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In an audacious attempt to solidify the ties of commerce, my father envisioned a union between myself and his nemesis' son. At first glance, Stefan did not possess the same stoic demeanour as his father, but who's to say? Men were notorious for transforming unpredictably, just like the capricious weather. The evening became a haze as I found myself betrothed to a stranger within a single hour, leaving my head pulsating with a throbbing ache. Despite the paralyzing reality of the situation, I resigned myself to the fact that I was powerless to alter my destiny.

Antonio Romano was not a man who would believe in love-and I surmise Stefan emulated him perfectly. Entwining myself with him would merely make me a pawn in his game of reputation. Neither spouse nor offspring would stir a flicker of concern within him. This harsh reality stoked the flames of disillusionment within me.

Over the course of the following five days, my focus was solely on reconciling with the harsh reality. However, my mind was also preoccupied with more than just this.

My tormentors.

An agonizing throb pounded against my temple, stirring up a wave of nausea in the depths of my stomach. It tempted me to retreat into the sanctuary of my bed, cocooned beneath the protective covers, shielding me from the world. Alas, I couldn't surrender to this pain. There was an exhibition to prepare for and downstairs, Stefan engaged in intense conversations with Papa. An exasperated sigh escaped my lips, I just hope I wouldn't run into Killian or Alexei this time.

Flowers and cards on my door have been showing up more often. Killian's words, carefully written, were both unsettling and eerie, giving me chills. I haven't seen either of them since the party, but I remember seeing them having a heated conversation with Antonio as we departed.

With a hesitant gulp, I bravely twist open the container of Excerdin and let the pills slide down my throat. These past few days, they have become my constant companions. Lost in the tangled maze of my thoughts, I mechanically slip into my clothes, coax my hair into tousled waves, and robotically apply makeup. Gradually, the excruciating headache relinquishes its grip, fading into insignificance. Taking a deep breath, I gaze at my reflection in the looking glass, relieved that I now appear decent enough to meet my father's discerning eyes.

When I made my way downstairs, Stefan was already in the living room, and Papa was there with a determined look in his eyes. I seldom go to exhibitions, not because I lack interest, but because I was not allowed to. The women in our household are always kept safe and behind curtains. Seeing all my siblings together was a rare occurrence also, including Scarlett. Each of us had different goals in life, or at least that was what I thought. My younger brother, Ruth, was currently studying marketing and management in Colombia, while my older brother Tobias was learning about business from Papa. Scarlett, being underage, spends very little time at home due to the constant pressures of education.

Here I stood, a delicate puppet under Papa's command. From a tender age, I was sculpted to captivate his powerful associates, a dazzling gem entwined in his lucrative affairs. Yet, once again, I found myself ensnared in this tangle for the sake of his relentless pursuit of wealth and adulation. My father's mind was forever fixated on fortunes and renown, never sparing a thought for his own flesh and blood. Not even for me. For his daughter. My heart clenched. God took away mother's love from me and a father's warmth. I'd always yearn for love, I guess.

As I entered the room, an ethereal grip coiled around my neck, unseen yet undeniable, while Stefan's mesmerizing hazel orbs sparkled with anticipation. A smile illuminated my face as I witnessed his rise gracefully from the couch, his presence captivating. "Hope I didn't make you wait long."

With a demeanour befitting an ideal fiancé, he grasped my hand and pressed a kiss onto my knuckles. However, as he withdrew, a sparkle of amusement shone in his eyes. "It was worth it," he chuckled. His gaze wandered over me before he remarked, "You look stunning, Ms Morris."

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