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Present time

Rara sat in the large circular-shaped bathtub, as she sought solace amid the serene atmosphere of the opulent bathroom, she instinctively curled her knees to her chest, holding onto her only source of comfort. With her long, flowing tresses cascading down over her delicate features, she inadvertently created a fragile veil that concealed the streams of tears streaming down her face.

Amid her despair, Rara's heart-wrenching sobs pierced through the silence, echoing her deep anguish. Each tear she wiped away with a trembling hand seemed to symbolize the weight of the emotional burden she carried. The trauma that had befallen her had left an indelible mark on her fragile soul, and she felt utterly shattered in its wake.

Rara found herself grappling with the cruel betrayals and inexplicable horrors that had plagued her life. Each passing moment seemed to erode the resilience she had so desperately clung to, leaving her teetering on the precipice of a breaking point. Uncertainty and despair loomed large, threatening to consume her unstable mind.

The relentless onslaught of traumatizing events had plunged Rara into a state of distress from which she worried she could never recover. The mere thought of enduring further hardships petrified her, as she questioned her ability to bear yet another painful blow. In her eyes, the relentless cycle of emotional turmoil was becoming increasingly unbearable. Killian, Alexei and Ralph had made her life a living hell. She cursed the moment she caught Killian's eyes, damn the moment she let Alexei's midnight eyes hypnotise her, and regrets the moment she fell for Ralph.

She yearned for peace from the haunting memories that relentlessly haunted her. The cries of the people, Stefan's dead eyes, her father's bloodied mutilated body....Scarlett's face.

The soothing warmth of the water enveloped her, offering a momentary balm for her tormented soul, even though it couldn't truly assuage her deepest wounds.

Rara grappled with the inner turmoil of a young woman caught in the relentless grip of devils. She pondered whether her fragile spirit could withstand any more devastation, fearing the seeming impossibility of her recovery. The overwhelming gravity of her circumstances weighed heavily upon her, as she teetered on the precipice of surrendering to despair.

Scarlett had been her last remembrance of her mother. She was loyal, kind, and gentle. She always made sure to take care of her whether she was in need of help or not. She thought back to when she first came of age as not just the daughter of their father, but a trophy. She was terrified. Everything felt so unfamiliar, and she desperately missed her mother. She chuckled as she thought back to all the times they spent together. The memories of their childhood. How many times did she cover for her whenever she was caught doing something she wasn't supposed to?

Her eyes lifted at the sight of the bathroom door being opened. As usual, her heart filled with fear as one of her undesired husbands entered. "Are you still grieving?" she asked.

Killian asked, walking up to her, his every step exuding a sense of beguiling allure. As he neared her, it became impossible to ignore his nakedness, as his toned physique elegantly sculpted his silhouette. The intense gaze of his pale blue eyes formed an invisible bond with Rara's very being, undeniably drawing her closer. It was at this moment that Rara yearned for a chance to catch her breath, to gather her thoughts, but the intensity emitted by Killian's every move shattered any hope of peace.

His nudity was not merely a state of undress but a revelation of danger and raw desire that seemed to emanate from within him. The sight of his raged bulging erection provocatively pressing against his stomach, reaching the contours of his navel, conveyed a primal force that sent shivers cascading down Rara's spine. The contrast between his dark, shielding hair and the piercing intensity of his gaze only heightened the enigmatic intrigue that seemed to envelop Killian.

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