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Death. They made me long for death, with the overwhelming darkness and terror I experienced unlike anything before. They were aware of my vulnerability and attacked mercilessly. I was willing to sacrifice anything for her-my little sister.

"Scarlett..." In that tense moment, my heart raced as I locked eyes with her, observing every nuance and flicker of emotion that passed through her terrified gaze. The depth of her fear was unmistakable, betraying the desperate struggle that she was engaged in. I could feel the weight of her vulnerability pressing against my own consciousness, a profound reminder of the power that our connection held in that fragile instance. It was as if time had momentarily stood still, the intensity of her frightened expression etching itself into the fabric of my memory, as though challenging me to fully comprehend the depths of her distress.

"Rara, please! Please, save me!" The sound of her desperation was reverberating through the room, as she unleashed her anguish in the form of exasperated wails that pierced the silence. Each cry seemed to carry with it an incredible amount of pain, echoing the depth of her emotions and the turmoil that consumed her very being. Tears streamed down her face, leaving wet trails that glistened in the dim light, evidence of her suffering and sorrow along with mine.

Her cries grew louder and more intense, reaching beyond the confines of the walls and penetrate the depths of my heart.

My feet grew increasingly numb, almost as if they had been clad in ice. The sensation was paralyzing, inducing any attempt at moving forward futile. No matter how much I willed my body to obey, it seemed as though my feet were firmly rooted to the ground, refusing to budge an inch. The inability to take even a single step onwards became an agonizing frustration, a confounding dilemma that left me feeling ensnared and helpless.

The world around me seemed to fade into a blur, my focus consumed entirely by Scarlett's terrorising eyes. I didn't heard when Killian was stalking towards me, it was only when I was jerked forcefully by a strong arm wrapped around my torso.

"She-" I swallowed against the burning terror in my throat, overwhelming and anxiety-inducing moment, a surge of intense fear coursed through my veins. The searing sensation was undeniable, leaving me with an overwhelming urge to gulp and ameliorate the discomfort.

"No power in this world can hold me back from claiming you, Schmetterling. Running doesn't matter, I will hunt you down no matter what and you know it." Killian's whispered words were more of a harsh whip of reality. I turned my unwavering gaze to him. a whirlwind of emotions swept through me, causing my eyes to well up with tears. The intensity of the moment was almost overwhelming, but amidst the teardrops and the vulnerability, I couldn't help but notice something sinister in his gaze. It was a glimmer of amusement, a spark that danced within the depths of his eyes, contrasting with the raw emotion that pervaded the air.

"P-please, Killian-"

"Now why couldn't you beg me in bed than begging for someone else's life. It makes me jealous, you know." Killian giggled, in that heart-stopping moment, an overwhelming surge of fear coursed through my veins as he tightened his grip on my waist with an unyielding strength that felt as solid as stone. The sheer intensity of his hold sent shivers down my spine, reminding me of the fragility the situation that dangled precariously in his grasp.

"So, do I kill her or what?" He cocked his head to side looking at Ralph who grabbed the paper weight off the table and flipped it in air before catching it effortlessly. I found myself uncontrollably shaking my head in a manner that expressed my overwhelming anxiety. Tears cascaded down my cheeks, descending from weary eyes. I grabbed his calloused tattooed hand over my waist and squeezed it.

"PLEASE! NO!" Scarlett cried louder as the man behind her jerked her by the hairs.

"lieber Himmel, shut the fuck up already!" Killian gronaed. "Scheiße."

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