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Alexei gently rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "I am going to kill every single last one of your blood until you are all alone," he said with an unsettling smile. Disbelief filled me as tears streamed down my cheeks whilst I observed him. I didn't remember ho long was it till he had been taking me by force, my body was exhausted and my limbs were aching.

"Th-then... then why d-don't you j-just kill me?" Tears cascaded down my face, drenching the air with a symphony of sorrow. Alexei's gentle fingers delicately brushed away a lone droplet from my cheek, displaying a touch akin to a tender lullaby. Leaning closer, his velvety voice caressed my ear, releasing words of solace that seemed to dance in harmony with the whispers of the wind.

"...Because I want you to learn." I gasped abruptly as he thrusted deep inside me again. I felt him wrap my thighs around his waist as he buried his face into my neck. He piledrove into my body, fucking me as if he were punishing me. Panting loudly, I violently raked my nails down his firm biceps, drawing blood from the scar tissue that had hardened his skin, and heard him let out an aroused growl.

"Fuck! That's it, Rara!" he growled excitedly into my neck as he roughly slapped my thigh. He grabbed me with both hands and rocked me hips with each possessive thrust. "Make me feel your hatred." Rara knew he was projecting. For there was nothing but pure venom and hatred in the way he claimed my body as he fucked me like he was seeking retribution.

I was panting, eyes rolling back.

The surging waves of pent-up fury and acrimony surged through every fiber of my being, beyond my wildest imagination. In a desperate attempt, I clenched my eyes with all my might, striving to defy the imminent climax that loomed ominously. Yet, resisting the siren call of Alexei's all-consuming presence proved more futile than a gust against a towering mountain. With unwavering determination, he firmly, yet sensuously, seized my chin, capturing my lips in an overwhelming embrace, while his body moved rhythmically, never once faltering in its passionate dance. "You are the only one for me, любовь. I've known it from the moment I saw you in that hallway-trembling and tempting." He pulled out groaning, spilling his seeds inside me. I felt the warm essence dripping down my thighs. Killian's impatient hand grabbed both of my wrists, as he pinned them over my head. My hair stick to my face as I looked fearfully at what they plannned for me.

They were right. I had no family expect my two brothers who thought I was dead. My dead sister's cadaver laying in Alexei's office.

Sister who was ready to kill you.

My subconscious mocked and I shut my eyes. When I opened them, the green forest eyes were looking at me. Every inch of Ralph's ruggedly handsome face seemed to exude a raw intensity that sent shivers down my spine. He carefully tilted his head and traced his hand down my abdomen.

His strong yet gentle touch traced its way through the strands of my hair, a million thoughts raced through my mind. In that moment, I couldn't help but surrender to the overwhelming emotions that pulsed through my veins. It was useless to fight them now. The weight of his body pressing against me created a fiery connection that transcended mere physicality, intertwining our souls in a way that was both exhilarating and terrifying. I didn't knew if it was realistic fear or agonising pain in my chest that had me feeling utterly alone.

His piercing gaze held me captive, as if he could see the depths of my being and understood every unspoken desire that lay within. It was as though time stood still, the world around us fading into insignificance, leaving only the two of us locked in a passionate embrace.

Just like the first time.

Each breath he took sent a rush of warmth cascading over me, awakening a dormant fire within. In that sa moment, I was his. It was a dance between two souls, a game of surrender and submission where his desire and my pain harmonized in perfect unison.

As his fingers delicately caressed my skin, a symphony of sensations erupted within me. I could feel the heat radiating from his touch, electrifying every nerve ending in my body. The intensity of his presence washed over me like a tidal wave, unleashing a tumultuous storm of emotions that left me breathless. "Do you know what that made me?" he whispered.

I blinked up at him, my hands gripping the sheets on either side of me. "I..."

"A pervert. A psychopath no better than that fucking suitor of yours."

My breath seized. "Is that why you killed him?"

"He touched you." His eyes blazed with fury, and his voice echoed with intense anger. "I saw him touch you. All those months, I fought to keep my control, to tell myself that you were mine-but that fucking bastard touched you."

A gentle cascade of salty emotions streamed down my face. "And you killed your family cause you were obsessed with his fiancé?!" Before I could react, Ralph's hand swiftly moved in front of my face, silencing me with his palm. As he bent down, his thumb gently caressed my tear-streaked cheek.

"Exactly." His eyes gleamed in the shadowed interior of the room as a subtle change in his demeanor became apparent as his voice resonated through the room. "I had to do something to prevent that."

His words stunned me all over again, to the point that it took me a second to find my tongue. "You... you did what?-"

"Oh, topolìno, they believed it was them." His sharp-edged smile was illuminated by a sudden flash of lightning. "Specifically, your father was convinced that he was the one responsible... that he was manipulating my family to fulfill his terms," he said, releasing his grip on my hair and using his hand to hold my jaw instead. The booming thunder rattled my heart, and when it subsided, his tender touch provided a stark contrast to his sinister words. "It enraged me to know that you were going to marry my brother instead of me. The other option was to take you away from your family and keep you as my own. Fortunately, I didn't have to resort to that."

"You caught Alexei and Killian's eye first." He completed as Killian chuckled.

Each word he uttered caused my lungs to tighten, leaving me gasping for air with each shallow breath. His eyes held a storm, seemingly draining the air from our surroundings, while the chilling wind seeped through the windows, permeating my body and freezing me from the inside. "And obviosuly, none of us was ready to give you up. That led to the decision of sharing you."

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