Chapter 28

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Kelli's POV
The rest of November went by real quickly. Soon it was Thanksgiving and everybody was getting excited to gain another twenty pounds. Billy and I have been getting closer and closer everyday. We got to know each other more, everyday he would pick me up for school along with Erin and Robert. He would drop me back off and stay for awhile so we can just talk. Kirra and Cody have been hitting it off phenomenally and I could tell they are really happy together. She deserved this. Other then that, everything's been going smoothly.

Robert and Erin are 'officially' a couple and I think they've been secretly going out, but Billy was pretty mad, saying he broke the bro code. Jeez men and their codes. But I told him look at how happy Erin and Robert are together. Jake and Stefanie are still going strong, Niall and Vanessa are still talking but I think he's a little to shy to ask her our, Calum is still by himself, and Gregg is with Jules (he introduced me to her a week after homecoming). Graham... well I haven't seen him in awhile but I hope he's okay.

In school it's been pretty good to, but I occasionally got an evil look from Peyton, and a 'please-forgive-me' look from Cameron. Whatever. They didn't bother me anymore.
"Who's ready to get their turkey on?" Robert asked excitedly as Erin, him and I walked out of school and to Billy's Hummer. It was the last day before Thanksgiving break, which was only, tomorrow, Friday, and Monday off, but who cares, it's still a break. Erin grumbled saying she's going to join gym after today.
"Come on Er! It's the holiday season who cares if you gain a extra one or two pounds I'm still going to love you the way you are." Oh Robert and your loud mouth. Erin stopped and looked at him, I think Robert finally realized what he said and looked at her, blushing.
"D-did you just say you loved me?" She asked, blushing also. He took a step closer to her,
"I'm sorry Er-"
"No it's okay! I-I love you too!" She ran to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. I smiled and continued walking to Billy's car.
"Hey there princess, where's the other two?" Billy asked when I reached him. "They just confessed their love for one another." I shrugged opening in the passenger door and hoping in. Billy raised and eyebrow and got in the drivers side.

"Robby loves Er?" He asked. I nodded and put my seat belt on,
"Yep and Er loves Robby." He made a gagging sound and started the car,
"My little sister with one of my best friends ew. It's like incest." I glared over at him,
"It's not incest. It's called love, and they have it, don't ruin it Billy." I said irritated that he can't let the two be happy together. He rolled his eyes and started to pull away.
"Wait aren't you going to wait for them?" I asked.
"Oh I'm not waiting." Billy's expression turned cold as he quickly drove away, I protested that we go back, but the stubborn ass wouldn't budge.
"Billy!" I yelled.
"What?" he snapped. I crossed my arms and gave him the evil eye,
"Go back and get your sister and best friend now." I commanded. He shook his head, turned up the music and sped to my house.
"Well I'll talk to you later then." I said opening the door. An arm reached over and shut it before I could get out.
"Wait." I looked over at him, his hard expression not changing from before and he wouldn't make eye contact with me,
"What Billy?" I snapped. His eyes finally snapped to mine,
"You can't always be a push over with people Kelli."
"I'm not a push over with people Billy. They're my friends and I was looking out for them. You know you always seem to try and ruin other people's happiness. Y-you just can't except the fact that your sister is happy with Robby!" I yelled. He glared at me,
"I don't fucking except it because maybe I don't want her to get hurt! Maybe I don't want to have to deal with another heart break in the damn house!" His voice rose scarring me. "My dad already broke my mom's heart and Erin's but she still try's to think that he's going to come back into our lives! But he's not!" I gulped and shrunk away from him.
"Um I-I have to go." I quickly got out of the car so he couldn't stop me and ran into the house.

Kirra wasn't home from work yet and Cody I assume was still at work too. I ran up to my room and changed into a pair of sweat pants, and a white t-shirt. I jumped into my warm puffy sheets and face planted. Billy you make me want to pull my hair out.

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