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I was numb and tired when Alessandro hung up the phone. It was Ralph's and it seemed like Ralph purposely let him have it. Alexei and Killian must be on their way here.

I was too exhausted—both mentally and physically. The betrayal and lies I had been fed all my life were too much. I believed it was my father who killed my mother, but it was Alessandro all along. I thought he wanted me to marry Stefan because of some business, but it was more than that. My death was decided on the day of my wedding and that explained why Stefan always felt guilt whenever he looked at me. He knew what his father and mine were planning and yet he was going to let that happen because of what? Money? Even if it was oceans worth of money, it wasn't more than my life?

I deserved to live, as much as my mother did. Why? WHY?!

I wanted to scream, to pull at my hair, but I was too numb to care anyway. I could hear Alessandro mocking me, and calling me whatnot, but that was all I could do at that moment. I was weak, careless, and so much angry.

My eyes slowly moved to the door when I heard footsteps. For a second I thought Alexei was here, but when I saw the familiar face of Antonio, I flinched and my lips twisted in disgust.

He smiled widely and had mocking eyes. I hated how much he resembled Ralph. He laughed looking at Ralph. "The bastard was giving me attitude an hour ago." He stomped on his wound but Ralph bit his lips and did not utter a word, not even pain bothered him as he glared at Antonio. "See where it led you, kid."

"Took you longer than it should." Alessandro rolled his eyes. I flinched when his hold on my hair tightened, the force he used was tormenting. The mascara ran down my cheeks along with my tears as my body throbbed in pain.

Antonio smugly scoffed. His grin widened when his eyes met my feared and hatred-filled ones. "Had business to take care of." His eyes moved between Ralph's and me as he said. "What are you waiting for now? Kill them."

Alessandro sighed, releasing his hold on me as I took a deep breath. My hands shook with fear as I wanted to crawl to Ralph and take him in my arms. He was hurting and looking at him hurt me too. It broke my heart and made me furious to the point I wanted to kill him. To wipe away his worries and embrace him in my arms. I loved him. I FUCKING LOVED HIM!

A sob left my lips as I helplessly watched him trying not to show any pain.

"I will, but where's fun in that? I want to enjoy this for a bit longer. I bet Morris would've enjoyed this more than me." Alessandro mused, visibly amused by our pain.

"That man was something. Money-hungry asshole." Antonio said. And I hated him. He and Alessandro. My father. All of them. Ones who destroyed us.

Antonio stepped towards me, his grin sick and twisted, his green eyes mocking as he tilted his head and suggestively looked down at me, his eyes shamelessly moving to my cleavage as I swallowed hard.

Before I knew, he was crouching down, I tried to crawl back only for him to place his hand behind my head. His touch disgusted me.

An unsettling dance of repulsion, as his touch became bold and bile rose in my throat.

His thumb and finger teased my ear as I heard Ralph's animalistic growl.

"I wonder why he didn't fucked his daughter. She's fine as fuck. Too tempting. Man liked young pussies." I shut my eyes and clenched my fists. My body shivered as another heart-wrenching sob escaped my lips.

Antonio's fingers laced with my hair, pushing them behind my ear. I repulsed in disgust, lowering my head unable to meet his gaze. I knew if I looked at him, I might end up spitting at him. And in this situation, I couldn't afford to provoke him.

"Oh, tell me about it. Anya Volkov, remember that girl? Russian and pretty little thing." My lips wobbled as I thought how Anya must felt. I never saw that girl, I did not know her, yet I pity her.

"Fucking best day of my life—DAMMIT!"

It all happened in a mini-second, one moment Antonio was touching me perversely, and in another, he was on his knees covering his head as a bullet flew past his head.

A scream tore from my mouth followed by another gun fire. My heart rate sky-rocketed. Fear engulfed my limbs as I struggled to move. Eyes widened.

