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The Forty-Third Chapter

देखा हज़ारों दफ़ा आपको
फिर बेकरारी कैसी है
संभाले संभालता नहीं ये दिल
कुछ आप में बात ऐसी है
लेकर इजाज़त अब आप से
सासें ये आती जाती हैं
ढूँढे से मिलते नहीं हैं हम
बस आप ही आप बाकी हैं

देखा हज़ारों दफ़ा आपकोफिर बेकरारी कैसी हैसंभाले संभालता नहीं ये दिलकुछ आप में बात ऐसी हैलेकर इजाज़त अब आप सेसासें ये आती जाती हैंढूँढे से मिलते नहीं हैं हमबस आप ही आप बाकी हैं

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(Guys comment karo, I need motivation, I have so many more books to write, If I act this detached, I might as well end the series here with this book.)

Navigating through the array of frozen treats for pets, I was completely engrossed when suddenly, I collided with someone. My heart skipped a beat as I looked up, only to meet the gaze of none other than Mihir – my ex.


New plan. Ignore his existence. Pretend you don't know him. Say sorry and run for your life before you settle for awkward conversation.

Sahi plan hai, abh bhaag.

"I'm sorry," I blurted out, moving back from him, Maggi still in my arms, as I turned around, taking a step back to where Patidev was standing.

"Roohi? Is that you?" I heard him call out, making me stop, my eyes closing in frustration.

"Uh-oh, yeah," I replied, turning around and smiling awkwardly at him. Uh, what now?

"Oh god, it's been so long," he said as he walked towards me, his arms extending for a hug. I nodded with a forced smile.

But before he could hug me, Maggi lunged forward with a loud growl, scaring Mihir away as he took a step back with a nervous, scared smile.

"Uh... cute dog you have there," he spoke, and I chuckled.

"Thanks," I replied, trying to keep the conversation light. "He's a bit protective sometimes."

"Yeah, I can see that," Mihir said, still keeping his distance from Maggi. "So, how have you been?"

"Oh, you know, same old," I replied vaguely, not wanting to delve into personal details. "And you?"

"Busy with work mostly," he replied, glancing around awkwardly.

"Ah, same, well, it was great meeting you, I need to leave," I said, mustering a polite smile.

"Roohi, wait," Mihir called out just as I turned to leave. "I had a great time when we were dating. Do you want to go to dinner sometime? I just moved to Udaipur."

His words caught me off guard, and I paused for a moment, unsure how to respond. "Oh, um... I appreciate the offer, Mihir, but I'm married actually," I replied, my tone apologetic yet firm.

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