Chapter 27

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Kelli's POV
"We have everything right?" Erin asked for the twentieth time. I nodded and continued to read through the new People magazine. Erin and Stefanie's continued to rush around Erin room, worrying about the homecoming and it was only ten in the morning. I guess no one found out that I snuck into Billy's room, they were all passed out like a bunch of sloths. Billy and Graham went to Texas for a week for god knows and I wanted to meet him. After Billy and I talked for a while I told him I was tired and I should get back downstairs before anyone wakes up. We said our good nights and I got down stairs and fell back to sleep to only be woken up again a hour later by Stefanie and Erin.

I placed the magazine down on Erin's night stand and looked at the two crazies running about.
"You know Billy's back?" I asked. Erin smiled and nodded.
"Yeah before we woke you up he came downstairs and said hi to us then he went back upstairs to sleep." Stefanie chuckled,
"We didn't wake you because we already assumed that you talked to him." I shook my head,
"But I didn't."
"Come on Kel don't lie to us we know you saw him when we were all sleeping." Erin smirked.
"Or were you sleeping?" I laughed, knowing one of them was up when I followed Billy. I rolled off the bed and stretched,
"Well I think its about time I go eat." I said walking out of Erin's room.

In the kitchen all the guys where there, including the two that weren't here before, Billy and Graham.
"Hey Kel!" Robert yelled making everyone flinch from his loudness of his voice.
"Shut up you idiot." Calum hit him.
"Ouchie!" he whined. Billy smiled at me and I smiled back. I grabbed a orange from the little bowl in the middle of the kitchen island and began to peel it.
"Aren't you going to eat Kel?" Billy asked.
"Oh I got a whole lecture about how I shouldn't eat a lot today, because if I do I will be bloated for my dress." I threw the orange peel away and began to eat it. Niall raised his eyebrow,
"Where did you here this from?"
"Er and Stef." I said. They all nodded in understanding the two girls logic. As I continued to eat my orange the boys discus their plans for tonight, Jake and Stefanie are going back to her place since her parents won't be home and we all know what they'll be doing, Robert's leaving to go to Michigan,after homecoming, to visit his aunt for the weekend and apparently he's taking Erin with him, Niall was taking Vanessa and they're probably going to one of the popular kids parties, Graham didn't say anything, Gregg was taking a Junior and Calum was going to homecoming alone.

That's when we heard a loud bang upstairs and then Stefanie yell,
"Kel!" I groaned and looked at the guys, they laughed and nodded to the stairs. I quickly ran up them stopping when I got to Erin's door.
"Are you guys okay?" I asked. The door flung open and I was pulled in, looking at the two pissed off looking girls, I sighed,
"What happened?" Erin raised an eyebrow and put her hands on her hips, "Why didn't you tell us that my brother is taking you to homecoming?" I shrugged and began to bit my nail, but Stefanie pulled my hand away from my mouth,
"I don't know I thought you guess would already know because you talked to him this morning." I said. Erin slapped her forehead,
"No dumbo, my baboon of a brother doesn't like to interact with family and friends a lot." I nodded,
"Sorry girls." I said.
"It's alright but we should start getting ready." Stefanie demanded clapping her hands together and heading over to Erin's vanity where curls where heating up. My eyes widened,
'This early?"
"Yes Kel. I'm going to go down stairs and make sure the guys are going to start getting ready." My mouth fell slightly and I watched as Erin left the room. Guys getting ready this early? Please, they'll probably go home and play video games to one in the afternoon and then decide to go get ready. Stefanie threw me one of Erin's button down tops so I didn't have to slip a top over my head after my hairs done. I sighed and changed, knowing this was going to be a long afternoon.

"Your pulling my damn hair!" Stefanie yelled.
"Sorry miss prissy maybe you should do it then!" Erin yelled back at her. Stefanie's hair was the thick blonde kind, it was really soft but got knotted fast. Erin and I already got our hair done one to three, Stefanie waited to go last because she knew she would take a long time, Erin already spent fifteen minutes just brushing her hair.
"See this is why you shouldn't wear your hair in a bun at night, it turns into one big knot." Erin complained.
"Listen I didn't want my hair down last night." Stefanie threw back at her, and they went back and forth until Erin was done brushing her hair. Erin looked at me and huffed,
"Your lucky your sitting down." She said. I chuckled and continued to play Candy crush on my phone.

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