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Chilling cold lips pressed against my temple, fetching a faint scent of patchouli and rosewood and smoke. "Sleep, Schmetterling. We're almost there." The voice was resonant and dark, dangerously familiar. I tried to pry open my heavy lids, but they refuse to budge. My body doing the same. I tried to speak but my mouth wouldn't open, it almost felt like I was paralysed.

Strong pair of warm hands gently counsel me onto something smooth and warm. My head moved onto something boosted. I felt strong muscles beneath me. Lap. I was on someone's lap. My pulse accelerated, and even with my sluggish and incoherent thoughts, I knew this was not normal. A faint memory ushered me to recall little details.

A needle. Dark. A nightmare coming to claim me.

My body immediately sensed the threat, and my mind not functioning properly. My heart rate intensified as adrenaline surfaced in my veins. With great difficulty, I blinked and opened my heavy lids. Even though my vision was blurry, I couldn't miss the dark features hovering over me. Pair of midnight-dark eyes matched the darkness surrounding me. This...this couldn't be. I could recognise his cruelly handsome face anywhere, how could I not, my nightmare was embracing me in his arms.

"Close your eyes, Schmetterling. Don't fight it." Kilian Schmidt murmured. His deep voice held both threat and promise as he gently cocooned my head to his neck. His fingers ran through my hair gently, massaging away the throbbing pain in my skull. "I told you, you can not escape me."

I wanted to let out a cry but it seemed more difficult. The edges of his calloused hands ran through my long strands as his palm rested under my chin. I shuddered at his touch. His hands. Hands which have killed many today. For the whole two years, I dreaded this moment, and finally, It was here. They were here. For me.

To claim me.

Another equally dangerously erotic voice entered my ears. It sounded distant.

"Don't cry, love," my other tormentor said, brushing away the little hope I held onto for two whole years. "There's no escape now. You know that."

Yes, I did. Nothing and no one could help me now.


So, it's just a prologue of what you'll be getting yourself into. Ah! I'm so excited. Hope to get great response on this one like you did to HER HUSBANDS.

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