Going Home (Betty)

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Betty's POV

I was on my computer answering emails when I saw one from a name I hadn't seen in forever. Archie Andrews. I shrugged it off and decided I would deal with it the next day. I stood up and went into my three year old daughter's bedroom to make sure she was okay.

Esme- "Mama?" Betty- "sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to wake you" Esme- "can I have cuddles?" Her eyes were huge which made me smile

Betty- "of course, c'mon we can go to Mommy's bed" I picked her up and placed her on my hip. She was an exact copy of me, thank goodness too. She had beautiful green eyes and wavy blonde hair. Esme- "mama do you have to go tomorrow?" Betty- "I'm sorry baby, but you'll have so much fun at preschool tomorrow" Esme- "but you won't be there" she curled up in my arms and closed her eyes

I kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair. She fell asleep in my arms which made me giggle. She was the sweetest little girl on the planet and everyone always told me how perfect she was.

After an hour of scrolling through social media, my curiosity got to the best of me and I opened Archie's email. It said that he wanted me back for our ten year high school reunion but had lost my number. I think everyone lost my number because I had kind of just left everyone without saying goodbye.

The truth was, I didn't want to leave but he made me. He told me that if I said anything to my family or friends that he would hurt me even more. After I couple years I ended up getting pregnant but before she was born, he was arrested for theft and driving under the influence. He went to prison but was killed by fellow inmates, but I was free. I've raised Esme myself and she's always been the light coming from my darkness

The next morning I was woken up by her jumping on my stomach. Esme- "morning mama" I smiled and sat up before attacking her with kisses. Esme- "mama! Tickles!" Betty- "oh does that tickle?" She nodded as I tickled her tummy as she giggled. Betty- "now why don't we get you dressed and make some breakfast?" Esme- "yay!"

I stood up and picked her up. We went to her room and got her dressed, the entire time I was thinking about Archie's words. I realized I had to go back.

Betty- "alright baby, let's go eat so I can drop you off at daycare" she pouted. Esme- "no" she stood up and crossed her arms. Betty- (sighs) "okay fine, you can come to school with mommy"

she smiled and jumped up and down. My students loved her and my principal said If I needed to bring her I could. We got ready and headed to my elementary school

Betty- "remember, you have to behave and stay with me. Okay?" She nodded and squeezed my hand. I bent down and kissed her cheek before we walked up to my classroom

Ava- "hey Betty can I- oh hi Es, how are you" Esme- "good!" I handed her a colouring sheet and set her up at my desk as I talked to my co worker Ava. Betty- "sorry, she really didn't want to go to daycare" Ava- "that's okay, we love having her here" Betty- "so what do you need?" Ava- "I just need a copy of the worksheet you used"

I helped her out just in time for the kids to roll in. They all gushed over Esme which made her feel like the princess that she is. They took turns giving her piggybacks and playing with her during recess. That night we grabbed some takeout and cuddled on the couch in our pyjamas

Esme- "fun day mama!" Betty- (giggles) "I'm glad, but I wanna talk to you about something. Is that okay?" She nodded. She was small but smart so she knew it was serious. Betty- "I think we're going to go on a little road trip this weekend, to see some of mommy's old friends. Would that be okay?"

She nodded and laid her head down on my chest. She yawned as I traced circles on her back. Betty- (sighs) "okay then" I kissed her head and closed my eyes.

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