My Boss (Beronica)

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Betty's POV

It was my first day at my big publisher job! I was so excited to finally be working in New York City and I was determined to do well

I walked in to the giant building and found my desk. It was across from this girl who had black hair and a bold red lip. Katy- "Hi I'm Katy! Katy Keene" Betty- "Um Elizabeth Cooper, but you can call me Betty" Katy- "cool, so it's your first day?" Betty- "yeah, I've always wanted to work here and I can't believe that it's actually happening!"

Katy- (laughs) "just be careful of our boss. Richard. He can be a real pain in the ass" Betty- "noted, thanks Katy"

I sat down at my desk and pulled out my laptop. I had Katy send over a draft and started working. Abour thirty minutes later our boss came in. Richard- "you must be the new one" I nodded Richard- "call me Braxton. You're a cutie, you know that" he sat on the edge of my desk as I looked over at Katy who was just shaking her head and rolling her eyes

Betty- "I prefer badass but that also works" I watched Katy nearly choke on her coffee as he stood up off my desk and looked at me furiously. Richard- "I should fire you for a comment like that-"

??- "oh Richy, if only you had the power to do that without me"

We both looked at saw a woman standing there with her arms crossed. She had dark wavy hair and wore a short dress. Katy- "Veronica, I got that cover from the designers for you" she stood up and handed her file. Veronica- "perfect, thank you Katy. Now Richard, can you run this down to the copier?" He huffed and grabbed the file before getting in the elevator.

Once he was fully gone, Veronica turned to me with a small smile on her face. Veronica- "you must be Elizabeth" Betty- (smiles) "Betty, but yeah" Veronica- "nice to meet you Betty, and nice take down" she shook my hand as I blushed. I loved her confidence and became nervous around her. Betty- "t-thank you"

Katy- "Veronica here, is the best boss you could ask for" Katy got up and came over to her. Katy- "and my best friend" Veronica- "Katy, we agreed on being professional" Katy- "right, I'll go back to my desk. I'll just wait for Braxton to get back and comment on my height and body"

Veronica- (groans) "god I wish I could get rid of him" Betty- "is he that bad?" Katy- "worse, he only talks to the guys and has terrible standards" Veronica- "well ladies, I'm off for now but I'll be checking in" Betty- "thanks Veronica"

She smiled and walked down the hall to her office as I sat back down at my desk. Katy- "so, wanna grab a coffee after work? There's an adorable cafe down the street" Betty- "sure Katy, a-as friends right?" Katy- (laughs) "yes Betty, I'm straight" Betty- "sorry, I just need to make sure. I've been in very awkward situations where I miss read what was going on" She laughed again as I just chuckled awkwardly.

After work we headed to the coffee shop and found a table for just the two of us. Katy- "so Betty, what's your story?" Betty- "oh just the typical. Straight As, lovely house and loving parents. What about you?" Katy- "nothing so glamorous, my mom passed away a couple years ago and I've never met my dad" Betty- "I'm so sorry Katy, that must've been hard" Katy- "it was, she was my whole world and when she got sick I needed to find a job. That's when Veronica found me. Her business wasn't big at the time and after the merger it was good for the company but then I had to deal with Richard"

She wiped a tear off her cheek and grabbed her coffee. Katy- (sniffles) "anyway, Veronica tries to defend my but she can't always be around" Betty- "how hasn't he gotten fired yet?" Katy-"that's a great question and I have a terrible answer. He's a dude" Betty- (sighs) "if only the world were different"

We sat and talked for awhile before I started heading home. When I got to my apartment I couldn't stop thinking about Veronica. She didn't have to stand up for me the way she did and I know she's my boss but I couldn't just forget about her

Almost two whole weeks I couldn't stop thinking about her. I tossed and turned all night before I sighed and got up to go to work

Veronica- "wow Betty, you're early" Betty- "u-uh, yeah just couldn't sleep" I looked at my phone and noticed it was only six. Veronica- "yeah, same" she came over and sat on my desk but she was way nicer that Braxton. Veronica- "so, something on your mind?" She sipped her coffee as I racked my brain trying to think of something to say. Veronica- "Betty?" I didn't know how long it had been but long enough for her to realize there was something up

Betty- "um, n-nothing?" Veronica- (chuckles) "are you sure about that?" Betty- (sighs) "no, It's s just weird and embarrassing. You would think I'm a complete psychopath" Veronica- "so you've thinking about me.. the same way I've been thinking about you?"

Everything stopped for a second as I processed what she had said. We had only just met and she was my boss, it was crazy. Veronica- "s-sorry I shouldn't have said that it was very inappropriate" she didn't seem like the type of person who got embarrassed so when she did it really surprised me.

Betty- "no Veronica, it was exactly what you should've said" I felt me cheeks warm up as she smiled. Veronica- "I know we just met, and I'm your boss but let's forget about that for a second" it was like she could read my mind. Betty- "I-I don't know Veronica, we could get in trouble" Veronica- "how old are you Betty?" Betty- "twenty three" Veronica- "so am I, I just started my company earlier in life. What's the problem? It's not illegal and I really like you Betty, even though we just met I can tell you're amazing"

I sighed and looked into her eyes. I could see a little bit of hope and wishful thoughts. I just couldn't say no.

Betty- "d-do you think we should?" She smiled and sat her coffee down before pulling my chin up to meet her. My whole body moved to her touch. She stopped when I was fully standing while staring into her eyes. She leaned down and kissed me, it didn't last very long but we both pulled away smiling. Betty- "so we're doing this?" Veronica- "oh we're definitely doing this" I laughed before she kissed me again.

A few months later I moved into her house, it was just outside the city but it was huge. Braxton go fired for sexual assault, which meant Katy became Veronica's co-owner! We were so happy and I couldn't believe I actually got with my boss.

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