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I tapped my fingers impatiently on my lap.

The waitress returned, this time she had a shy smile on her lips. Sighing to myself I tried not to look upset all while gulping on my wine. She served the food, bending intentionally to reveal the non-existent breasts she had. Even the way she smiled was creepy. What was so appealing about her even? What if she was tall and skinny, that didn't make her like the—my hands stilled.

Stop it, Rara. What was I so agitated about? What if she was flirting openly without regard for me? How could she do that to a married man? Could she see the ring on his finger? Or she purposely ignored it. 

Averting my eyes I looked down at the food. It looked as delicious as I remembered, even the aroma baffled my nostrils making my stomach growl. Killian chuckled.

"My little butterfly is hungry." Crossing his arms, he regarded me with an amused look. "It's been a while since she ate."

I held back the urge to roll my eyes as the waitress leaned to place the bottle of red wine on the table towering over Killian.

My cheeks flushed. "Stop it." Mumbling under my breath I patted my back for responding to his snarky flirty comments. Guess the wine was doing its job.

His smile turned into a grin. "Talking back already?" Staring at me, his hand slowly moved up to rest on the inner side of my thigh.

I ducked in a sharp breath. "I can already feel the heat—the fuck?!" The wine bottle slipped through her fingers landing on the floor right beside my feet. The glass shattered and the liquid seeped through my heels. Yelping in surprise I quickly pushed the chair back wiping my legs with the tissue before Killian's hand shackled my wrist.

"Well, that's impressive." His smile turned dark. Panic overtook my senses quickly as I looked concerned at the waitress. Her face paled when Ralph stood up with the blade in his hand.


"My hands were twitching, you know."

"Ralph!" I yelped quickly pulling away from Killian and stood in front of her shielding her with my body. Regarding me with a deep scowl, he tilted his head.

Alexei sighed. "Get back on your seats." Ralph's eyes twitched before he followed Alexei's words. Killian looked amused at me as the waitress breathed heavily behind me. "You too." Alexei's deep voice resonated as I swallowed hard.

It took me another moment to make sure none of them would hurt her, before I got back on my seat, still jumpy and scared.

"What're you waiting for, clean the mess," Alexei said without looking at her. His words pinned her to her spot. My breathing quickened. She hesitated for a second before taking timid steps towards me.

All the flirting seemed to leave her, she did not even look at him without shaking.

"Well, aren't you a waste of two billion years of evolution?" Kilian crossed his arms. "Tell me...." His eyes moved to the name tag. "S-A-N-D-Y." He spelled with curious eyes. "What do you say to apologize?"

Sandy remained quiet, simply because she couldn't say anything. I could feel her fear. Ralph just pulled out a blade to slash her, not to mention the murderous look on Killian's face.

My stomach muscles knit into a ball when she trembled.

Killian rolled his eyes. "You better start now, on your knees, lick the—"

"Killian—" I swallowed. "I'm fine..."

He ignored me. "It better be nice and shining. I wouldn't want to ruin this delicious food. You won't like that, would you?"

Sandy looked terrified. Kneeling on her knees, she wiped the wine off my feet. My stomach rolled in uneasiness. A lump of saliva formed in my throat. This. This was why I needed to escape them. They were unpredictable. So were their actions.

I could feel her trembling fingers clutching onto the tissue. When she was down, she looked up from the ground. Tears gathered in her eyes.

"That's a good girl." Killian praised running the sharp knife down the back of her neck.

"I-I am sorry, please forgive...forgive me!" Her pleading cries pierced my chest.

"Should I, Schmetterling?" He said with a sadistic gleam in his eyes. Similar to one he had before taking a life. 

I nodded, the words dying in my mouth. Tilting his head to the side, he tapped his chin as if he was contemplating then with a flick of his finger, he waved Sandy off. I watched in pity as she scrambled off her feet, barely adjusting her clothes and running off like her tail was on fire. Stumbling and knocking her foot on the door. 

Alexei sighed. "Though there was no need to make a scene, I guess I would've done the same." He took a sip. "She was getting on my nerves."

He sweeps his tongue over his lips, eyes locking on mine. "Eat, любовь. Food's getting cold." Determined not to let my misery ruin this perfect opportunity, I gathered my courage.

"Can...Can I use the bathroom first?" My words were stumbling yet I managed to say them. My hands clenched on my lap, and there was a tremble of my hands.

Killian eyed me curiously and then pushed his chair back. Taken by surprise I followed his actions only to panic. I couldn't let him accompany me. He'd know. "Hmm...come."

" don't have to come with me..." I licked my lips. My chest pounded loudly in fear as their eyes scammed me. Intense and terrifying gazed. "Your men are guarding the area, how am I supposed to escape?" Killian took his time reading my actions. Something must have snapped in him as he sat right back and leaned back.

"Go ahead then. Take your time." He offered a smile. Despite his carefree curve of lips, I couldn't ignore the monster behind those pale blue eyes. The square line of his jaw was more pronounced from the way he tilted his head to look at me. And his eyes were sharp like a snake's.

When my eyes averted from him, I took in a deep breath. I could feel their eyes on me the moment I turned around. Even when I took hesitant steps in the door's direction, I waited for any of them to drag me back to the table. But what came as a surprise was—none of them followed me. Not when I turned around the corner, not when I rushed down the hall, not when I found a worker near the end of the hallway.

"Where's Damian Gonzales' office?" Although my hands were shaking and my chest was rising up and down, I managed to ask the waiter calmly. Now and then, I glanced over my shoulder, hoping that none of them would come searching for me. Please, God, give me just a few more minutes. I couldn't bear the thought of letting this opportunity slip away. Who knew how many more lives they'd torment before ending mine?

The waiter looked confused and hesitant taking a step back as if I was a crazy woman. I may have looked like a mad woman with dishevelled hair and irregular breathing. My face must be looking pale and my eyes fearful.

"Visitors are not allowed without appointment—"

"Where the hell is his office?!" I fiercely grabbed him by the collar and shook him, my face awash with cascading tears. Trembles of fear and terror coursed through my every fibre, while the ominous ghost of getting caught lurked in the shadows. How could he possibly understand the complicated web of feelings that raged inside me, forever elusive to his awareness?

Taken off guard his eyes widened and his mouth gasped open. Face flustered with shock and embarrassment.

"It''s down the hall!" He shrieked when my hold tightened on his collar. Pushing him aside I looked down the hall to white distinct doors. The name written was not visible from the distance. But I could make out the faint curves.

Damian Gonzales.


Surprise. Double update.

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