The Festival (Choni)

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Toni's POV

I was standing with Sweet Pea and Fangs with their girlfriends Josie and Midge. We were waiting in line for the ferris wheel that came with Riverdale's annual festival. I of course was the fifth wheel like always, I hated when I did it but I was the only who didn't have a lover at the moment so It was just me

We were about to get on the ride when they separated us up into pairs but since I was the only one without a person, I got put with this hot redhead girl.

She looked pissy and wouldn't make eye contact with me. I rolled my eyes with a smirk as we got on for our turn and we both sat down with our arms crossed

We were on there for about ten minutes when we stopped near the top. ??- (whispered) "ugh great, just great" Toni- "what?" Turned her head around and looked at me like she had forgotten I was there. ??- "sorry, I'm just.. not having the best day" Toni- "try me, this was my tenth time this week being the fifth wheel" Cheryl- "yeah, I just caught my ex-girlfriend with my ex-best friend who is also my cousin so.." Toni- "yeah, I'd say that it worse"

She laughed for a second before we both sighed. Cheryl- "I'm Cheryl" Toni- "Toni, Toni Topaz" she shook my hand as I smiled. Toni- "so, ex girlfriend and ex bestie?" Cheryl- (chuckles) "yeah pretty much, but that is a long and complicated story?" Toni- "well" I looked at the ground and saw some guys on the phone. Toni- "looks like we've got sometime to kill, why don't you tell me"

She sighed and smiled. Cheryl- "sure, why not. I mean we've got nothing else to do since my parents can't pay for an actual good festival" Toni- "oh my god, you're Cheryl Blossom?" She nodded as I felt as stupid as ever. Cheryl- "don't worry, I try not to associate with my family. I'm definitely not like them" Toni- "really?" Cheryl- (nods) "they just.. wouldn't support me if that makes sense. If they knew my choices or lifestyle"

Toni- "so you're afraid to tell them you're gay?" She nodded as I held out my hand. Toni- "don't worry, I was too" Cheryl- "d-did they except you?" Toni- "oh god no, they kicked me out and I still live in a trailer by myself. But I'm not trying to scare you" Cheryl- "really? For a person whose not trying to, you're doing really well"

I chuckled as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. Toni- "what I'm trying to say is that, I'm happier because I'm around people who like me for who I am. Sure they ditched me today but we'll be able to laugh about it later. They support me and that's all I could really ask for"

Cheryl- "yes, but you're not the town princess. I can't just pick up and leave" Toni- "why not? I didn't even know it was you at first"  Cheryl- "you're not very good at people are you?" Toni- "was it that obvious? I just don't really leave the south side very much" Cheryl- "well it seems like we both have stuff for work on"

Toni- "yeah. Just like people on this ride. How long have we been up here anyway?" Cheryl- "less the five minutes" then I just felt embarrassed as she laughed

Cheryl- "don't worry, it has felt like forever" Toni- "hey when we get off of here would you maybe want to explore the festival a little more" Cheryl- (chuckles) "explore? Sweetheart I little helped set it up" my cheeks went red again as she laughed harder and took my hand again. Cheryl- "but I would love too"

Just then we started moving again and our feet were back on the ground. I was met by Sweet Pea and Fangs at the bottom and both were looking upset

Toni- (chuckles) "what happened to you too?" Fangs scratched the back of his neck as Sweet Pea crossed his arms. Sweet Pea- "Josie and Midge ditched us, so we're able to hang with you" Toni- "glad to know I'm third pick but.." I looked behind them at Cheryl who was waiting for me with a smile

Toni- (smiles) "but I'm leaving you guys too" I pushed through them and went over to Cheryl who linked our arms. I didn't look back but I had to assume their faces were confused and shocked at the same time

Cheryl and I stayed together for the rest of the night. I won her a red toy bear at the midway and she kissed my cheek which made me blush and smile. We loved each other's company, but our night was interrupted when we accidentally ran into her parents

Cheryl- "m-mom, dad" Penelope- "Cheryl? What are you doing here?" Clifford- "yeah? We thought you were staying home" Cheryl- "I-I was going to, b-but then- I-l-" Toni- "then I invited her, I'm Toni one of Cheryl's friends" I shook their hands as they looked shocked. Cheryl- "actually.. no Toni, you're my date" that stunned them even more.

Cheryl- "we met earlier and it just kind of turned into one" she smiled and took my hand while waiting for their reactions. Penelope- (smiles) "just be back before lunch tomorrow" Cheryl nodded as they walked away from us. She looked at me with tears in her eyes before hugging me tightly

Cheryl- (sniffles) "thank you Toni" I smiled into her shoulder before we pulled away and I put my hand on her cheek. Toni- "of course, I can't believe you did it Cher. I'm impressed" Cheryl- "I just couldn't lie to them anymore, I wanted to tell them the truth" Toni- "well, even though we don't know each other very well, I'm proud of you and now I get you all to myself for the night"

She giggled as I took her hand and when we ran out of the gates. We got to my trailer and I pushed her against the door before kissing her passionately

Toni- "you're okay?" Cheryl- (smiles) "I don't think I've ever been better" she kissed me again before she picked me up and I wrapped my arms around her waist

A couple hours later I rolled over and checked my alarm clock while Cheryl was still asleep. I carefully got up and put on some pyjamas before going out to the main part. I smiled the entire time I was standing there. I already knew I was falling in love with Cheryl and could imagine a future with her. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a kiss on my cheek

I turned around and saw Cheryl standing there in  her bra and a pair of my pyjama shorts. Cheryl- "you okay T-T?" Toni- (smiles) "I'm great Cher, I can't wait to see where this takes us" Cheryl- (smiles) "me too"

She kissed my lips and pulled me back to bed as we fell asleep in each other's arms

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