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The thirty-first chapter.


जीने के लिए सोचा ही नहीं
दर्द संभालने होंगे
मुस्कुराये तो मुस्कुराने के
क़र्ज़ उतारने होंगे
मुस्कुराऊं कभी तो लगता है
जैसे होंठों पे क़र्ज़ रखा है


A whole week has zipped by, and now I'm getting used to my new routine

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A whole week has zipped by, and now I'm getting used to my new routine. It's been a comfy week, and Rudra has been just amazing. He's super patient and always there for me when I'm dealing with cramps or feeling a bit loopy.

Heera mila hai mujhe, Heera!

Every night, he gives me a soothing thigh massage and showers me with kisses all over my face, making me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

Work has been pretty good too. I sent in the designs for the saree, and guess what? Naman loved them! It's like reaching a big milestone. He even called me into the office yesterday and personally talked to me, praising my creation. It was such a proud moment. 

Naman really radiates good vibes, and he's turned out to be a true mentor. With the news of my wedding making headlines, the whole office congratulated me, and everything felt like it was going smoothly.

Rudra is also caught up in the office work. It turns out being the COO involves a lot more than just showing up at events – he's got interviews with the media on his plate too. 

Today was a big deal because it was his first official public interview post-marriage, and we all knew there would be questions about his private life.

You know high profile businessmen life?

I managed to wrap up work early, mostly because I had a bit of free time. My task was to work on some freestyle designs for blouses to go with the bandhani skirts that Sabyasachi had decided to bring back. 

That should be easy.

Now, Vaahi and I are cozied up in her room, watching the live telecast of Rudra's interview on TV. 

As we tuned into the live telecast, there he was – Rudra, looking absolutely devilish in that black polo neck t-shirt. The half sleeves showed off his well-defined muscles as he sat across from the interviewer on the sofa. 

His body is on full display, You can make out each muscle. That t-shirt isn't hiding anything.

Interviewer: "Ladies and gentlemen, today we have a special guest, Mr. Rudra Pratap Rajvansh, the COO of the esteemed company, Rajvansh Co., and the Managing Director of Sargoyam Ltd. Welcome, Rudra!"

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