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"Rara..." My name was a rough exhale on his lips as his thumb grazed across my aching nipple. "You are so beautiful, little mouse... far beyond my wildest dreams." The playfulness in his voice shifted to a much darker lure of lust.

Like a blazing inferno, his fervent words left an indelible mark on my soul, igniting a fire deep within me — though simultaneously triggering a symphony of cautionary alarms within my mind. It was as though we were embarking on the pinnacle of an ardent romance, until his knee delicately nestled between my trembling legs, momentarily dispelling the hazy enchantment that surrounded us. Reality crashed upon me, dousing the flames of desire with a chilling wave of horror.

What was I doing? How could I find any pleasure in this situation? Enduring a monster's touch silently for the sake of a higher purpose was one thing, but desiring them, allowing them to behave as if we were in a romantic relationship, was disturbing and completely irrational. Despite being bound by my wrists, pretending that I was unwilling, that my body didn't long for them in twisted manners, was futile and perverse. They managed to mould my body to their colours so that every other colour looked faint in comparison to theirs.

"Fuck this shit, I've had enough teasing!" Killian let out an animalistic growl. I opened my hooded eyes to watch him stalking towards us. The towel handed lowly on his hips as Ralph gently tugged the straps lower to expose my bulging breasts. I was sure if Ralph ran his hand between my legs, he'd find me dripping.

Killian's mouth was on one of the nipples as my head arched back at the feeling of tongue flicking the hard bean of nerves. The pleasure was too intense and raw. I missed this. Heavens.

"You're a siren, Schmetterling, a deadly, stunning, murderous little thing." Looking half a god and half a demon, Killian ran his tongue down the cleft of my aching breasts. "Any man would be on his knees just to listen to your enhancing moans."

Warmth. It was everywhere. My body felt weirdly lethargic. My skin burned as if only their hands could soothe the burns. The weirdest part about these few days without Killian was each passing second, I felt closer to his trauma. We both were spawns of our nightmares, fate played us cruelly, twisted us in its clutches squeezing every last drop of innocence.

They figured out the best way to destroy me. Making me enjoy their torment. Like a fish gasping for air, my mouth parted. Killian lifted me easily my legs instinctively wrapping around his torso. I was heaving with the fervour of their continuous existence. I clung onto Killian as he moved towards the door. I heard Ralph chuckling throwing a curse in Killian's direction and Alexei's unfathomable gaze as he sipped on his drink. Yet I knew he would've loved to join us. But what happened between us that night still kept him distant.

He wanted me to hurt so bad, yet a cruel part of his cared if I might break.

I inhaled sharply as Killian tossed me on the bed. My back harshly met the soft mattresses and Killian was on me. I didn't know when our clothes met the floor or when the restlessness inside me had me pulling Killian towards my mouth. I kissed him. With the fire in my heart. The curtain of differences between us faltered—even if it was for a second—I sensed Killian letting out a shaky breath. His whole body was taut as he perched himself on his elbows looking down at me.

"I can not imagine this life without you, Schmetterling. You've entangled my soul in your webs." He was a fine line between sin and virtue. Faith and lies. Almost too enchanting to be called a devil yet too cruel to be called an angel.

Yet I hated myself more than him.

As his cock's broad head pressed against my folds, I felt my breath shallow and my muscles tense in a sudden wave of panic. This doesn't feel right, too reminiscent of making love. Still gazing at me, his intense pale eyes filled with desire, I realised I must ask him to stop, to bring this to an end.
Yet, with one forceful thrust, he penetrated me, causing me to forget my intention. All that remained was the intense, primal feeling of his cock entering my body.

Despite my arousal, I felt a burning sensation as he pressed deeper, disregarding the resistance of clenched muscles, causing my tight inner tissues to separate. It hadn't been long since Ralph and Alexei took me, but Killian was big in both girth and length. Or was it because it had been a long time since he took me? My heart pounded intensely in my chest as my body reluctantly yielded to the forceful penetration. I experienced a combination of disappointment and bitter relief when I realized that my fears were unfounded.

This was nothing like lovemaking.

Once he had fully entered, he suddenly paused, his eyes shining with sinister desire. A different kind of tension swept over me, dispelling any lingering unwanted arousal and bolstering my determination. While his seductive appearance remained, I now saw the monster lurking behind his handsome face, the tormentor who had destroyed my life.

There was now no uncertainty in what I felt, no mixed emotions whatsoever. My tormentors, the men I despised, were violating my body, and I found pleasure in it. I welcomed it because their cruelty caused less pain than their kindness, their mercilessness was less terrifying than their mercy. The idea of not hating them was far more complicated than actually hating them.

Inhaling deeply, I braced myself for forceful and intense sex, but to my surprise, he remained motionless. His lustful expression and rigid posture indicated his desire, yet he refrained from making any movements. It dawned on me that he had sensed my unease and chose to give me time to acclimate.

It was a lot different than the last time Killian forcefully took me. He was giving me time to get accustomed.

He was trying to be gentle in his twisted way—which was the last thing I wanted.

Gathering my courage, I delicately caressed my tongue across my lips, witnessing a fervent blaze ignite within the depths of his gaze.

"Do it," I whispered, flexing my inner muscles. I could feel him throbbing inside me, hard and thick and dangerous. "Fuck me."

His gaze bore into mine, and in that moment, I could sense the fierce internal battle waging within him. It was as if a monstrous force was duelling against the very essence of his humanity. But I, too, harboured a whirlwind of conflicted emotions. Killian despised me, a deep-rooted hatred simmering beneath the surface, for I embodied the relentless reminder of his profound tragedy. He craved me, desired my presence, yet also yearned to exact vengeance upon me, to make me suffer for the role my father played in the agony his mother endured. Likewise, Alexei harboured a burning desire to annihilate me, to seek retribution for the heartbreak inflicted upon Anya. Though they may not have comprehended the depths of their sentiments, I sensed it. It resonated within me, an unbreakable bond woven by loss and torment. Our connection was far from normal, tainted with an indescribable darkness, reminiscent of my twisted response to them.

Their vengeance was what bonded us, and no amount of gentleness could change that fact.

I witnessed the precise moment when the monster began to gain the upper hand in the fight. Killian's jaw clenched as he partially retreated and then forcefully thrust back in. "Is this your desire?" His voice was deep and hoarse, while his pale eyes grew darker. He moved his hips, causing me to gasp as he penetrated deeper, his grip on my wrists tightening. "Tell me, Schmetterling. Is this your wish from me?"

Defiance pulsed through my veins as 'no' lingered on my tongue, the temptation to allow my tormentor to control the untamed beast. Yet, my resolution remained unyielding. I had forged my path, and backing down was not an option. Perhaps, this final act of retribution was the key to the redemption we both sought. The punishment, I realized, was an essential ingredient for my absolution.

I contemplated the idea of him unleashing his darkness upon me. It was a daring proposition, where both of us could finally break free from the relentless torment of guilt haunting our existence. Alternatively, we could exchange our fragments of guilt, thereby exposing the depths of torment that each of us endured. "Yes, Killian," I whispered and braced myself. "Give me your sorrows, and take away mine."


How was it? Brace yourself for the next chapters, the shit is about to hit the fan. If you think Alexei is gentle and Killian is cruel, then think again. Who knows they might reverse their roles. 'wink'

And for those who want to know when will I update, I will update daily. and I appreciate all the comments and I find them amusing sometimes. I love reading them, and I read every comment. 

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