Like a drowning person who just found out that they were trapped under a solid layer of ice and desperately threw themselves about to find the breach before the cold made their heart stop or they ran out of air, Navy thrashed around, flying in one direction before doubts caught up to him and he switched directions again. The boy's mind tried drawing mental maps each time. When he thought he was going back but then reconsidered that he may have indeed gone back and to the left, Navy tried compensating by heading a bit more to the right. However, in the mind-numbing chill of the absolute zero blizzard, his mind was drawing blanks.

The "back" was nowhere to be seen. The "back" was an illusion. Was there ever such a thing as the "back", or did Navy just imagine it? For how long has he been stuck in this blizzard? Ten years? A billion years? Fifty seconds? The truth could have been anywhere in between. Just as Navy realized that not only was he confused in terms of the direction he was going in, but also the altitude as the ground was incoming fast and Navy's body was too frosted and exhausted to shift directions, a tight grip pulled him back by the collar and kept him in the air instead of letting him crash head-first into the room's floor.

Just as suddenly as it had started, the absolute zero blizzard changed into a scorching firestorm as the dimension of the Room of Spirit and Time became muddled with heat mirages and changed color drastically to creamy magma hue. Jets of flames raced across, dancing in arcing formations and igniting firenadoes that raged with deafening roars the likes of which Navy had never experienced. For the first time in his life, Navy felt like he was under a sensory overload. Then, in a blitz, he was back by the palace and flopped on all fours–dropped by his mother, who was the mysterious force that tugged him back and kept him from falling earlier.

"Consider me stuck," Chayote said bitterly before walking off. "Go and get something to eat and drink, recover your strength. When you're ready, we'll start our training for real."

"T-Training!?" Navy scrambled back to his feet and cupped his little fists together, with eyes glinting with tiny stars. "I'm good to train now!"

"Have you learned nothing from this experience just now?" Chayote snapped, breaking out of her meditative trance and turning to Navy with a miffed enough expression to cause her son to stagger back a few steps. "Sometimes, when the adults are telling you something, it's not because they're boring and have nothing better to do–it's because they've been where you are right now and they know better. Go rest!"

Navy's eyes became wide and exaggerated, puppy-like almost as marshmallow-sized tear bubbles undulated in an impressive layer, coating them as the boy sniffed his nose and stiffened his lip. Pressing his knuckles together, as if preparing to defend himself if his mother was to attack him, he walked back to the palace and opened the fridge. Chayote's chest squeezed like a sponge, squirting blood if the hot regret in her gut was to be believed.

"Come on..." Chayote mumbled to herself and closed her eyes to regulate her breathing. "Don't fall for it. You've never hurt him, he's just playing with your emotions. Damn it!"

Chayote gnashed her teeth, realizing how difficult it would be if she were to aim for the advice that Goku handed her out when she entered the Room of Spirit and Time. Mastering the Legendary Super Saiyan form would have required Chayote to master her emotions. Something that would be impossible with that little imp tugging at her strings and teasing her with his suicidally defiant behavior. Mentally returning to her days when she was still training Videl and taking care of Navy when he was a baby back in the Orange Star City, Chayote almost expected a twinging tuck at her hair from Navy getting curious and deciding to rip it out like weeds with all his inhuman strength.

She could currently access the Legendary Super Saiyan form. Not entirely reliably and not entirely on command, like the Super Saiyan form, however... Chayote has learned to simulate an agitated emotional state even when she had no stimulus for it. Even during training, she could have imagined the fate of something infuriating happening and then snapping, convincing herself that these wild fruits of her imagination were as real as the air she breathed. That often sufficed to trigger the transformation, but controlling it was a different matter entirely.

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