Meant To Be (Beronica)

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Betty's POV

I was walking out the back door of Pop's to take out the trash for Tabitha. I needed a job and Tabitha was more then happy to help. I moved out of my parents house to finally get away from my mother. I loved being independent and it made me feel better to know there wasn't someone on my back all day everyday

I threw the bag in the dumpster and started to go back inside but then I heard something coming from the other side. I carefully looked over and saw a girl in her bra and underwear laying beside the dumpster. My heart sunk as I grabbed her wrist and checked her pulse

I sighed with relief when I knew she was breathing but then she started to wake up

I took of the maroon cardigan I was wearing and put it around her shoulders as her eyes opened. Betty- "hey.. are you okay?" ??- (groans) "where am I?" Betty- "uh Pop's dinner. You don't remember anything?" She shook her head as she tried to sit up. I helped her slowly as she put her hand on her head. Betty- "a-are you from Riverdale?" ??- "Riverdale? No, I'm from New York" Betty- "so how did you get here" ??- "I-I have no idea, the last thing I remember is getting in cab to go home"

I was shocked but I wanted to help her. Betty- "I'm just going to take you back to my place, is that okay. I'm Betty" Veronica- "I'm Veronica, and yeah t-thanks"

I could tell she was shaking up which anyone would be. I helped her to her feet as I texted Tabitha. I tried to explain as quick as I could but it was hard to do. I got her to the car and drove home as quick as I could

I gave her a hoodie and sweats that I had in the car and that was good enough until we got to the apartment. Veronica- "t-thanks Betty" Betty- "of course, i-is there anything else you need?" Veronica- "other then the story about what happened to me, I think I'm okay" Betty- "I can take you back to New York tomorrow, I-It's my day off and I've never really left Riverdale"

Veronica- "wait, you've never left this tiny ass town?" Betty- "not really, I mean we went on vacation one time but we just stayed at a bed and breakfast in the neighbouring town" Veronica- "that is so sad, I'm so sorry Betty" Betty- "you don't need to be sorry, I'm fine with it" Veronica- "so you've never wanted to go anywhere? You just wanna stay here forever?" Betty- "I guess not but I guess I've never really thought about it" Veronica- "wow, that's really sad" Betty- "thanks"

She smiled as we sat down on my couch. She kept looking at me but I think she was just trying to put the pieces together. Betty- "is there anything you can think of that happened? Like were you drugged or just kidnapped?" Veronica- "probably both. I'm the Lodge Ice princess of New York so my parents and I get threats all the time but there usually nothing" Betty- "wow. That must be awful"

Veronica- "it's not all bad. We're rich and everyone is terrified of me" Betty- "d-do you have any friends?" Veronica- "no, but I've always been pretty much a loner. I do have a best friend though. Katy but she's mainly it" Betty- "doesn't that kinda.. suck?" Veronica- (sighs) "sometimes, but I've never had my heart broken so there's a plus"

Betty- "you've never had a boyfriend?" Veronica- "or a girlfriend, but I do enjoy the occasional hookup" Betty- "wow, you are very interesting Veronica Lodge" Veronica- "thank you, Betty whose last name I do not know" Betty- (laughs) "it's Cooper, Betty Cooper" Veronica- "well, Betty Cooper thank you for finding me"

Betty- "of course, I wasn't just going to leave you there" Veronica- "we you could've and you didn't, so let me say thank you"

I smiled as she bit her lip. Veronica- "sorry about the condition you found me in, I normally wait a little while before I let my hookups see me naked" Betty- (smirks) "are you calling me one of your hookups?"

She leaned in closer to me and smiled. Veronica- "maybe, maybe not. You into girls?" Betty- "I don't know, I've never tried"  Veronica- "are you willing to?" I looked to the side for a second before I bit my lip and nodded my head. Veronica- (smiles) "good answer" She grabbed my hand led me into my bedroom.

After a couple hours I laid in Bed with Veronica passed out beside me just thinking about what had happened. I was happy but also a little shocked. I looked over at her and propped my head on my hand while looking at her. It felt different then my other relationships but I knew she didn't feel the same which honestly made me a little sad

Veronica- (smiles) "like what you see, Cooper?" I froze as my eyes widened. She turned over and did the same thing as me. Veronica- "don't worry, I think it's cute" Betty- "is this what you're like with your regular hookups?" Veronica- (sighs) "no actually, this one felt different then the other times" Betty- "sorry?" Veronica- "that's not what I meant. It was amazing but It just feels more real with you Betty. And I'm not trying to make it weird or overstay my welcome but maybe I could stay a little longer?"

Her fingers crawled up my arms which made me smile. Betty- "well I've got the room" Veronica- "and that's this room.. right?" I playfully rolled my eyes as she smirked. Betty- "ha. Ha. Very funny. Yes this room" she brought her thumb up to my chin and looked into my eyes

Veronica- "good, because I wasn't leaving anyway" I smiled as she leaned down and kissed me. Betty- "but we've only known each for four hours" Veronica- (softly) "and yet, it feels like we were meant to be"

Betty- "but don't you want to get back to New York. Your parents must be worried about you. And don't you want to find our what happened in the first place?" She looked down at my arm that was still on the bed before she took it in her hand Veronica- "I don't care what brought me here, if they wanted to murder me I'd be dead" Betty- "but what about your parents" Veronica- "they never notice I'm gone, maybe I could just.. start a new life here"

Betty- "w-with me?" Veornica- "maybe, maybe not" I looked into her eyes as she smiled. Veronica- "if that's okay, I know we only just met and that it's a little weird-" I interrupted her with a kiss and a smile. Betty- "I think it's a great idea, I love it"

She cupped my cheek and smiled. Veronica- "I'm excited about this, and I hope you are too" Betty- (smiles) "definitely"

I helped her move in the next day and she made sure I was okay with it and of course I always was. I loved having someone who cared about me and it really felt like we were meant to be.

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