as I lowered my head. We walked to Betty's house and she opened the door slowly. No one else was there so we just headed up to her room. I sat down at her desk and was super confused when she pulled the elastic out of her hair and took her glasses off

Veronica- "w-wait so you don't-" Betty- (sighs) "need them? Nope, I don't. My mom makes me wear them. I hate them so much" Veronica- "then why don't you just take them off to school?" Betty- "believe me, she would know. She knows everything. That's mainly why I didn't want to be your science partner" Veronica- "Really? Am I that awful?" Betty- (laughs) "no, but in her eyes you are" Veronica- "what about in your eyes?" Betty- "well... I guess you hang out with Cheryl, who's a bitch but you've never done anything"

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