Adrenaline rushed through my veins and as I blinked my eyes to see through my blurry vision, I saw Killian's familiar concerned face etched with a worried frown and an angry scowl as I saw him storming inside with a gun in his hand firing at men in masks.

I was paralyzed, frozen in my spot. I felt relieved and scared at the same time. Thank god he was fine.

Immediately rushing to my side, Killian scooped me in his arms as Alessandro and Antonio ran behind the couch firing at Alexei.

My eyes widened as I looked at Ralph. "R-Ralph!" Killian followed my gaze and pushed me behind him as he covered me with his body and ducked us behind the pillar. I was engulfed in his arms instantly.

"Shh, you're safe! Thank god, you're safe!" He panted in relief hugging me closely to his chest. My eyes moved to Ralph as I pulled away from his embrace and stuttered.

"Ralph! Please! Please save him!" I clutched onto his collar desperately clinging onto his neck.

His hands were shaking as he looked in my eyes cradling my cheek. Fear. It was the first time I saw this emotion in his eyes. "I will save him...just stay behind this. Don't, I repeat, don't try to be superwoman, Schmetterling. She can dodge bullets but you cannot, understand?"

I would've rolled my eyes at his joke. But I could just nod hastily. He looked at me for a moment and then swallowed hard. "I can not lose you again."

He said as my eyes watered, I felt several emotions at once. Fera, anger, despair, sadness. But in between them, there was this feeling that I always pushed at the back of my heart. Lock it so that I could never entertain this sensation.

I took his face in my shaky hands. My lips wobbled as tears ran down my cheeks. "Be alive....for me, please," I said instead. Unsaid words flowed between us. And I knew he understood what I wanted to say.

Killian licked his lips and then nodded. I pulled away from his lap and sat behind the pillar hugging my knees as Killian reloaded his gun and began shooting.

Holding my heart in my hand, I watched with anticipation as he swiftly ducked the bullets and shielded Ralph's body with his. Alexei was behind the pillar next to me, as he looked at us firing at the men giving a cover for Killian and Ralph.

Antonio fired bullets at Ralph and Killian but his aim was not on point. Concerned I was on my toes throughout the moment. Antonio sneaked through the back, leaving Alessandro behind.

Too much for friendship.

Killian helped struggling Ralph behind the couch.

"RUN!" Alexei growled firing two men as their bodies thudded on the ground. More men entered the room. We were outnumbered.

Killian cursed throwing his empty gun at the man knocking his face, and he swiftly grabbed him by the neck smashing his knee into his face. "COVER THEM!" Killian growled at Alexei.

Alexei was about to run to us when I saw Alessandro raising his gun at him. My heart kept and before I knew it, I was running between them, covering Alexei with my body.

Alessandro said smirking. "Ready to die for him?"

He raised his gun, aiming it squarely at me. My heart pounding in my chest as I braced for what was to come. Killian was weaponless and Ralph was in a position to fight him.

But before Alessandro could pull the trigger, a hail of bullets ripped through the air, striking the ground at his feet. Alexei growled. "Not my fucking family!"

Adrenaline rushed through my veins as Killian dragged me by the wrist I looked over my shoulder making sure we were not being followed. The lifts were not working and the only exit was through stairs. But I was sure his men were blocking the stairs too.

We only had one way left now. To face them.

Men followed behind us, and I could hear gunshots. Dozens of men were rushing from the end of the hallways towards us and Killian cursed turning around.

Alexei and Ralph were also on their heels behind us. "Fuck!" Ralph grumbled as more men surrounded us. Killian let go of my hand and took two of the men down. His huge body moved stealthily and furiously. Alexei shot as many as he could while I backed away. Terrorized and in fear, I backed into the wall when I felt a hand moving through my peripheral vision.

A scream tore through my throat as I was pulled back by a hand on my throat, a cold metal against my neck. And everything stilled.


So, who is scared? Or excited? Alexei is super hot when he is fighting. Killian can me down anytime, or in any way. 

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