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"Rara? Rara!"

Rara snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Killian snapping his fingers in front of her face to get her attention. She looked up from the plate and saw 'her husband' looking down at her with raised brow. His pale blue eyes glimmering with sharp with amusement.

"You may look more pleasing all mute, Schmetterling, but it's honestly a bit creepy if you keep stabbing that poor egg..." Killian said with a amused grin. Rara's hand froze as she looked down to find the egg being all scrambled on the plate, barely eaten.

"What were you thinking, topolìno?" Ralph asked rubbing her thigh. Rara gulped. What was she even thinking? She stared blankly at the plate, pondering the question that kept swirling in her mind like a persistent whirlwind. What, in fact, was she even thinking? The answer eluded her, slipping through the cracks of her memory like elusive tendrils of smoke. The mere act of trying to recollect the exact thought that led her to this moment seemed almost futile. It was as if her mind had detached itself, wandering into a place of its own, completely oblivious to the passage of time or the three men around her.

A sharp pain resonated through her head, making her squint her eyes tightly.

Closing her thighs tighter and rubbing her hands, she fidgeted in her seat. She could feel the pad of Ralph's fingers moving to her inner thigh dangerously closer to her heat. "Are you thinking of running away? Cause if you are, your brothers are on the list next."

Ralph leaned in closely towards her, his voice reverberating in a low, hushed tone that caressed her ear. A chilling sensation rippled down her spine, instantly evoking a sense of dread that seemed to consume her very being.

Her eyes widened, accentuating the fear that had taken hold of her. Every fiber of her being screamed for her to flee, to escape the clutches of this terrifying man unfolding before her.

With a desperate urgency, she vigorously shook her head, as if trying to shake off the haunting words that had been whispered so intimately to her.

The room itself seemed to hold its breath, the air thick with tension.

Locked in this terror, her mind raced, the tendrils of fear encroaching upon her thoughts. The depth of Ralph's proximity only added to her unease. She could feel his breath, warm and tainted with an underlying sense of malevolence, caressing her earlobe. Each whisper seemed to ingrain itself deeply within her psyche, leaving an indelible mark that she feared she would never erase.

As she sat there, a sudden wave of chills descended upon her, causing her body to tremble involuntarily. A profound sense of coldness seemed to seep into her very bones, leaving her feeling numb and vulnerable. It was as though an icy hand was gripping her tightly, constricting her every movement.

"She wouldn't dare to," Killian snorted. "Where can you hide, Schmetterling? There is nowhere for you to go." Rara gulped—unconconsiouly agreeing to him—she pondered once again. Except for Alessandro Vitale, she couldn't see any ray of hope.

With her thudding heart, she asked. "Can–" she took a deep breath. "Can you hire a helper? I'd be more comfortable if I have a woman beside—" she stopped when she felt all three pair of eyes on her, narrowed and intensified with unknowing emotions. She quickly shook her head. "It's okay, I was just sayi–"

"A maid will be here tomorrow. Anything else you need?" Rara looked at Alexei with broad eyes as a lump of saliva formed in her throat. Did he just agreed?

A sudden realisation settled down in her head as she mumbled. "I need s-some medicine, for my m-monthly cycle. My periods will come today." She quipped hoping they'd leave her alone untouched for few days. Her whole body was sore and throbbing, she needed a break from their violent cravings.

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