An Earthling's Statement

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"K-Krillin!? You mean this power is Krillin's!?" Piccolo hissed in disbelief. "Heh..." Piccolo showed his fangs with a devilish smirk. "Hmph... Cell's going to pay the price for underestimating Earth and its martial artists."

"Alright, back at it, guys!" Goku punched his open hand, addressing the martial artists preparing for whatever Cell had in store for warriors of Earth now that it's embarked on its quest to become the Apex Predator of the entire universe.

"Hmm? But what's even the point of training?" Goten pouted. "That crazy guy's gonna knock Cell flat in no time at all!"

"Even if that is so, we don't train to defeat the opponent that's standing in front of us. We train to grow stronger and then seek the edges of a world of even greater strength," Goku rested on the ground in front of his young son, patting his head of black spiky hair. Like a dog being petted, Goten's round and soft cheeks inflated, and he winced the right eye on the side where his father nuzzled his head. "Training isn't something we only do when times get rough. We keep it up during times of peace too. Training ain't something we do just to stay strong enough to protect the Earth when the time comes either. We merely fight our enemies with the power we've already got after training to improve ourselves and sharpen our skills."

"Let's go, Muten Roshi-sama!" Sharpner turned to the old Turtle Hermit after respectfully listening to Goku's lesson meant for his son, teeming with inspiration to train even harder.

"You've gotten all lively all of a sudden, haven't you?" Muten Roshi stroked his beard before turning to Goku, who resumed training with Chi-Chi and Goten. "My precious student seems to have matured into quite the teacher himself. Even I can't brag about being able to inspire the young to train as hard as he is and yet, despite working harder than anyone I know, Goku can also inspire others to keep up the pace he's set for them with his example. Without Goku's precedent of what it means to be strong, I don't think Krillin could have become anywhere near as powerful either..."

Little by little, training resumed on the God's Temple.


Vegeta turned around, in awe of the soaring battle power that was brimming somewhere far away in the universe. It was in the same galactic quadrant, but just the fact that it reached Planet Kabocha was impressive enough. That was to say nothing of the actual size of the swelling battle power itself. Trunks, powered up and engaging a battalion of browless humanoid Kabochan warriors and felling them rather easily, somehow managed to miss the surge of this incredible battle power.

"Tsk... It's that blasted Earthling!" Vegeta seethed, clenching his fists. "It's not enough that a low-class piece of garbage like Kakarot as well as some hysterical battle-ax of a woman are making a mockery of the Saiyan super-elite warrior class, now even ordinary Earthlings are staking their claim?"

Trunks and the Kabochans alike froze in fear when Vegeta tensed his body and colored himself golden, lashing out with a battle fury that incited a merciless storm of lightning bolts in all directions. To the uninitiated it would have seemed that it was the striking thunderbolts that struck down the resisting Kabochan warriors, when in fact it was Vegeta striking them down in an instant by adapting his strikes and concealing his attacks behind the flash and the stroke of a thunderbolt, making the fact that he had moved from place utterly impossible to perceive.

"Dad!" Trunks objected, powering down and hovering up to his family patriarch with a troubled look. "You took them all out by yourself, I didn't get to break a sweat!"

"Hmph," Vegeta sneered after powering down himself. "We're wasting our time on garbage like this. It doesn't matter how many fruits from the Tree of Might these losers eat, they'll never provide us with an adequate challenge. Let's slow down our quest for the Dragon Balls and focus on training harder. We've already collected three Ultimate Dragon Balls and the Earthlings are looking for them too. Let them put some work in too while we're training."

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