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Alexei stopped hearing my scream followed by furious Ralph and anticipated Killian.

"I'll kill her," Alessandro said in my ear as a chill ran down my spine. Alexei's hold on the gun tightened.

"If you don't take your hands off her in the next two seconds, you won't have hands." Suppressing a shiver, I flinched when I felt Alessandro tensing behind me. His hand on my throat twitched, and the knife trembled. I knew he was scared, and he also knew Alexei wasn't bluffing. He'd kill. He'd kill him. For me.

I shut my eyes, ready to accept whatever fate had in store for me. Ready to face death. My pulse quickened, the metallic taste of fear lingering in my mouth. Time slowed, each heartbeat echoing like a somber drumbeat. The cold touch of the knife against my skin sent shivers through me, a cruel reminder of my malicious reality. At that moment, a flood of regrets and unrealized feelings surged, and the impending darkness whispered its chilling promise.

Strangely, every flashback was of happy hidden memories. With Mama, with Papa, with Scarlett, with Tobias and Andrew. I even recalled the smiles and laughs I shared with the man who was ready to kill me. I shut my eyes, and a small smile crept on my face. If I'd die today, I would die with no regrets. I would die with no shame. I would die with no hatred in my heart.

I felt it, as the knife pressed deeper, the first layer of the skin ripped, and the knife pressed further.

In search of life, I was now so close to death. When I thought about it, it scared me. Where had I ended? I wandered on a path without a destination. In search of one happiness, how many sorrows tormented me?

A lone tear escaped my eye, and the knife cut through my skin. I did not feel anything. Waited for him to cut deeper, deeper and deeper till I was dead.

But it never came. Death....never came.

My senses were bombarded with a clamor of chaos. My body felt as if it had been caught in a fierce storm, being forcefully swayed and turned before colliding with a hard surface. Despite the ringing in my ears, I could hear the grunts and the piercing sound of bullets zipping through the air

Gathering my strength, I struggled to control my breath, my chest heaving as I attempted to steady myself. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist. My trembling hands instinctively reached out and clutched onto the familiar scent that enveloped me.

I tried to pry open my heavy eyelids, but my vision blurred and was clouded by the residue of my haziness.

The scent that clung to the air, mingling with the acrid stench of gunpowder and fear, offered a faint semblance of solace amidst the fear.

As my hands continued to shake, my grip on the scent intensified, drawing strength from its familiarity and the myriad of emotions it evoked.


His arms immediately wrapped around my knees and he hoisted me up in his arms. Cradling me to his chest. I looked over his shoulder at the scene in front.

Alexei had Alessandro on his knees, the latter clutching his arm tightly where the bullet hit him as his hatred-filled eyes glared at Alexei.

Alexei stood towering over him without any gun but a small pocket blade in his hand yet he looked maliciously evil. Eyes fuming flames, chest rising up and down with lips turned in a cruel smirk.

Who said the devil was an evil, ugly monster, with scars all around? The blood that she'd from those scars many uncanny paintings. And now when I arranged those paintings, like pieces of a puzzle, I saw a beautiful, broken man, hidden behind those ugly scars.

A devil was not born, he was made. By this world. By the cruelty of people. I realized I was hating the wrong all this time. I was protecting the wrong.

I was blind. And now that my blindfold was opened. I saw the truth.

Alexei Volkov was not just my tormentor, he was my knight in darkness.

"I told you to take your filthy hands off her, didn't I?" He tilted his head ever so slightly as his domineering aura made the air around us chilly. Alessandro clenched his jaw.

"Take her somewhere safe, I'll deal with him myself," Alexei grunted without looking back, his muscles stretched through torn pieces of his shirt. Covered in blood and scars, he was the most beautiful man for me.

I felt my chest tightening as I felt Killian vaguely nodding and looking down at me.

Alexei crouched down and fisted his hair pulling his head back and making him groan. His eyes were enraged and furious as he stabbed him in the cheek I gasped and looked away as Alessandro's screams reverberated in the room.

"Ahhhhh!" His cries no longer hurt me. Alexei's blade ran through his face cutting his flesh and skin the blood splashed all across Alexei's face as my husband grinned.

He pulled out the blade as Alessandro writhed in pain. Taking his wrist in his one hand, Alexei feigned sympathy, caressing his veins. "Strange, this wasn't the song you were singing minutes ago."

"N-No! I-AH!" I heard Alessandro's scream as Alexei's blade cut through his wrists, slashing his hand in two, his fingers thudded on the floor as Alessandro rolled over in agony. Tears and snot running down his face but Alexei was far from done.

Bile rose throat at the sight as I pushed my face into Killian's neck. Hoping his sandalwood scent would wipe away the stingy metallic smell of blood.

"No one, and I repeat, no one can harm her and live to see another day," he growled. "I told you, this will end before the end of this night, and I plan to stay true to my words, Vitale."

"Give my greeting to the devil." I could feel my body slowly succumbing to exhaustion. I found it increasingly difficult to keep my eyes open. Every blink seemed to last a little longer than the last, the fluttering of my eyelids becoming slower and heavier with each passing second. The room around me started to blend into a dizzying haze, the details slowly fading away into obscurity. 

The darkness slowly began to envelop me, wrapping its tendrils around me like a comforting blanket. It whispered in my ears, urging me to let go and embrace the sweet surrender of sleep. Every inch of my body begged for peace

And so, amidst the whispers and the encroaching darkness, I allowed myself to surrender. I let go of the fight, releasing myself into the unknown abyss of slumber. As my consciousness faded away, I couldn't help but wonder what life awaited me on the other side, a much-needed respite from the demands of this cruel world.


Finally. YEAH!!!!

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