New In Town (Chetty)

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Cheryl's POV

I was walking through Central Park trying to take in the last morning that I had in New York. We were moving today and I couldn't believe it. I planned to meet up with my best friends Katy and Veronica for one last goodbye

Veronica- "I'm gonna miss you but, remember you're gonna go and find an amazing girl to date. Okay?" Cheryl- "yeah right, the town we're moving too is smalled then this park" Veronica- "yeah that's not saying a lot" Cheryl- (chuckles) "I think I'm gonna miss shopping with you and Katy the most" Katy- "did someone call?" Cheryl- "Katy! You made it!"

I ran and hugged her as Veronica followed. Katy- "what do you mean? I was always coming" Cheryl- "I know, but it still makes me sad that I'm leaving" katy- "aww Cheryl" she hugged me tightly as Veronica turned it into a group hug. Cheryl- "you guys will come visit right?" Veronica- "of course we will" Katy- "we promise"

We walked to our favourite cafe and enjoyed one last cup of coffee before I left. Once we finsied I said my final goodbyes before heading back to the penthouse

Jason- "oh good, you're back" Julian- "yeah. now do us all a favour and actually help!" He threw an empty box at me as I rolled my eyes. We all finished the rest of the packing and loaded up in the car. I put on my headphones and listened to music the entire ride home until we pulled up to the giant mansion

Cheryl- "why are we moving again?" Julian- "jesus Cheryl don't you even listen. We moved because of the stupid family business" Clifford- "your brother's right, since Nana Blossom died I inherited the family maple business" Penelope- "yes. So now we live.. here"

She handed me a box that had my name on it as I looked at the house. It was late so everyone just went to bed except for me, I spent the next two hours unpacking and making sure everything was where I wanted it. Once I finally collapsed in bed, I only got around four hours of sleep before Jason was shaking me awake.

Jason- "get up, since you already unpacked your room mom wants you to go pick up breakfast" Cheryl- "w-what? From where?" Jason- "apparently there's some diner in town? I don't know she just told me to send you" I sighed before getting up and getting dressed. Since it was one of the last days of summer I wore a cute short red skirt and a cropped black off the shoulder shirt

Cheryl- "so? Where do you want me to go?" Clifford- "it's called Pop's Chock'lit shoppe, I'm sure you can find it" I rolled my eyes before heading out the door. I walked around town for about twenty minutes before I finally found it. I walked in and ordered our take out before looking around.

I looked up and saw a girl in the back crying by herself. It didn't look like she was waiting for someone so I just went over to her

Cheryl- (softly) "hi" she looked up as her eyes widened. ??- (sniffles) "h-hi" Cheryl- (softly) "can I sit" she nodded and wiped the rest of the tears off her face. Cheryl- "what's wrong?" I took her hand as she looked at me. Betty- "m-my boyfriend broke up with me, he said I was too good for him but we all know what that means" she look down at her lap. Cheryl- "well he's crazy then, your so hot and if some guy doesn't want you then it's his loss"

She smiled a little before I heard my name being called. Cheryl- "here, give me your phone" she looked confused but did end up handing me her phone. Cheryl- "theres my number, call me if you need anything" I smiled and got up but then she stopped me. ??- "I don't even know your name" Cheryl- "it's Cheryl" Betty- "Betty"

I smiled. Cheryl- "so you'll call and text me.. Betty?" She nodded as I got my food and left. Once I got back to the mansion I found everything in its place and my family on different sides of the house. Penelope- "there you are, were you planning on actually feeding us" Cheryl- "sorry, I got a little lost but I got the food" I set it down on the dining room table before sitting down

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