Plot Twist (Beronica)

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Betty Cooper's POV

I was was pacing around my room out of nerves. I loved this girl so much but I knew she was hiding something.

Veronica Lodge had just moved to town and over the past couple months we became super close. She told me she liked girls and so did I which meant it worked out perfectly, but she was being weird about it. We would only hang out in public or at my place and she wouldn't really tell me about her home life

Betty- "Hey Ve" I leaned down and kissed her before sitting across from her. Veronica- (smiles) "hey Be, how was your day?" Betty- "boring as hell, I missed you"

Veornica didn't attend school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays which also weirded me out, but she said that school makes her extremely anxious so I try to understand as best as I can

Betty- "why the sunglasses? It's overcast and we're inside" Veronica- "o-oh, um I ran into the corner of a wall, I wasn't looking where I was going" she took of her sunglasses and her eye was  bright purple and was a little swollen. Betty- "oh my god Ve, that looks bad"

I immediately knew there was something going on, there was someone who was hurting her but I didn't know who. She also wouldn't talk about her parents so of course they were my immediate thought.

I took her hand and smiled. Betty- "you know you can trust me right? I'll help you with anything you need" Veronica- "Betty.. I promise you it's not what you're thinking. Im okay, I swear" Betty- (sighs) "I'm just really worried about you Veronica, I really care about you and I don't want to see you hurt" Veronica- (smiles) "I love that you care so much Betty, but things are.. complicated right now and you just have to trust me"

I looked into her eyes and Just nodded. I didn't know what else to do because I wanted to trust her but the black eye made me rethink everything. We hung out at Pop's for a couple hours before she got an urgent text on her phone

Veronica- "I'm so sorry Betty, I really have to go" Betty- "o-oh t-thats okay Ve, is everything okay?" Veronica- "yea, just a problem with a family member. My mom needs me home" Betty- "you'll text me after?" Veronica- "definitely"

She kissed me quick before grabbing her bag and leaving. I put my head on my forehead and sighed as Tabitha came over and rubbed my shoulder

Tabitha- "you doing okay Be?" Betty- (sighs) "I'm trying to be, but I can't help feel that I'm being lied to" She sat down beside me and put her chin on my shoulder as I let a tear roll down my cheek. Tabitha- "I know baby be, but I promise that she'll tell you whatevers going on. I have faith in you two" Betty- "thanks Tab, that means a lot"

She stayed with me for a couple minutes before she had to go back to work and I had to go home. I got up and just slowly walked home. I wasn't in a hurry to be there mainly because my mom was going to ask a bunch of questions but at least Polly was there

Once I finally got home I was surprised to see Polly home alone, so we just watched a couple movies and talked for a while

Polly- "so she got a black eye by walking into a wall?" Betty- "mhm, at least that's what she told me" Polly- "well she's clearly lying, whats going on?" Betty- "I wish I knew, I might go over there and see what's going on" Polly- "you should Betty, especially because it's most likely her parents doing it to her. I mean who else could it be?"

I sighed as she took my hand from across the couch. Polly- "I know you wanna trust her, but this is serious" Betty- (in tears)"I just want her to be safe" Polly- "aw Betty"

She pulled me into a hug as I cried into her shoulder. Everything in me just felt sad and desperate to help her but I couldn't and that made me hurt

We stayed like that for a few minutes before I sniffled and sat upright

Betty- "I-I've walked her home before, so I know where it is" Polly- "do you want me to come with you" Betty- "no, I-I need to do this alone. But thanks Polly" I hugged her tightly one more time before I got up and left

I walked slowly to Veronica's, mainly because I didn't know what I would be walking into and I just wanted to make sure she was safe

Once I finally got to the Pembrooke, I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door. I stood there for about a minute before someone opened the door. I had met her mother once before at Pop's and she seemed very nice but she was very surprised to see me standing there

Hermione- "Betty? What are you doing here?" Betty- "I saw Ve's eye today, I wanted to make sure everything was okay" Hermione looked back into the apartment as he face became blank

Hermione- "she might get mad at me for this, but  I think you should know" Betty- "know what? What aren't you telling me?"

She sighed before inviting me inside. I was so confused but then she pointed me into a room down a hallway. Hermione- "she really cares about you Betty, just remember that"

I was scared at this point. Both of them were being weird and mysterious which wasn't comforting but I did what she told me. I walked to the end of the hall and opened the door

I was shocked about what I saw. There was a big bed with a small bassinet beside it and a bunch baby stuff around mixed with Veronica's. I just looked around in shock before I heard the door close behind me. I slowly turned around and saw Veronica standing there with her head hung and a baby in her arms

Veronica- (softly) "so you know now" Betty- "why didn't you tell me Ve? I wouldn't have been upset"  Veronica- "I know, but its still new and a little embarrassing. I had a baby at seventeen" Betty- "and? I don't care Veronica. I love you and I want you to be able to tell me things about your life" Veronica- (sniffles) "y-you love me?" Betty- "of course I do Veronica, you're the best thing thats ever happened to me, baby and all"

She smiled and walked over to me as I rubbed her shoulder

Veronica- "Be, this is Myla. She's my beautiful daughter" Betty- "she's gorgeous Ve, she reminds me of you" Veronica- "Thanks, wanna hold her?0 Betty- "is that okay?" Veronica- (giggles) "definitely"

We sat down on her bed as she handed her daughter over to me. Betty- "she's so precious" Veronica- "I literally haven't stopped looking at her since she was born, she is my everything.. well you both are" Betty- "how old is she? She can't be more than four months old" Veronica- "she's a little more than four, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about her" Betty- "and I'm sorry that I came over after you asked me not to"

Veronica- "I'm actually very happy you did, but I do have to ask.. do you think you're in this for the long haul? I know we only started dating a couple months ago but It's not only my life that it affects but hers to a-and I- " I interrupted her with a kiss and she smiled. Veronica- "I'll take that as a yes" Betty- "good, because I definitely am"

She put her head on my shoulders and rubbed her baby's cheek. I was so in love with the both of them and never wanted to let them go. Even though Veronica didn't tell me the truth, I didn't care because we were together and everything was perfect just the way it was

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