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The Twenty Ninth Chapter


रूठी ऐ सबते रब्बा
रब्बा दिल भी है रूठा
सब कुछ है बिखरा बिखरा
बिखरा सा रूठा रूठा

चुप माहि चुप है राँझा
बोले कैसे वे ना जा
बोले कैसे वे ना जा
आजा आजा


(There better be comments, or I'm gonna start threatening you guys. P.S- Yes Maggi bites.)

Happy reading!


The soft glow of the television screen bathed the room in a gentle, flickering light, but none of us were paying it any attention

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The soft glow of the television screen bathed the room in a gentle, flickering light, but none of us were paying it any attention. The sounds of "Golmaal", the iconic hindi movie played in the background.

Rudra lay beside me, peacefully asleep, his face nestled against my chest. His hands wrapped loosely around my lower waist.

My fingers delicately traced through his hair, their gentle movements a tender massage to his head.

I absentmindedly scrolling through my phone with my other hand. I had a mission: to learn how to comfort someone. Rudra had a natural way of comforting me whenever I needed it, but I felt like I could do better.

Also I was feeling sick. I don't know why? I was feeling overly emotional yet uneasy. Let that be.

So, there I was, reading articles online, wanting to understand the art of being there for someone.

One quote from an article resonated deeply, "Simple gestures, like a touch or a hug, can convey more than words ever could."

Another suggestion that caught my attention was the importance of being present. "Sometimes, just being there is enough," read the advice. I glanced at Rudra, his peaceful state.

Another read, "Surprise notes." Hmm. That's it!

Slowly and carefully, so as not to disturb his peaceful sleep, I eased myself off the bed. The room was dimly lit, and the gentle glow from the TV screen painted my way.

Rudra, still deeply asleep, let out a soft whine, almost as if he could sense my absence. His hand reached out, searching for me.

I paused for a moment, smiling at him.

As I tiptoed across the room, my eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I managed to locate a stash of colorful sticky notes. 

I carefully picked up a pen and began jotting down short, sweet messages on each note.

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