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The Second Chapter


अच्छा चलता हूँ, दुआओं में याद रखना

मेरे ज़िक्र का, ज़ुबां पे स्वाद रखना
दिल के संदूकों में, मेरे अच्छे काम रखना
चिट्ठी-तारों में भी, मेरा तू सलाम रखना
अँधेरा तेरा, मैंने ले लिया
मेरा उजला सितारा, तेरे नाम किया
चन्ना मेरेया मेरेया, चन्ना मेरेया मेरेया
चन्ना मेरेया मेरेया, बेलिया, ओ पिया
चन्ना मेरेया मेरेया...

मेरे ज़िक्र का, ज़ुबां पे स्वाद रखनादिल के संदूकों में, मेरे अच्छे काम रखनाचिट्ठी-तारों में भी, मेरा तू सलाम रखनाअँधेरा तेरा, मैंने ले लियामेरा उजला सितारा, तेरे नाम कियाचन्ना मेरेया मेरेया, चन्ना मेरेया मेरेयाचन्ना मेरेया मेरेया, बेलिया, ओ पियाचन्न...

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I muttered the words, 'It won't be needed,' trying to comprehend his cryptic response.

My expectations of a casual comment like 'good luck with that' were shattered. Confused, I shook my head, acknowledging that I was overthinking.

Itna ajeeb chhora hai! That's what my nani would have said.

I needed to purge him from my mind. He is just trying to get into my head. That's just Rudra being Rudra.

Determined to lift my spirits, I took an impromptu detour to a pretty flower shop on the corner.

The bell above the door chimed as I entered, the fragrant aroma of flowers enveloping me. Sunlight danced through the dainty curtains, casting a warm glow on the vibrant array of flowers.

A bouquet of delicate daisies caught my eye - their simple beauty resonating with the simplicity I craved in that moment. As I reached for them, the florist, a cheerful woman with a twinkle in her eye, approached.

"Ah, daisies! They're a lovely choice," she exclaimed, her fingers deftly arranging the flowers. "Is it for a special occasion, or just a treat for yourself?"

I couldn't help but smile at her infectious enthusiasm. "Just for me," I replied, feeling a sense of liberation in the admission. "Sometimes, a little self-love is in order."

The florist nodded knowingly. "Absolutely! It's the best kind of love. Treat yourself right."

As she tied the bouquet with a ribbon, I couldn't help but smile. "You're right. Yeah, thanks."

With a playful wink, she handed me the bouquet. "Consider these your personal cheerleaders. Now, go out there and conquer the world, one petal at a time!"

Leaving the shop, I felt a renewed sense of positivity, cradling the bouquet in my arms. Okay, that lady was so sweet! Her optimism rubbed off on me. I can get through this!

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