48 Hours (Beronica)

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Veronica's POV

I was pacing the hospital waiting for the news. I was trying desperately to keep myself together but it was extremely difficult. Cheryl and Toni kept trying to calm me down but nothing was working

Toni- (softly) "Ve, she'll be okay"  Veronica- (sobs) "you don't know that" Cheryl- "she's strong, she'll push through" Veronica- (sobs) "I can't lose her, she's my e-everything!"

They rubbed ny shoulders as I cried into my hands. It had already been two hours.

Another thirty minutes passed before Alice and Hal came into the waiting room, they hated that Betty and I were together so I was surprised they came at all. Alice- "what did you do" I was about to answer before Cheryl stepped in front of me

Cheryl- "excuse me? What did she do?! You have been nothing but assholes to her and your daughter" she started tearing up halfway through as Toni came and hugged me. Cheryl- (in tears) "you're the one who caused this. She was running away because of you! And I swear to god if you say one bad thing about Veronica I will end you because she has been nothing but caring and gentle with her!"

They were shocked but knew Cheryl was right so they just turned around and left. Cheryl pulled me in for a hug and to keep my knees from buckling. We held each other tightly until Doctor Masters came over

Toni- "please tell us you have news" Doctor Masters- "she's in critical condition, she was hit head on. She's out of surgery but she's in a coma"

I covered my mouth and cried harder as Cheryl supported me. She tucked my hair behind my ears and held me close. Doctor Masters- "we don't know if or when she'll wake up, but you girls can go see her. Talk to her, it won't feel like it but it will help"

Toni nodded as he walked away. I felt like I couldn't breath and like my whole world was about to come crashing down. Cheryl- (softly) "c'mon let's go see her" She grabbed my hand as Toni grabbed hers. This was hard on all of us but they were really trying to be strong for me

We careful walked into the hospital room and were met with a lifeless Betty laying on the bed hooked up to a bunch of different machines. Her face was scratched and stitched up and her hair was loosely around her shoulders. I hated seeing her like that and I was worried that I would never see my happy bubbly girl again

Cheryl- (softly) "go ahead Ve, we'll be here" I nodded before taking my first few steps towards the bed. Veronica- (softly Cries) "I-I can't do this" Cheryl- (softly) "yes you can, she needs you"

I slowly went over and grabbed her wimp hand before interlocking our fingers. Veronica- (sobs) "you better come back to me Betty Cooper, I'm not done with you yet. We always talked about having a family and I can't do it without you" I looked back and saw Cheryl crying on Toni's shoulder as Toni nodded at me.

Veronica- (sobs) "you're my everything and I don't think I could live without staring into those beautiful green eyes again"

Toni had let go of Cheryl and came over to me. Toni- "she loves you Ve, she won't leave you here" I sniffed before I leaned over and kissed Betty's forehead. Toni- (softly) "come on, maybe we should take you home"

Veronica- (sobs) "no! I'm not leaving her, what if something happens and I'm not here? What if I-I don't ever get to say goodbye?"

Toni- (softly) "we can't leave you Ve, should I call someone?" Veronica- (sobs) "who? We only have each other and you g-guys! That's why I need her"  Cheryl came over and pulled me into another hug as we both cried into each other's shoulders. Cheryl- (cries) "we need her too, and we'll be here for you no matter what"

We stayed there for almost five minutes before Cheryl and Toni left. They didn't want to but I insisted that they went home to sleep. I pulled up a chair next to Betty and didn't let go of her hand the whole night. It had been almost twelve hours

The next morning, I felt Cheryl shaking me awake. Cheryl- (softly) "hey Ve, we brought you some food and a change of clothes" Veronica- (snffles softly) "I-I'm not hungry" Toni- (softly) "you have to eat Veronica, it's not healthy for you" Veronica- "I'm not moving until Betty wakes up" Cheryl looked at Toni and sighed before bringing the Pop's bag over to me.

Toni- "you don't have to move" Cheryl- "but can you at least eat? You still need to take care of yourself" Veronica- "I don't need to be okay, until I know she is okay" Cheryl- "she wouldn't want you to be torturing yourself. Don't you think you should be ready when she wakes up?"

I looked at her then back at Betty before sighed. Veronica- "thank you" I grabbed the bag and ate before quickly changing into the clothes they brought me

Cheryl- "better?" Veronica- "no, not until Betty's awake" I went back over and grabbed her hand again. Toni- "do you want us to stay?" Veronica- "I guess" my eyes were glued on my girlfriend, I couldn't let anything else bad happen to her. I sat there for another 6 hours before Cheryl and Toni left again.

It had been 18 hours since the crash, the phonc call from the hospital was playing on repeat, it was the worst call I have ever received

I only left Betty's side to use the bathroom and when the nurses came in to check on her. They had noticed that I hadn't left and also made sure I was okay

Nurse Grace- "hey Veronica, maybe you should head home" Veronica- "I can't, I can't look at the bed we were supposed to share last night and the kitchen we were supposed to make breakfast in, we were finally free before it was ruined by a drunk driver who's already out of jail"

She rubbed me shoulder and met my eyes. Nurse Grace- "I get it, if anything happened to my girlfriend and daughter I wouldn't be able to leave either" she hugged me as I started crying again. I just wanted my girlfriend back.

She left after I calmed down as we reached the 24 hour mark, a whole day of not knowing if the love of my life was coming back to me. And it wouldn't be until another 24 hours passed until I would find out.

I was sitting next to her holding her hand when I felt her squeeze it. I had barely gotten any sleep so I couldn't tell if it was my mind or her but then I felt it again. I called Nurse Grace in and she told me that she was waking up, slowly but she was. I smiled as happy tears came to my eyes.

I texted Cheryl and waited for twenty minutes until I saw those green eyes again. Betty- "V-Veronica?" Veronica- (cries) "oh my god Betty!" I kissed her head before putting my hand on her cheek. Betty- "what happened? Where am I?" Veronica- (sniffles) "you were in a car accident baby. You were in a coma for the passed two days"

Her eyes widened as she start hyperventilating, I calmed her down. Veronica- "it's okay, you're okay" I hugged her tightly as we both teared up. Betty- (cries) "I'm sorry" Veronica- "sweetheart it wasn't your fault, if anything it's mine. I was the one who told you to come live with me that late at night"

Nurse Grace- "you shouldn't blame yourself Veronica, hi Betty are you feeling okay? I'm your nurse and if you need anything at all I'm here" Betty- "thank you, but I just want my girlfriend right now" Nurse Grace- "funny, she said the same thing"

She left the room as I curled up beside Betty. Betty- "I didn't mean to scare you" Veronica- "well just don't do it again, this was the longest 48 hours of my life" she smiled and kissed me. We were finally back together again

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